BIS fc and why


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Druids can't be Goblins, so that leaves me with only one choice...

j/k j/k... I'm squishy. But I have fun. Shamans for life >.>
warriors can be goblins
Protadin by far, stun cleanse silence loh offheal. It has everything better that a war has, exepect maybe mobity
they take more damage and thats pretty much the sole reason why warriors are better than protadins. and you know, the goblin part.
Haha trust me I saw how fast prot went down againts 2 hunters, resto would just run away and heal.

A prot warrior takes the least damage when struck in the game, then come guardian druid and then BM monk then random druid in bear form and then protadin. Resto druids take alot more damage, a resto druid doesn't get to heal at 10 stacks or he will get whiped like a mage vs a bunch of hunts. In a premade you also have heals. All of a resto druids mobility is useless once stacks kick in except for the leap from displacer and Wild Charge. And for all but one he has to leave Bear form and become
goesid said:
a mage vs a bunch of hunts
, a prot warrior still has both it's charges while taking very little damage.

You are plain wrong in this so just stop.
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Protadin by far, stun cleanse silence loh offheal. It has everything better that a war has, exepect maybe mobity

Protadins have no -dmg passive. They get shat on. Warrior, guardian druid, and (I know not applicable to f2p) bm monk are the three really viable choices in a serious game.
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Druids feel really tanky since bear was buffed. All specs, even. I couldn't say which is the "best" FC, but i would say that prot warriors are probably the weakest "FC" by far.

Prot warrior takes the least damage. Gdruid after that. That is sole reason to pick warrior over druid not to mention if your doing premade vs premade you would have to sacrifice a boomy or rdruid for that guardian which isn't worth it.

Prot war is the strongest FC out there.
Guardian Druid is the best FC ever :
-- Best Armor compared to all classes when shapeshifted in Bear Form
--Reduces magical damage by 25% and physical damage by 12%. Also reduces meele crit chance by 6% when shapeshifted in Bear Form.
--Can move fast by using Travel Form.
--Can use rejuvenation to Heal.
--Stamina increased by 20% when going Bear Form.
-- Guardian druid needs at least a healer with him .

Guardian Druid is the best FC ever :
-- Best Armor compared to all classes when shapeshifted in Bear Form
--Reduces magical damage by 25% and physical damage by 12%. Also reduces meele crit chance by 6% when shapeshifted in Bear Form.
--Can move fast by using Travel Form.
--Can use rejuvenation to Heal.
--Stamina increased by 20% when going Bear Form.
-- Guardian druid needs at least a healer with him .


-Prot warrior isn't far behind in armor.
-Reduces all damage by 25% and 6% less chance to be struck by a critical hit.
-Has charge which works after stacks kick in at which point travel form is useless.
-This is for a premade so you will have healers so thats no problem. Not to mention Guardian becomes very squishy when using rejuv or travel form.
-Stamina increased by 15%

Prot warrior > Guardian Druid.
-Prot warrior isn't far behind in armor.
-Reduces all damage by 25% and 6% less chance to be struck by a critical hit.
-Has charge which works after stacks kick in at which point travel form is useless.
-This is for a premade so you will have healers so thats no problem. Not to mention Guardian becomes very squishy when using rejuv or travel form.
-Stamina increased by 15%

Prot warrior > Guardian Druid.

Not to forget, Shield Block and Thunderclap which add to the already enormous bulk Protwars have.
-Prot warrior isn't far behind in armor.
-Reduces all damage by 25% and 6% less chance to be struck by a critical hit.
-Has charge which works after stacks kick in at which point travel form is useless.
-This is for a premade so you will have healers so thats no problem. Not to mention Guardian becomes very squishy when using rejuv or travel form.
-Stamina increased by 15%

Prot warrior > Guardian Druid.
Guardian Druid's have the same spell dmg mitigation and crit % deduction. It ends up being wars mitigate physical dmg reduction roughly 7-9% better than druids. If ur gonna say wars can use charge for mobility, its kinda laughable. Sure u can get away from perhaps a rogue opening on u, but ur running straight into the enemy line. The way premades are run these days it would likely just be better to not charge and have ur team cc the rogue. Guardian Druids can use Wild Charge, which allows them to get away from melee without running into the enemy team, actually u can go in the opposite direction. Wild Charge can also be used to go to different levels of the field. Ex: ur team is being pushed back to gy, and even is split res. Now a war fc is left to fend with 3-4 players. If the enemy team puts a flank u may or may not get off a charge so u can range the other dps surrounding ur gy. However as a Guardian Druid, u can have a teammate, like a mage, lock or hunter, move their pet up ontop of gy. Then u Wild Charge it, allowing u to escape. Now the enemy team must send ppl to flank u, which reduces their numbers in gy. Now ur team can full res and push them out, then prevent the flankers from backdooring u.
Guardian Druid's have the same spell dmg mitigation and crit % deduction. It ends up being wars mitigate physical dmg reduction roughly 7-9% better than druids. If ur gonna say wars can use charge for mobility, its kinda laughable. Sure u can get away from perhaps a rogue opening on u, but ur running straight into the enemy line. The way premades are run these days it would likely just be better to not charge and have ur team cc the rogue.
7-9% is alot. Throughout the game your healers will save alot of mana by having a warrior instead of a guardian. Charge won't provide alot of mobility often but sometimes it will and at those times it can be very crucial.
Guardian Druids can use Wild Charge, which allows them to get away from melee without running into the enemy team, actually u can go in the opposite direction. Wild Charge can also be used to go to different levels of the field.
If you go in to travel form ranged will eat you up before you do anything.Warrior has their defensive passive.

Ex: ur team is being pushed back to gy, and even is split res. Now a war fc is left to fend with 3-4 players. If the enemy team puts a flank u may or may not get off a charge so u can range the other dps surrounding ur gy. However as a Guardian Druid, u can have a teammate, like a mage, lock or hunter, move their pet up ontop of gy. Then u Wild Charge it, allowing u to escape. Now the enemy team must send ppl to flank u, which reduces their numbers in gy. Now ur team can full res and push them out, then prevent the flankers from backdooring u.

Yes that can prove very useful at times but it can also fuck you over completly, if your team respawns and gets wiped.

In any premade vs premade you are only allowed to use 2 of the same class, to sacrifice a boomkin or resto druid for a guardian is silly.

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