Best of 19s EU

welcome to eu the place where everyone in D uses keeshans bandana cause 1 arcane mage is too stronk
I thought my last post clearly showed the answer, but for the slower ones, yes yes I am mad

oh sorry just i heard you was going mad on skype

Yeah I did go mad, I was laughing like a madman with stubs and OLAVNORVE cause the french warrior didn't stand on cap-spot with 20 sec left and alliance repicked like 5 times, that was indeed hillarious bung
Yeah I did go mad, I was laughing like a madman with stubs and OLAVNORVE cause the french warrior didn't stand on cap-spot with 20 sec left and alliance repicked like 5 times, that was indeed hillarious bung

Is Banby the french warr? Think I missed that game but yeah that seems like the kinda thing he'd do :p

Mage: Viancoqia







bummp more lists pls

would love to see some from the better players of 19 that hasnt posted yet
rogue azol hunt azol mage azol druid azol war azol sham azol monk azol priest azol lock azol
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bummp more lists pls

would love to see some from the better players of 19 that hasnt posted yet
you called?

Though I havn't played that many 19 games in MoP these are players that I can remember on top of my head:

Warrior: Bracketsdead
Hunter: Softbasseu
Priest: Penicilin
Paladin: Technique
Shaman :Roulaqtboy <3
Warlock: Leich
Rogue: Irok/Sely
Druid: Mesik
Mage: Storm
Monk: Nazzr
by the looks of the lists it appears that Carebears have some really strong players, wouldn't you guys be interested in a premade?
Warrior: no active ones who kiss vians arse (they all badz)
Hunter: hmm, what hunters suck up to vian most? oh yeah, arkant
Priest: hurrx
Paladin: now, what paladin kisses butt best? oh ofc, stubs
Shaman :brownnozy (nickname says it all)
Warlock: no active vian friendly ones ( they all bad)
Rogue: brownnozy, ask vian he'll explain
Druid: ofc one of the funboy three, stubs
Mage: ask vian, he'll tell you, again and again and again and again and again and again and...well yeah.
Monk: one of vians mates will make one im sure....

best list EU

edit: you also need to be in tough love
wtb more carebear-lists

i know you're gonna think im trolling so let me just say i dont care.

but srsly, what would make carebears lists anymore bias than everyone else's? its 2012. the world ends this month anyway. who gives a fuck :p
by the looks of the lists it appears that Carebears have some really strong players, wouldn't you guys be interested in a premade?
I can only count 2 Carebears on my list, Sely and Mesik, but yes I think Carebears do have some really strong players, and if you can catch Mesi or some1 ingame you can ask if we have a premade team rdy, as I said I am not active at 19 atm, so I dont know.

edit: sorry, just saw that you was referring to only my list, but my point still stands :p
wtb more carebear-lists

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