bracket balance

Its better because we have the base resil buff, and gear scaling. But still no where near balanced. Which is why we see teams of 5-7+ healers horde side almost every wsg. I know we have a "role" system, but people still cheese it. You people whining about hunters are silly. They are no where near as OP as they were back in cata.
there are no healers. everybody respecced after nerf.. there is no role system. you can get 10 healers queued ss healers. it doesnt cap or anything.
Lets not forget the Russians who also CRZ and can join English realms, but we can't enter theirs.

we can. but its a very complicated proccess.
think it was [MENTION=1559]medo[/MENTION] for that x-fered to russian realms to buy Gloomshroud Armor.
By design this bracket is imbalanced... have and ave nots with F2P and P2P... not to mention the class imbalance which is more prevalent in lower brackets than in higher ones.
Stout P2P player here.

Need lvl 24 for Shadowform, my argument of F2P < P2P is settled right there - played Spriest PVP since Arena's arrived in WoW. Call me whatever you want - but I want an active bracket where I don't have to keep having a carrot stick put in front of me to keep getting gear over and over and over again...after 7 years of raiding (from Molten Core to Heroic Spine) I called it quits for raiding and began eating lvl 20 alliance for lunch.

If any F2P player thinks that Blizzard is going to develop balance around F2P 20's they are crazy. Why would Blizzard give a care about someone who pays them $0.
we can. but its a very complicated proccess.
think it was medo for that x-fered to russian realms to buy Gloomshroud Armor.

not really complicated, only need to download the language pack!

russian clients cant enter EN realms without an other language pack, they have battletag friends on EN or they use qQueue!
qQueue is only useable for p2ps!
reason why they do it is that they dont have all day pops like EN, same reason why you ll see my rogue sometimes in EN ABs

communication is a great problem in english US / EU 20-24 bracket,
50% in a random AB dont know what "farm, BS, LM, GM" means!
Its better because we have the base resil buff

Frankly resil was a horribad idea to start with.

Blizz: Hmmm... Let's give pvp'ers a stat that literally fucks the system over, making armor pretty much useless!

Casters had spells, unmitigated by armor, but they were squishy. Melee had armor, which helped against other melee, so they should go for the casters first, who they had little to no defense against. THEN BLIZZARD BROKE THE SYSTEM. If you argue that the system was in the caster's favor, let me remind you about rogues, without resilience. That is all.
there are no healers. everybody respecced after nerf.. there is no role system. you can get 10 healers queued ss healers. it doesnt cap or anything.

The system is broken still then. And that may be the case in the EU but here in the US we still have a metric fuck ton of horde hpals, loldruids as well as priests and fotm ele shammys. Granted ele healing isnt OP, but it is strong in comparison.

Frankly resil was a horribad idea to start with.

Blizz: Hmmm... Let's give pvp'ers a stat that literally fucks the system over, making armor pretty much useless!

Casters had spells, unmitigated by armor, but they were squishy. Melee had armor, which helped against other melee, so they should go for the casters first, who they had little to no defense against. THEN BLIZZARD BROKE THE SYSTEM. If you argue that the system was in the caster's favor, let me remind you about rogues, without resilience. That is all.

If i had to hazard a guess as to why blizzard added resilience back in TBC, i would guess it was to give pvpers gear to work towards. Raiding/dungeons provided their own kinds of gear. And gear is pretty much the entire reason people play wow. Anyhow, i'd like to think that we've gotten passed that issue since it was 6 or so years ago. Most of the burst went out of the bracket at the start of mop, and it feels like its slowly ramping back up, in spite of the base resil buff.
Most of the burst went out of the bracket at the start of mop, and it feels like its slowly ramping back up, in spite of the base resil buff.

Burst went out? Besides 5.0.4 shockadins, Ferocious Bite still crit(s) 1k+ no matter if feral or not. Ambush crits for 700s easy on cloth, same for Eviscerate. 10% more ranged AP and buffs to Steady Shot and Explosive Shot paired with the removal of Intimidation were all it took to make hunters go SV and over the top again. They can put out 600 damage pure burst per second if Arcane Shot crits (~300 Arcane Shot crits, ~150 Auto Shot crits, 100 pet dps - non-crit, 200 Serpent Sting crit ticks, 150+ ES crit ticks), there's no outhealing that 1v1, no matter how 'strong' you think healing or hybrid's offhealing is.

Bracket 'balance' = 7/10 cyclopse (not just hunters for that matter) per game, vs 4 horde healers, 2 hunters, 2 Elemental shamans and 2 Prot paladins. That's how games look like at the moment for the most part.
It is TRUELY soo funny reading the QQ and posts on this forum.. Just reading.. Not arguing bk.I bet those lurkers out there gets LOTS of laughs.. This thread has been full of them for me atleast :) bracket wont be balanced as long as there is 24s and that's true however that doesn't mean it isn't more balanced then ever (or was). Besides the frequent AP or 24 horde failmades the AVG pug is very balanced as well as class balance tbh. To bad 5.4 will probably ruin everything 5.3 brought
Burst went out? Besides 5.0.4 shockadins, Ferocious Bite still crit(s) 1k+ no matter if feral or not. Ambush crits for 700s easy on cloth, same for Eviscerate.

