Bracket Dying?

This bracket will never die ... Worst case scenario : longer queue times and I think we will be restricted to level 20 in MoP too... and beyond.
Blizz want people to pay for the game, not have so much fun playing F2P 20s that they never pay for it. At some point they may drop the subscription based model, or at least allow free accounts to pay for various services, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Bliiz move very slowly, and a decision has been made, for better or worse, and they're unlikely to change it. Also, free accounts are pretty low on their list of priorities. Right now they're focusing on pandas, and trying not to bore people to the point of stopping their subscription until the pandas come.
I've only just started playing f2p in the past couple weeks so I can't comment too much. The paladin in my sig did a few games the other night and honestly we had pretty diverse lineups. I remember we had a resto druid that would heal me on D when I had the flag, we had a couple mages helping control things in mid, a couple rogues going for the EFC, and 0-1 hunters in every game. We may have had a few terribly geared 24s but so did horde.

I did run into what looked like a realid premade a couple games in a row so I quit playing and hopped on my AP horde shaman to gear up some more. Did some quests and ran a few dungeons and got some more gear/rep towards getting finished. I have fun either way until games turn into the inevitable spawn camp me for 25 minutes crap. I have thought about resubbing my p2p account but I don't have any desire to play this game outside of twink pvp so i won't.

Even on my shaman I did a couple games with people from AP horde because I'm not quite geared and needed a little bit of honor for my trinkets and games were fun. I think we did have a game where there might have only been 1 level 24 on both sides so it was fairly even. I've never played resto shaman before in pvp so it was a fun and new experience even though I wasn't quite good at it, despite the multitude of hunters and hunter pets on me at certain points. I think if games are ever not fun I'll just log off and do something else. I'm not paying $15 a month so I don't feel forced to stay on and tough it out for the sake of feeling like I got my money's worth. There are plenty of other things I can either do in game or in real life that are fun if games become unfun for a while.
basically all of the good players have quit this game. i doubt i could even get any good arena games at 19, 29, 39, etc any more than i could get any in this bracket. in fact, i'm pretty sure the best remaining twink players in WoW are *all* in this bracket. everyone else is just noobs
basically all of the good players have quit this game. i doubt i could even get any good arena games at 19, 29, 39, etc any more than i could get any in this bracket. in fact, i'm pretty sure the best remaining twink players in WoW are *all* in this bracket. everyone else is just noobs

the level 19 bracket is still going im pretty sure, but it's filled with "skilled noobs" who are all in heirlooms.
19s 70s and 85s are active, as well as 20-24. The others aren't active enough to get regular games, so people stop playing, which just makes the problem worse. This bracket is in no real danger of dying any time soon. Of course if Blizz does remove trials from 20-24 XP off then 24s cease to exist.
I don't like to see a threat named " Bracket Dying ? " at top of list in F2P Twinking section... all time.. Let's see the glass half full ...
The only thing dying is horde to my exospam.


No - I do not think the bracket is in any danger. I am sure this weekend WSG will be hoppin' and pop-lockin'.

People will come and go. Stay fluid. Drink fluids, etc, e.g., & ad nauseam.
Pandas will stop exo spamming. It's getting a 20 second CD. This is a good thing. Exo spamming is cheap, stupid, and a waste of mana.
Farming kills or farming in general you find that out right quick. However it has it's place at the table of bursty goodness and is not to be discounted.
basically all of the good players have quit this game. i doubt i could even get any good arena games at 19, 29, 39, etc any more than i could get any in this bracket. in fact, i'm pretty sure the best remaining twink players in WoW are *all* in this bracket. everyone else is just noobs
I know a few that have moved on to LoL/DotA2, dunno if you've tried mobas out but there's good competitive play to be had

Prit much WSG is a big cesspool of bad players, and it's going to get worse because it's a frustrating bracket for anyone not on a faceroll class. The experiences aren't redeeming enough for all the dragging WSGs and nonobjective play

The bracket won't die, it will just become more and more infected
I know a few that have moved on to LoL/DotA2, dunno if you've tried mobas out but there's good competitive play to be had

Prit much WSG is a big cesspool of bad players, and it's going to get worse because it's a frustrating bracket for anyone not on a faceroll class. The experiences aren't redeeming enough for all the dragging WSGs and nonobjective play

