bracket balance

BTW, Disc Priests do not have the same dmg as Spriests. Not even close.

You talking 20/24 or 90? Either way it doesn't matter.. Hpals shouldnt have more dmg then rets. Dpriests shouldnt have more dmg then spriests. Rshams shouldnt have more dmg then enh. These are at ANY lv. If blizz truely cared about balance a ret would have more dps then hpals from lv 1/2/3/4/5/..../90 which clearly isn't true with 400+ denounce spamming at our lv (no idea about 19s or lower lvs however assume hpals>ret even there.

I've said it since MoP..

Healers: strong healing (9/10)/very small dmg (1/10)
hybrids: avg healing (6/10)/avg dmg (4/10)
dps: strong dmg (9/10)/ very small healing (1/10)

That would be a balanced bracket. Some classes will still have their strengths and weakness (like Dpriests being OP [idc what any1 says] but against a good shammy being crap) however they will still revlove around the same basics. I feel blizz is trying to fix the in depth problems like for ex. penance doing 200 dmg ticks instead of 400 however fail to fix the basic fact that spriests do 50 dmg dots.
You talking 20/24 or 90? Either way it doesn't matter.. Hpals shouldnt have more dmg then rets. Dpriests shouldnt have more dmg then spriests. Rshams shouldnt have more dmg then enh. These are at ANY lv. If blizz truely cared about balance a ret would have more dps then hpals from lv 1/2/3/4/5/..../90 which clearly isn't true with 400+ denounce spamming at our lv (no idea about 19s or lower lvs however assume hpals>ret even there.

I've said it since MoP..

Healers: strong healing (9/10)/very small dmg (1/10)
hybrids: avg healing (6/10)/avg dmg (4/10)
dps: strong dmg (9/10)/ very small healing (1/10)

That would be a balanced bracket. Some classes will still have their strengths and weakness (like Dpriests being OP [idc what any1 says] but against a good shammy being crap) however they will still revlove around the same basics. I feel blizz is trying to fix the in depth problems like for ex. penance doing 200 dmg ticks instead of 400 however fail to fix the basic fact that spriests do 50 dmg dots.


Its inarguably true. SO many things got fd up this expansion that we are just going to hope for some massive changes in the next expansion.
TBH eyepatch is good, but ally caster's don't have near the crit gear horde does, and for mail horde the BiS boots have 5 hit. It's a tradeoff of 4 stam for 3 hit if using those boots and LFH compared to ally BiS. Gear is about even imo.
i dont know why you wont understand this

I don't know why you don't, either.

you cant say something like "disci priests are better healer because they have more dmg" or "resto shamans are better because they have more surv and utility", thats why i dont understand why ur such a tryhard to blame discis for their dps, they lack on other sides thats why they have these offensiv abilities

I have never said anything like that. ALL I am on about is, that Disc priests, Holy paladins and Resto druids, do too much damage. No matter how they are 'supposed' to be played, they do too much damage for the defenses and healing capabilities they have. They don't lack on other sides, at least not on this level and I only care about this level. And you should, too, this is a twinking website.

hybrids: avg healing (6/10)/avg dmg (4/10)

Swap these numbers, hybrids are more on the damage side of the spectrum (Elemental, Ret, Feral, Shadow etc are all DPS-hybrids not healer-hybrids).
discis has the lowest healoutput, they have the most problems vs those skillpatch huntard/rogues and they dont have a single instant heal (maybe 1 penance tick which heals for 250-300).. discis without dmg would be the way worse version of a holyretardin. i agree with you that discis shouldnt have more dmg than shadowpriests, but cmon shadowpriests at lvl 20 deal less dmg than a lightningbolt spaming resto shaman

edit: put pressure on the disci priest and he wont be able to deal decent dmg, put pressure on holyretardins/restodruids and theyll still burst you with denounce or active hots in catform

edit2: and putting pressure on priests at lvl 20 is easier than putting pressure on any other healer

edit3: so like i said before.. dont blame priests if your simply too stupid to deal with the class, im done here

edit4: i know some of you xxxxx full dpser would love to have the old times back, in which a single dps could attack a healer till he is oom without the healer can even tickle the dps.. god damn learn to play and stop crying about healers in 5.3(well, maybe about holypaladins)
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Wow please tell me this isn't what I look like while talking about hunts.. Healing was completely OP (and still is to a point) from the start of MoP til 5.3. Healing is still OP it's just that dps got buffed to counter the instant health heals.. Having a class that does more dmg then more then half of the dps classes out there and being one of the strongest healers makes them OP.

