Can Waw Tawent keep us?

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Warcraftnick said:
*Throws a pokeball at Swagasaur*...

If you don't spam click A enough I'm going to get away!
Swagasaur said:

1. Djpohlmoney @ Blackrock - Game - World of Warcraft 2550 3v3

2. During 80 and 70 expansions, twink brackets were balanced and not dramatically infested with BOA levelers and abilities that are very OP for the given level bracket. Also, After recieving gladiator in S3 on a BM hunter in moonstate/hunter cleave as a clicker, arena was less than a true show of skill., Bloodlegion down twice last season, 3-0'ing adept, other teams full of R1 glads.

4. Who are you again?

5. Rank 29 in US

6. Im like the lil wayne of wow

7. refer to #4

8. Djpohlmoney 91% W/L

1.What comp did you run

2.Yeah, but bc>cata>wrath for end game pvp, every season had laughable comps, bm hunters were insane for awhile. There are currently 2700 dk/rshams that click


4.I'm master angler reflexes #1 world

5.Rank 1 twink

6. So you're terrible and only loved by sixteen year olds who are unaware of what good rap/music in general is

7.Still the best

8. Reflexes
Reflexes said:
1.What comp did you run

2.Yeah, but bc>cata>wrath for end game pvp, every season had laughable comps, bm hunters were insane for awhile. There are currently 2700 dk/rshams that click


4.I'm master angler reflexes #1 world

5.Rank 1 twink

6. So you're terrible and only loved by sixteen year olds who are unaware of what good rap/music in general is

7.Still the best

8. Reflexes

1. Shatterplay in S9, ya not a melee cleave l0l

2. Cata#1 u idiote

3.R1 Gladiators

4. ?????????


6.Im like the 50cent of business

7. #5

8. Takea
Swagasaur said:

1. Djpohlmoney @ Blackrock - Game - World of Warcraft 2550 3v3

2. During 80 and 70 expansions, twink brackets were balanced and not dramatically infested with BOA levelers and abilities that are very OP for the given level bracket. Also, After recieving gladiator in S3 on a BM hunter in moonstate/hunter cleave as a clicker, arena was less than a true show of skill., Bloodlegion down twice last season, 3-0'ing adept, other teams full of R1 glads.

4. Who are you again?

5. Rank 29 in US

6. Im like the lil wayne of wow

7. refer to #4

8. Djpohlmoney 91% W/L

You've made your point. Let me ask you a question. If a level 85 team that is ranked higher (say Rank 20-28 US) than your lvl 85 team made lvl 39 twinks do you think they could beat your lvl 39 twink team?
Grabco said:
You've made your point. Let me ask you a question. If a level 85 team that is ranked higher (say Rank 20-28 US) than your lvl 85 team made lvl 39 twinks do you think they could beat your lvl 39 twink team?

Depends, do they also have 5 years of twink experience under their belt like I do? Because if so, yes.
Swagasaur said:
Depends, do they also have 5 years of twink experience under their belt like I do? Because if so, yes.

lets say they have 5 years of twink experience in the 19 bracket, but ranked higher than you in the 85 bracket. (based on your theory of end game skill = twink skill) you would say your team would lose.

Awesome said:
What is this doing in the 15-19 bracket anyways?

And excuse me if this should have been obvious, but how does it relate to Waw Tawent?

This is the reason the thread errupted, he is trying to compare skill at lvl 85 to skill at lvl 19 (aka beating Waw Tawent). Each bracket the strategies will be different. I think they could give Waw Tawent a good game but I don't think team skill and tactics in a higher bracket automatically means a win in a lower bracket
Grabco said:
lets say they have 5 years of twink experience in the 19 bracket, but ranked higher than you in the 85 bracket. (based on your theory of end game skill = twink skill) you would say your team would lose.

This is the reason the thread errupted, he is trying to compare skill at lvl 85 to skill at lvl 19 (aka beating Waw Tawent).

if so, yes??????????????
augiddin said:
if so, yes??????????????

I don't know i'm confused now we keep talking about 85 bracket skill, 39 bracket skill, and 19 bracket skill with varying level of twink experience. I'm done. good luck with your premades
Swagasaur said:
1. Shatterplay in S9, ya not a melee cleave l0l

2. Cata#1 u idiote

3.R1 Gladiators

4. ?????????


6.Im like the 50cent of business

7. #5

8. Takea


2.cata is nothing compared to bc, sorry

3. rbg've been shot and r terrible

Reflexes said:

2.cata is nothing compared to bc, sorry

3. rbg've been shot and r terrible


Im upset!!!
Grabco said:
I don't know i'm confused now we keep talking about 85 bracket skill, 39 bracket skill, and 19 bracket skill with varying level of twink experience. I'm done. good luck with your premades

sorry we will call you back when we need something computed
Reflexes said:
Yeah, now...Because 19s r all burst

But there have been plenty of big bad end gamers who couldn't even halfway compete even w/ multi glads in their guilds. But I mean, yeah...Now 19s r trash

name one guild buddy
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