EU+US Best healer in your opinion?

I don't have enough experience in the 20-29 bracket, but my vet shaman is very powerful. The only time I really have problems if there are 2+ rogues on me who can kick properly, and I can't keep my team up. Having a slow, an interrupt and ghost wolf is also very amazing. Plus I have the shaman class mount so that makes me feel super cool as well!
Best healer: Shaman

Best survivability/mobility: Druid

2nd Best Healer: MW Monk

Priest - Disc is okay for bubble spam, but healing output is somewhat lacking
Pally - Okay for HoJ and bubble, but healing output is on par with priest

Druid heals are okay for double swiftmend, but regrowth spam is weaker than Vivify spam and Healing Surge spam

You really feel Disc healing output is lackluster? How come?
Paladin is super slept on, especially since there was a stealth buff to flash of light in pvp now. With consistent beacon swapping you can keep a group up fairly well (can switch as soon as flash of light cast goes off, giving an instant heal to someone else essentially), also because bestow faith and holy shock crit for insane amounts. I definitely don't think they're amazing in comparison to shaman or druid, but a good paladin can outperform other classes.

I'm sure @tence can agree and give some more pointers on why.

im confused on how beacon swapping is more effective than spamming FoL. If i swap beacon it puts it in a GCD - i could use that GCD to just start casting another FoL, or did you mean just in a laid a back scenario?
im confused on how beacon swapping is more effective than spamming FoL. If i swap beacon it puts it in a GCD - i could use that GCD to just start casting another FoL, or did you mean just in a laid a back scenario?
Well no. Beacon swapping is way way way more mana efficient than spamming fol, and the healing from it is actually a very solid amount.

If you keep beacon on the same person and they’re not constantly taking damage, then that’s a waste of healing that could go to someone else, and you’d be spending way more mana than necessary.

I definitely see your point, but even in long extensive team fights, beacon swapping will absolutely keep you in the fight for significantly longer.
[doublepost=1556058801,1556058473][/doublepost]It’s also important to add this: fol is a strong heal but not everyone is gonna need that much healing, so you’re wasting your mana when you can top someone swapping beacon, which is more efficient and also effective.

Not to mention you can time your bestow faith expiring and beacon target at the same time. You basically just topped 2 people off in a team fight for about 20 mana.
idk the bracket super well but I love playing holy priest, 2 ccs, never oom, decent pressure from dmg and burst potential is strong (esp playing LFD, I can drop a PW:C then line up holyfire, smite, and lightforge racial to all drop at once.) Holy is not going to be throwing up huge overall dmg numbers but the kill pressure is no joke.
The healing is a little more tedious than others since I cant just throw a insta heal or bubble when Serenity is down, but PW:Serenity might also be my favorite spell in the bracket just because of how troll it can be.

So, like i said idk how it should compare overall to other healing classes, and i think it depends on the context of how you intend to use it. In Rando BGs I will take my 2 hard CC, w burst healing and kill potential priest against anyone in small skirmishes. Sham is going to outshine it in more organized play for sure.
Holy super underrated in almost every bracket. 40+ it gets crazy powerful
You really feel Disc healing output is lackluster? How come?

Flash Heal spam isn't as powerful as Regrowth<Vivify<=Healing Surge. Since Weakend Soul (PW:S debuff) is on like a 6s CD, you are better off spamming PW:S on everyone rather than trying to keep up with Flash Heal/Penance. Also, non-Leather and non-Mail classes lose access to Slither Scale/Fang set which means like ~20 int or ~40 SP lost.

Slightly inaccurate difference, because my shaman has higher Versa, but surge still heals for more than flash heal and unleash life + riptide is better than penance


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What healers are best in this bracket, often boils down to wich healers are the easiest to carry lack of skill.
A good player is good with any healer in this bracket, that's a no-brainer.(Could probably be said about any spec, aswell.)
Besides just healing, I'd rate them this way:
-based how easy they are to disguise a bad player in regarding 20-29 gameplay overall.(meaning not just Heal/dmg-output.
-how dynamic the playstyle works when it comes to switching between Defense and offense.(or wether they have to switch between them at all, to perform.)
-How it scales with good gear, or works with low gear.
- Though,'Self-sufficiency, despite lack of skill.' is the primary factor, as to why I choose to rank them this way.

1> Resto Shaman, is an easy healer to play but has a high skillroof compaired to other healers due to their toolkit, consisting of Ghost wolf/earthbind totem, for mobility and peels - ranged kick(in category of the more unpredictable kicks in the game, based solely on visual related matters, such as positioning and/or the actual ability's visual-effect.
-Good with mediocre gear, due to fairly high armor+Shield.
-potentially immortal with good gear.
- Most fun healer to have in a 3s game, imo.(Even more fun with RotDot-comps.

