Best of 19s EU

mostly refering to wrath time when an average twink knew its tricks and when most twinks were on same battlegroup and imo I would still say tbc semi twinks played better and used mechanics wiser than most twinks now do
TBC semi twinks were just as awful as MOP semi twinks.
I think there is more underskilled players twinking now, than for instance in TBC, cause you can atm. fully gear a twink in 1 day and that attracts less dedicated players than when you had to work hard for several months to get BiS.
mostly refering to wrath time when an average twink knew its tricks and when most twinks were on same battlegroup and imo I would still say tbc semi twinks played better and used mechanics wiser than most twinks now do

can't agree with that at all, but as I said, I was really really awful back then, maybe I couldn't part good players from bad.

I think there is more underskilled players twinking now, than for instance in TBC, cause you can atm. fully gear a twink in 1 day and that attracts less dedicated players than when you had to work hard for several months to get BiS.

just because you are gear-dedicated, doesnt mean you know how to play

back then game was harder, now its easier

back then avg skill lvl was higher, now its lower

then pls explain why yamaraj is considered to be some kinda god among u oldschoolers

i didnt see him in wotlk/tbc but srsly hes really bad now

and i dont rly see why someone would be good at a hard version of the game and bad at an easy version of the game

no offence to yamaraj ur prob a real qt
just because you are gear-dedicated, doesnt mean you know how to play
But dedicated players are more likely to dedicate themself to their class and general stuff (jukes, jumps, positioning) too, and by learning your this you reach a higher skill lvl.

back then game was harder, now its easier

back then avg skill lvl was higher, now its lower

then pls explain why yamaraj is considered to be some kinda god among u oldschoolers

i didnt see him in wotlk/tbc but srsly hes really bad now

and i dont rly see why someone would be good at a hard version of the game and bad at an easy version of the game

no offence to yamaraj ur prob a real qt

Yamaraj has different playstyle to that of a common warlock , I dueled him and he knew what he was doing, considering the fact that it is very hard to find a good warlock and he still could duel after his hiatus is something I don't understand, I also like him as a player and a community member, much of what I wish the community would still be not that any of this matters since his RaF ended anyway and he wasn't into the new updates that came up in Cata and Mop which I understand, it is not for everyone after all 80% of the old community agrees with him about the current state of 19 and have quited if you played in a guild in tbc or wrath you must have noticed that most of your old guildmates have quited this bracket and the activity has gone south, the bracket is at its worst state than it has ever been therefore I don't blame anyone that I listed in my best of all time of 19s that has quited, of course we are discussing opinions about who you think is good and who is not, you are allowed to have your opinion and I am not gonna tell you different if you think he is a bad player that is fine for me I don't have to prove his gameplay for you anymore that I already wrote, you can think whatever you want
It goes like this, back then an average twink was good I gave you an opinion about who I think are the best of all time 19s in my opinion, like Zimt a fellow respectable twinker said, skill lvl of an average twink in the 19s has deterriorated that being said, it would go like this, back then people were good and now people are horrible if you compare how people play to how people played

thats shite mate, back in tbc / most of wrath 19s was a lot easy. the simple reason is people didn't have there own locked bg's with equal geared sorta equal skilled players. the reason all these "pros" dont like it is cuz they get in bgs on equal terms and find they're no longer gods

it's been proved 100s of times how these guys join bg's lose a few games QQ and are never seen again.

i'm not gonna be a dick and say da al badz, but some of these guys you hero worship we've all seen play, they're just average players

i think the reason you enjoyed it more bk then is you had more friends playing. but if you hate it so much quit. just stop telling us how awesome they was, some of us remember them and can tell you they wasn't.

blackout for instance isn't in the same street as at least a dozen active rogues around today, we've seen him in wsg, what cant speak cant lie.

i'm not trolling you, but ffs shush.
Someone inform me ... how many pages ago did replies stop adhering to the topic ? (rhetorical)

And why does this happen to the predominant share of all threads? (rhetorical)

It's all really counter productive regardless of the initial intents with this thread...
thats shite mate, back in tbc / most of wrath 19s was a lot easy. the simple reason is people didn't have there own locked bg's with equal geared sorta equal skilled players. the reason all these "pros" dont like it is cuz they get in bgs on equal terms and find they're no longer gods

it's been proved 100s of times how these guys join bg's lose a few games QQ and are never seen again.

i'm not gonna be a dick and say da al badz, but some of these guys you hero worship we've all seen play, they're just average players

i think the reason you enjoyed it more bk then is you had more friends playing. but if you hate it so much quit. just stop telling us how awesome they was, some of us remember them and can tell you they wasn't.

blackout for instance isn't in the same street as at least a dozen active rogues around today, we've seen him in wsg, what cant speak cant lie.

i'm not trolling you, but ffs shush.

Not gonna argue about opinions that is a dead-end street, gonna say that back then small mistakes such as, interrupting, getting fakecasted, using spells wrong(bashing target in front of him instead of bashing his back getting it dodged, missing max range novas etc shit) made a significant difference to the outcome of a duel, now one gets interrupted for example he just uses, shadowmeld cat prowls away, bears or travel forms away or whatever the other classes use to survive
I laid down my list 'cause it was relevant to the topic of this thread unlike most of useless flaming posts I got right after posting something relevant, neutral and something that didn't include their names in it, yes people want to be the best and get very angry over a game when they are not nominated or chosen to be the best in their role, and like I told you over and over again I have fun in this game and enjoy it whereas my fellow "oldschool" colleague didn't have and quited
Priest: Hurrx

Mage: Viancoqia




Naoy, Arkant


Holy: Katyperryirl/Ericah (still playing?)


Monk: Nzzr
Someone inform me ... how many pages ago did replies stop adhering to the topic ? (rhetorical)

And why does this happen to the predominant share of all threads? (rhetorical)

It's all really counter productive regardless of the initial intents with this thread...

Welcome to "Best of X" twink section. How may I be of assistance?
Not gonna argue about opinions that is a dead-end street, gonna say that back then small mistakes such as, interrupting, getting fakecasted, using spells wrong(bashing target in front of him instead of bashing his back getting it dodged, missing max range novas etc shit) made a significant difference to the outcome of a duel, now one gets interrupted for example he just uses, shadowmeld cat prowls away, bears or travel forms away or whatever the other classes use to survive
I laid down my list 'cause it was relevant to the topic of this thread unlike most of useless flaming posts I got right after posting something relevant, neutral and something that didn't include their names in it, yes people want to be the best and get very angry over a game when they are not nominated or chosen to be the best in their role, and like I told you over and over again I have fun in this game and enjoy it whereas my fellow "oldschool" colleague didn't have and quited

how is your list relevant when they all stopped playing years ago? its like talking about todays boxers and my grandad popping up saying Mohammad ali.

again for the 100th time i played wrath, i dont see where it was harder, more balanced yes, harder no.

when one of these "legends" (most legends aint real either) come back and impress anyone but you and a handful of your mates call me, end of.

please dont reply your typing is worse than mine, and that's baaaaaad!

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