Class summaries!

Honestly, there's no need for hyperbole. Please see my edit correcting your grossly over-reaching commentary.

Yep hunts can 1v1 everything in this bracket. No class can ever kill a hunt and the best hunt in this bracket can kill every other f2p in the world and is god. Some people are (fixed) stupid when it comes to this subject xD good thread none the less OP
Frost mages are really good against 24 shadows. I actively seek them out. I doubt I'd ever win 1v1 against a decent one but we can hold our own. Counterspell the Mind Blast, DPS, triple sheep their next MB cast, blink through their 4th attempt, counterspell again. Blink to range if you are out of CC. Try and get them low enough and burn both your shatters. PoM a 2nd Frostbolt on the shatter for dat 720 hit.
At this moment, I am playing my Feral Druid as support class. Which is turned fun to play (for my own taste).

Peeppee @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

With the right amount of Agility and Spell Power, it's a great class/spec as support. I always cast "Revuj" on my teammates and paint enemies with "Moonfire" (mainly stealth classes). When I run out of mana, I use "Shadowmeld" to stealth when I am in combat or "Prowl" when I am not: 3secs stealth I get all my mana back. In the same time, I can plan a 1st attack on an enemy in stealth-mode: "Rake" + "Mangle" and run away by healing everyone with "Revuj" until I get out of mana and stealth again. On the next attack on enemy, because I didnt spend my combo points yet, before launching an attack I cast "Savage Roar" then spending all my combo points with "Rake" + 3x "Mangle" + "Tiger's Fury" + "Ferocious Bite" or "RIP". If the target doesn't die after that, I use "Rake" on him and run away by casting "Revuj" on all my teammates until oom. My key is, each time I run away from a fight, I want to get 1 or 2 combo points left unused. So, the next fight, I will have always "Savage Roar" on. As FC, with a highier spellpower, my "Revuj" is more powerfull than an agility stack Feral Druid: better survivability when it's time to run trough mid alone.
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lil I don't think you understand just how retarded hunters are. To understand that you must play other classes (aside from rogue or druid ofcoruse). I wont go into detail but hunters literally ruin pvp in every bracket...rogues too but mostly hutners

but its not just at that level its at any level hunters and rogues are like a disease to this game

Warrior these days in level brackets makes me autistic, Prot just makes me erupt with anger in levelling bg´s. But yeah, its funny how Hunter got a 20% total attack power boost on Aspect of the Hawk alone through the expansion and they were arguably the best class at 90. Hunters sorely need to be reviewed. While their damage isn´t really high, the fire on the move makes it nearly impossible to get them without losing alot of HP and CD´s beforehand.

Yep hunts can 1v1 everything in this bracket. No class can ever kill a hunt and the best hunt in this bracket can kill every other f2p in the world and is god.

Well, you are right and honest for once. Congratulations are in order.
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Warrior these days in level brackets makes me autistic, Prot just makes me erupt with anger in levelling bg´s. But yeah, its funny how Hunter got a 20% total attack power boost on Aspect of the Hawk alone through the expansion and they were arguably the best class at 90. Hunters sorely need to be reviewed. While their damage isn´t really high, the fire on the move makes it nearly impossible to get them without losing alot of HP and CD´s beforehand.

Well, you are right and honest for once. Congratulations are in order.

20%? get updated it was 25% and now its 35% i get 105AP from Aspect of Hawk outside bg.
Warrior these days in level brackets makes me autistic, Prot just makes me erupt with anger in levelling bg´s. But yeah, its funny how Hunter got a 20% total attack power boost on Aspect of the Hawk alone through the expansion and they were arguably the best class at 90. Hunters sorely need to be reviewed. While their damage isn´t really high, the fire on the move makes it nearly impossible to get them without losing alot of HP and CD´s beforehand.

Well, you are right and honest for once. Congratulations are in order.

I feel you im in the same boat as you are like if they could just ban hunters from low level pvp all together in this game . Rogues too
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Yep hunts can 1v1 everything in this bracket. No class can ever kill a hunt and the best hunt in this bracket can kill every other f2p in the world and is god. Some people are so stupid when it comes to this subject xD good thread none the less OP

In all honesty I would be surprised if Biggie on a geared hunt could in fact solo every other f2p.

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