I disagree. Not everyone will be good at this or playing video games in general. You cant blame hunters for wanting to have a better experience and i should also mention that its not anyone else's fault for choosing a less capable class. You learn this after a few wsg you either accept it and continue playing a less op class and learn to play with that class or change to another class that best suites you and play style (or third you qq about it). I like how this bracket is and would surely like it to be better. I find that playing horde brings a challenge which gives me a chance to get better at my class and without a challenge i would quickly lose interest. I like when playing at your best you can make or break a game. I think this bracket will stay how it is or get better. You must also find something that keeps you playing this game else why would you even be in this forum and this thread.
What will this game and bracket be infected off? bad players. Such talk is very elitist and of poor character. Nothing stopping anyone from rolling a hunter only you and your opinion. I find it that if you do not enjoy the game its because of you. If you find yourself with players that don't stick to the objective maybe you should tell them what to do and step up and lead your team. Maybe give some new players some pointers on how to get better.
If only it were that simple, you cannot change a game full of idiots simply by playing your best. That is not to say one player's extra skill and knowledge cannot push the game over the edge to the other side. You say that maybe one should step up and direct them. How do you direct people who die in a global and don't know what a chat box is? This bracket is terrible. If you say otherwise you're delusional. The only reason I'm still here is the people. When the last of my friends have gone, you won't find me here alone.