2>Discipline Priest is by far the easiest to play for first time healers.
-The absorbs just mitigates so much, as well as atonement and easily accessible dynamics between offensive and defensive plays, provides a very self-sufficient play style, and is less likely than the other healers to be a pain in groupfights, despite being 'dog' at the game.

3> Resto Druid. most played class.
despite druid being the class that in general has what feels like the most rewarding skill-cap, it's probably the easiest across all aspects of 20-29 twinking. (PvP/PvE/questing, anything soloable.) It has passive movement speed in shapeshifting forms, can shapeshift slows/roots/polymorphs, works exceptional with every racial compaired to others. It has probably the most amazing toolkit, but is neither the strongest in healing, or damage. They are just overtuned for their playstyle, making them among the easiest to perform with, for a bad player. Sad, for such an otherwise fun healer imo.
-Aren't dependent on gear to perform, if you know your stuff.
-I rate them at #3, based solely on it's amazing potential in the hands of good players... And of course how easy it is to see the difference in a 'good' druid, in comparison to a 'bad' druid.
Tho if this wasn't the case, RestoDruids would highly likely be #1 or #2.

4> MW Monk, The highest melee/physical Dmg burst potential.(by far.) - over-extending to kill a MWmonk can seriously backfire for non-mobile melees, due to their 'too accessible' spikey instant-heal spam and their explosive burst dmg being so accessible.
- Probably the easiest healer to efficiently top a group through single-target spikehealing.
-Putting them in the category as the perfect healer/dps hybrid, for people who prefer melee classes > casters.
-mobile af and can potentially kite on a god-tier level..
- To put it simply: Monks have the same burst healing, as they have burst damage... Both high-tier.
- I would rate them among the very top, if more people actually played this, and pulled it off right. (Not sure if it's because it's under the radar for people, or because it's an actual l2p issue.)
But tbh, I see alot of people playing it, and managing ofc. But it has a certain basic-skill roof, that is required to perform well overall, but sadly isn't always required to do 'good' with the spec.

5>Holy Paladin is among the easiest to learn, but has neat mechanics that makes for a healer in the strongest tier, if done right. (For example as the whole 'beacon' thing.) also having the highest armor of all the healers, they aren't easily trained by melees. - tho Holy pala is the spec that is most vulnerable to kicks, when it boils down to potential ability.(highest potential ability, meaning as in not individual player-ability.)
-Scales GREAT with gear, and the gear your paladin have, will make it a spec that isn't as much punished by mistakes compaired to MOST, if not ALL other healers.

6> Holy Priest!
- I'd rate them higher, if they weren't so weak to being trained, due to low armor and no absorb shields. Also the fact that their ability to kill a target is based on their amazing toolkit, for setups and how it is used... Rather than just 'mongo'ing out the dmg.'
-Strong healing output.
- The things that makes Holy Priest a pain in the ass, is that it's basically the caster-equivilent of MWmonks, when it comes to straight up output,while gameplay wise, it feels more like the Holy Paladin playstyle had, when Denounce was a thing...making them incredibly strong. (A freecasting Holy-priest, is a chart-topping Holy-Priest on both Heal AND dps.)
-Great for good kill-setups! Providing abilities like: Holy Word: Chastice on a short cd, fear, wich all works very well with CC-based Racial traits.
- Holy Word: Serenity. (basically Lay on Hands on a fairly short Cooldown that gets shortened everytime you Flash heal.)
- Goes as one of my fav healers to play, and has variable mechanics wich could make them very op. But it most the time requires either freecasting, or good plays.

-- PS. This how I rate them from my point of view, I do not think it's obsolete.
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Which healer puts out the most DPS on top of healing though? I know shaman gets 100% crit with lava when flame shock is up. Druid has dot spam and kitty hits pretty hard if ur cycling through dps.

I have yet to see a Holy pala do much dps to anyone?
MW is okay with 3x kick and the big kick.

I would probably put Rdruid over Disc. Coming from my perspective, at least, as a rogue I find Disc to be extremely killable.

extremely kickable. Cannot peel for self outside of psychic scream. Cannot avoid kicks. Cannot easily tank a kick. Cannot easily tank a cheap into kick/BTE. Cannot really escape anyone in the bracket. One of the few healers (or classes in general) that has a hard time making a fury warrior work for it. Useful group utility, but again, resto druid ability to heal without a hard cast is very, very valuable.

