Can Waw Tawent keep us?

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Grabco said:
Jumps aren't allowed in premades?

It would be to pizza's disadvantage seeing as the best jumps are alliance side. However, if he would like to change that Im sure he will read this and can talk to me about it.
Geekdup said:
Ya dude, my bad. Your gonna like pwn hard.

Thanks man, I feel much better having your support :)
hey man, congrats on your wins vs. reckful. i know how stressful it can be facing a "named" opponent.

the only thing i'd like to add to this discussion is that being competitive at 85 translates to 19 mostly in the way that the 19 bracket is more of a show of familiarity and comfort with the game engine. the limited CC options and burst options makes coordination/placement/character control more important, and if one is good enough to compete with the best at 85 then it is assumed they would have the skills to compete at 19.

i look forward to premade games i am able to participate in.
Hustlin said:
One thing you need to consider is the amount of premade game time and time playing as a team 19s actually get in a competitive games and environment vs. 85 RBGs (premades in 39s and 70s for that matter) which in fact is very little in comparison. When was the last time Dodge Tawent had a competitive premade or a premade in general? Over a year? Close to two? Until recently how often were their 5 man groups quing against pugs put to the test or three capped on?

At 85 RBGs competitive games happen multiple times every night that allows players to learn to adapt to playing against other good players in a much larger community vs. say the current state of games at 19 which 90+% of them are face rolls in pug games. The variety of challenge is much greater at 85, we are talking about player numbers in the tens of thousands and decent RBG teams in the hundreds vs. a 19 community comprised of maybe two or three competitive premading teams, if that? Even in 5v5s in 19 pugs against other guilds doesn't come close to the experience you get doing RBGs at 85. Unless you've done both, which a number of us players on this forum have, it maybe hard to see the perspective if all you have done and will continue to do is only 19s. Perhaps you are just seeing it through the eyes of what you have always seen only at 19, but ask your friends that have also done 85 RBGs competitively and you will hear a different view on 19s and how things in this bracket have gone on in the last couple years and what competition really means.

This is a good point.
augiddin said:
More variables at 85s means more thinking required if u can make an effective strat for 85 you can do it at 19.

Yeah, now...Because 19s r all burst

But there have been plenty of big bad end gamers who couldn't even halfway compete even w/ multi glads in their guilds. But I mean, yeah...Now 19s r trash
Swagasaur said:
You presented the point that 19 FC experience lends WT an advantage. I then mention that our FC has an equal amount if not more experience in premade scenarios in a bracket with a higher skill cap. If you point was that you are all more aware of the Wsg jumps, first you would be incorrect to assume that, secondly, the jumps arent allowed in premades.

All cleared up?

No jumps allowed, r u bad?

Also, 19 fcing is completely different than-nope nvm you proly just stand in the same area with a resto sha-...priest or some shit and wait to see who uses their coold-...explosive shot more skillfully on the EFC.


Yeah, the drooling masses of 85 players could prolly do very well in this brAckET NVm carry on.
Reflexes said:
Yeah, now...Because 19s r all burst

But there have been plenty of big bad end gamers who couldn't even halfway compete even w/ multi glads in their guilds. But I mean, yeah...Now 19s r trash

Here's the thing big guy, Im not a big bad endgame gamer. Im a twink through and through. And gladiator means nothing in warsong gulch, however, 91% W/L in rated BGs against teams that you couldn't hope to compete against does.
Swagasaur said:
Here's the thing big guy, Im not a big bad endgame gamer. Im a twink through and through. And gladiator means nothing in warsong gulch, however, 91% W/L in rated BGs against teams that you couldn't hope to compete against does.

I can compete with anyone, I'm the greatest thing to ever live.

also rbgs r srs.
Reflexes said:
No jumps allowed, r u bad?

Also, 19 fcing is completely different than-nope nvm you proly just stand in the same area with a resto sha-...priest or some shit and wait to see who uses their coold-...explosive shot more skillfully on the EFC.


Yeah, the drooling masses of 85 players could prolly do very well in this brAckET NVm carry on.

"It would be to pizza's disadvantage seeing as the best jumps are alliance side. However, if he would like to change that Im sure he will read this and can talk to me about it."

^first post on page

The alliance GY jump is gone, the horde GY jump is gone, the wagon is gone, when rated BGs were introduced blizzard jumped on them like a fat kid on cake.

Thanks for the fuel :)
Reflexes said:
I can compete with anyone, I'm the greatest thing to ever live.

also rbgs r srs.

This game is serious.
Turdel said:
You also play a hunter in the 19 bwacket.

Your mother. My bathroom. Her knees. For pennies.
Reflexes said:
This LIFE is serious.

If you were as committed as someone like neo you wouldn't let such a simple nullification post stop you from your trolling duties.
Reflexes said:
Who said I ever stopped? ;)

You may not have stopped but you certainly lost a lot of your forward momentum.
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