2/3 of priests do less dmg
2/3 of mages do less dmg
2/3 of locks do less dmg
2/4 of druids do less dmg
2/3 of shammies do less dmg
1/3 of pallies do less dmg
1/3 of wars do less dmg
1/3 of monks do less dmg
0/3 of hunts do less dmg
0/3 of rogues do less dmg

That's a grand total of THIRTEEN specs (give or take 1/2) that do less damage then a disc.. A total of EIGHT DPS specs that do less dmg included in those twelve.

3/3 of shammies do less healing
3/4 of druids do less healing
3/3 of wars do less healing
3/3 of hunts do less healing
3/3 of rogues do less healing
3/3 of mages do less healing
3/3 of locks do less healing
3/3 of monks do less helaing
2/3 of pallies do less healing
2/3 of priests do less healing

That's a total of TWENTY-SIX specs that do less healing then a Dpriest. SEVEN of those TEN are included in the specs that do less dmg then a Dpriest that are a DPS class. So for 7 specs (give or take 1/2) they are completely inferior to a Dpriest in every way.

I see Dpriests (20/24) top the dmg AND healing quite a bit plus I have a brain to know their dmg is simply too much for a healer. Heck if spriests (24) weren't completely broken Dpriests (24) would be in the top 5 best DPS in this bracket and I'd say they are in the top 5 overall atm anyways.

Now idek if your stupid reply was to me or [MENTION=16540]Fujin0[/MENTION] but consider this reply said by him as well cause I'm sure he will agree with it.. Also Fuj I would like to refer you to my sig so you don't further argue pointlessly and feed him. His char names alone speak for itself plus the fact he's really made no legit counter to anything you have said this whole thread think means it's time for you to abandon ship and for me to stop wasting my time writing this.
I used to play a P2P 24 priest and 1v1 in shadow form they are stupidly strong, but as disc I could also pump out some silly damage and often top the chart.

I found shadow had the bust and could take someone down very quickly if you already had your shadow orbs, but as disc even though I'd still kill the same classes/specs, but I found I could tank more at once. It would take something serious to drop my mana and then I would only have to be out of combat for a few seconds and have a full bar again.

I also find that I just spam heals with no care in dungeons, the main reason healing is so over the top IMO.

Does any healers even use drinks any more?
I used to play a P2P 24 priest and 1v1 in shadow form they are stupidly strong, but as disc I could also pump out some silly damage and often top the chart.

I found shadow had the bust and could take someone down very quickly if you already had your shadow orbs, but as disc even though I'd still kill the same classes/specs, but I found I could tank more at once. It would take something serious to drop my mana and then I would only have to be out of combat for a few seconds and have a full bar again.

I also find that I just spam heals with no care in dungeons, the main reason healing is so over the top IMO.

Does any healers even use drinks any more?

Why use drinks when you can have instant full mana with 1 Lesser Mana Potion? ;)

Stupid really, I used to swap to healer gear on my ENHANCEMENT shaman in dungeons and BGs, now I can't do that anymore...
ok you guys won, please take us healers all the dmg so we can wait untill those glorious backpaddling huntards, rogues, arms warriors and so on can kill us..
im sick of arguing with 1,5k rated heroes who are simply bad in this game(sadly 90% of the f2p community are those ppl), its so easy to put enough pressure on a healer (in this bracket,maybe except holypaladins) that he wont be able to deal damage, but well...
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ok you guys won, please take us healers all the dmg so we can wait untill those glorious backpaddling huntards, rogues, arms warriors and so on can kill us..
im sick of arguing with 1,5k rated heroes who are simply bad in this game(sadly 90% of the f2p community are those ppl), its so easy to put enough pressure on a healer (in this bracket,maybe except holypaladins) that he wont be able to deal damage, but well...

If you cut healers damage in half they should be fine as your team is meant to peel for you, and if they don't they are scrubs.

I find resto druids are harder to kill than holy paladins though, but that might just be me.
Even Holy eats dirt when focused by 3-4 geared people, throw in a rogue who actually knows how to kick and it's a wrap. The problem is, no one pays attention to healers, and tunnel visions the first thing they come across, and the few people that DO go after healers are shot down in the enemy back line because no one backs them up. It's one of the more painful things about being a class with the element of surprise. That's my opinion at least.
Hpalas doesnt have denounce at 19.
Rshamans does less dps than enhancement
dpriests can top the charts in both healing and dmg(not same game) if played well. DMG depends more on how retarded the rest is, none the less it's possible.
Caster gear is better on horde but physical is better on alliance.
Shield of stockades played a bigger part earlier but is still stronger than other alternatives.
P2P hunters in bis gear and zerker will do around 1k arcane shots next patch.

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