Can Waw Tawent keep us?

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dakoduh77 said:
Cockiest more ghetto guild in the world! Woooo...

You know that feeling you get when you're the only white kid in a room... yeah i get that when i get teams with them....

damn kid the world is gonna eat you alive.
Yea just make sure u don't read dakoduh's posts, they may turn you clueless.
you nerds pop AGM like it's on a minute cooldown anyways. Never once have I seen good use of AGM
Everything, your trolling attempts are terrible so play more WSG's instead of sitting here failing at what you do.
Goma said:
whats that got to do with anything bud

Yeah seriously goma it was heaven when you were banned. You fail to troll threads causing them to get closed for pointless responses.

Id love a perma bann please.
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