Which is how it was during cata, apart from the lolhpals. Which were nerfed. Except you know, everyone had lower hp, lower stats, lower armor, and very little resil.

10% more ranged AP and buffs to Steady Shot and Explosive Shot paired with the removal of Intimidation were all it took to make hunters go SV and over the top again. They can put out 600 damage pure burst per second if Arcane Shot crits (~300 Arcane Shot crits, ~150 Auto Shot crits, 100 pet dps - non-crit, 200 Serpent Sting crit ticks, 150+ ES crit ticks),

Right, which is what i meant by

feels like its slowly ramping back up, in spite of the base resil buff.

there's no outhealing that 1v1, no matter how 'strong' you think healing or hybrid's offhealing is.

People did it in cata, with less everything. I'm more than confident they'll be able to handle it this expansion.

Bracket 'balance' = 7/10 cyclopse (not just hunters for that matter) per game, vs 4 horde healers, 2 hunters, 2 Elemental shamans and 2 Prot paladins. That's how games look like at the moment for the most part.

You mean 5 hpals, and 5 restos? Pretty sure we both know that horde comps on u.s. servers typically have 5-7+ healers per wsg. Really though, this is nothing new. It was the same way in cata. Which is fine. I just wish blizzard would give an eyepatch too the horde players so i wouldnt have to see the pissing and moaning about gear imbalances in every thread.
Alliance players point at all your healers. Horde players point at our eyepatch, and here we are, again.(which is nowhere)
Pretty sure we both know that horde comps on u.s. servers

I don't play on US so I don't know and idc either, really.

A few cata facts about rogues: Ambush crit 700 on 700hp mages in whites, with zerker and fully geared, now it does without anything attached, just find your next target and get a crit, same for Eviscerate.

Ferocious Bite rarely crit anything higher than 800 on a fully geared Feral druid.

Cata hunters had 300 ES ticks and 300 Auto Shot crits as well as Arcane Shot. Now their burst comes from all the things I listed and it will get even higher.

I wanted to say that burst isn't 'slowly' ramping up, it's been there for the whole expansion, only less noticeable. Have you seen Bend's Balance druid videos? The Fire mage videos from Nevmind? That's all insane burst that's been happening since 5.0.4.

There were 2 classes that could outlast a hunter 1v1 in cata (if he didn't use his brain and had no gear), Disc priests and Holy paladins, nothing else. I'm barely able to handle it on my oh-so-overpowered Elemental shaman (I heal for 350 Surges without looms but with 44SP food, which basically means I heal for 1 Arcane Shot crit, see what I mean?). Same for the people I play with, I see them regularly dying to a no-brain hunter because he outdpses healers.
Example: I was in a BG a couple of days ago. Aggramar-EU premade with a BiS Resto druid, BiS Prot warrior and me (Elemental shaman), we lost with 10 vs 7 people 1-1 because the ally team had 3 hunters and a 24 Spriest, later on 2 more hunters and a Disc priest joined. There's no outhealing that, even for BiS teams.

Again, no clue how the 'average' team on US looks like. But I stated how it looks like on EU at the moment.

As for [MENTION=14218]Lil[/MENTION]: at least you're getting your entertainment somewhere, right? :)
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There were 2 classes that could outlast a hunter 1v1 in cata (if he didn't use his brain and had no gear), Disc priests and Holy paladins, nothing else. I'm barely able to handle it on my oh-so-overpowered Elemental shaman (I heal for 350 Surges without looms but with 44SP food, which basically means I heal for 1 Arcane Shot crit, see what I mean?). Same for the people I play with, I see them regularly dying to a no-brain hunter because he outdpses healers.

Amgad! Where do you get that 44SP food and hao? :p
midsummer food. buy from vendor in any capital. can also get 20 hit/dodge or 30 haste. and few other buffs that are also midsummer but different ways. and yes u can stack em.
5 flowers for exceprt 44 sp which u can buy a cooking set with 25 smorcs for 5 flowers

If you mean pugs are balanced by like 4 to 7 Hunters on each side in WSG, yeah then that´s balanced in your opinion i guess. But the class balance is more of a flaw by Blizzard´s part anyway. Why the heck does ranged dps need a ton of panic buttons while they are attacking from a long distance anyway...? Its their fault for getting in melee range, right? Damn right it is.

And i still wonder why healers still get dps spells. If you want to dps, you just roll a dps spec and simple as that. I don't care for the stupid niches they might need. Even at 90 this is a huge problem. Hybrid's are too strong.
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