The bracket won't die, it will just become more and more infected

i am a serious dota player, but lately i haven't even had time to game much and when i do, "moba" games like dota take like a good 45 minutes each, at least, and i honestly just don't have time for that. when i've had time to game i've been mostly playing blitz chess on the internet because games only take ~5 minutes so it's flexible and you can fit in games during a break anytime
and i agree with "The bracket won't die, it will just become more and more infected" completely, that's a very good description of what will happen to the f2p bracket and the remnants of WoW in general
Man don't even joke about that. My last bg (before I ragelogged,) consisted of two 24's our side, and all but one hunter had decent gear, their team was 6 paladin, 2 rogue, a priest, and a hunter. Both of the 24's afk'd before the first flag cap (one died to exo spam, the other got solod by a 23 rogue (prot pal with 2.8k self buffed.)) After they left, at least 5 of the A pallys decided to stay clustered and just exospam EVERYONE they saw. Not one of them was holy. They won 1-1 with last cap because nobody could get into their flag room without getting 5-6 exorcism's on them every couple of seconds. I leave that one and my AB pops. What do I enter into? 5 pallys (one holy) and a warrior are farming our gy, you'll never guess what they're doing. Yes, exospamming! They won that one 1600-90, I got in there at 1450-80, and died 3 times.

Back on topic; this bracket is fine. There are good players, bad players, and more bad players. Hell, I'm probably still considered one of the bad players. As long as the f2p version of WoW has a level cap of 20, this bracket will live. Everyone that plays f2p right now could get a subscription and level out, and in a week there would be bgs popping every few minutes. I see new names on my friend's list every day. Do they always know what keybind is? No. Do they know how to focus a healer? Hell no. Even some of the decent players on AP still don't do that. But there will always be bgs popping here. Okay I am rambling. Yes I am mad. Why? Read my first paragraph. :mad:
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Man don't even joke about that. My last bg (before I ragelogged,) consisted of two 24's our side, and all but one hunter had decent gear, their team was 6 paladin, 2 rogue, a priest, and a hunter. Both of the 24's afk'd before the first flag cap (one died to exo spam, the other got solod by a 23 rogue (prot pal with 2.8k self buffed.)) After they left, at least 5 of the A pallys decided to stay clustered and just exospam EVERYONE they saw. Not one of them was holy. They won 1-1 with last cap because nobody could get into their flag room without getting 5-6 exorcism's on them every couple of seconds. I leave that one and my AB pops. What do I enter into? 5 pallys (one holy) and a warrior are farming our gy, you'll never guess what they're doing. Yes, exospamming! They won that one 1600-90, I got in there at 1450-80, and died 3 times.

Back on topic; this bracket is fine. There are good players, bad players, and more bad players. Hell, I'm probably still considered one of the bad players. As long as the f2p version of WoW has a level cap of 20, this bracket will live. Everyone that plays f2p right now could get a subscription and level out, and in a week there would be bgs popping every few minutes. I see new names on my friend's list every day. Do they always know what keybind is? No. Do they know how to focus a healer? Hell no. Even some of the decent players on AP still don't do that. But there will always be bgs popping here. Okay I am rambling. Yes I am mad. Why? Read my first paragraph. :mad:

It's ok Cruel. I'll be there to heal you. Well maybe if people can keep DPS off me!
(dont worry, your a good player contrary to what every says about how everyone sucks these days)
I know a few that have moved on to LoL/DotA2, dunno if you've tried mobas out but there's good competitive play to be had

Prit much WSG is a big cesspool of bad players, and it's going to get worse because it's a frustrating bracket for anyone not on a faceroll class. The experiences aren't redeeming enough for all the dragging WSGs and nonobjective play

The bracket won't die, it will just become more and more infected

I disagree. Not everyone will be good at this or playing video games in general. You cant blame hunters for wanting to have a better experience and i should also mention that its not anyone else's fault for choosing a less capable class. You learn this after a few wsg you either accept it and continue playing a less op class and learn to play with that class or change to another class that best suites you and play style (or third you qq about it). I like how this bracket is and would surely like it to be better. I find that playing horde brings a challenge which gives me a chance to get better at my class and without a challenge i would quickly lose interest. I like when playing at your best you can make or break a game. I think this bracket will stay how it is or get better. You must also find something that keeps you playing this game else why would you even be in this forum and this thread.

What will this game and bracket be infected off? bad players. Such talk is very elitist and of poor character. Nothing stopping anyone from rolling a hunter only you and your opinion. I find it that if you do not enjoy the game its because of you. If you find yourself with players that don't stick to the objective maybe you should tell them what to do and step up and lead your team. Maybe give some new players some pointers on how to get better.

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