But in general it's complicated to rate healers based on distinguishing bad from good or how well you do if you're bad- by that metric, I honestly consider Rsham to be one of the harder healers. Bad Rshams are noticable. They're actually unbelievably easy to kill and fairly useless. No fakes, no earthbind kite. Wasting their lava bursts. The dropoff from great shammies to good ones is still a cliff.

The most self reliant healer regardless of skill might be an hpal, lol, because flash spamming your team with beacon on someone you like is so obvious, and HoJ/Bubble make for a good, simple self peel. And you've got plate/mail armor to hold ya down.

I mean, I'm just saying, I think an 8 year old could get the gist of badly playing an Hpal.
this is mostly 3v3 based
id rate resto shaman 1st great toolkit rather straight forward to gear great dmg output and healing output a rather well rounded spec for level 20 also easy to learn but hard to master kinda spec going on my 3rd year playing resto shaman and its defently my favorit one after having played all of the other healing specs for a good amount of time in bfa

2 id rate mw as second due to its toolkit and how strong it can be for 3s and its not as punshing to be in the wrong position due to rolls also with its rather amazing heals you can pretty much top up multiple targets on the fly with ease due to its insta casts with soothing mist it also has great setup potential if done proper in close quarters also has the ability to do a decent amount of long range dmg due to jadelightning doe due to ppl not playing it properly not all but most its very underrated due to its rather high skill cap but if the spec is masterd to its full potential it would defently rival resto shaman in a wargame or tourny setting

3rd wil be resto druid strong toolkit can top up targets with fair ease with swiftmends it defently has the best mobility out of every healing spec out there so if your fighting alot of meles your safe also great for multidoting tho one of its draw backs if you dont have swiftmend off cd your team mates wil be rather vulnerable to being killed so its a very comp specific healer were a resto shaman for exsample can pretty much play with anything a resto druid in top tier games wil be limited to fewer specs to play with in order to be 100% competitive tho with say a second hybrid like shadowpriest or ret pala that can help the druid with the lack of uptime they have on heals in a 3v3 game i can se them going very far also its prob one of the most fun healers out there to play also high skill cap in a 3v3 setting prob more so then a resto shaman and a mw monk due to it dependant on position properly and cd management of swiftmend and proper form shfiting and such

i wil rate holy priest as 4th due to great setup potential also has 2 ccs insta safe button with holyward serenity also can tank meles rather well due to its passive that reduces the cd on holyward serenity by 6 seconds when you cast a flash heal especially if you go with renew talent on yourself so flash heal refreshes renew everytime you use ur heal also they cant really die unless their being trained by meles til they go omm which never really happends in a 3v3 setting also you can pretty much save anyone as a holy priest due to serenity which is great also its a very easy spec to learn prob the easyest besides disc priest tbh due to its rather straight forward playingstyle

id rate disc as the 5th best spec due to its rather underwhelming heals and its weakend soul nerf this patch its a decent spec easy to play and master prob the easyest out of all the specs and in my opinion with bfa the least fun because you never really feel like you can stand out its mostly due to its toolkit that its so straight forward and easy to play since ye disc priest got shit they gotta worry about but other healers have the same worries just more they gotta do in order to be succesful this is not me bashing on disc players btw but i just enjoy more healing specs were you will shine in a crowd with alot of other ppl playing your spec and disc isent one of them atm its rather hard to distinguish yourself as a disc priest which is something i dont really like also holy priest expect for the shield id say have a much better toolkit which is alot of the reason i rate it abow in a 3v3 situation

i wil have to rate holy pala as the 6th best spec due to somewhat feel of clunkyness in the current 3v3 meta were a holy pala would be better in a legion 3v3 phase which was abit slower and abit more predictable and ofc their pure output heals arent the greatest but its a really nice spec to play very high skill cap among the hardest i say due to having to use boble and HOJ properly and also having to predict dmg with your bestow faith and such in rather bursty environment were holy palas arent very suited to tackle also after having played holy pala a good amount the past few days /week postining of both you and your team m8s is of utter importance if they or you do not position yourself proper the game will fall apart rather quickly is also one of the reason why its so low rated and rather high diff to play.
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Which healer puts out the most DPS on top of healing though? I know shaman gets 100% crit with lava when flame shock is up. Druid has dot spam and kitty hits pretty hard if ur cycling through dps.

I have yet to see a Holy pala do much dps to anyone?
MW is okay with 3x kick and the big kick.
I mean I feel as though shaman is the best for securing kills, and druids have more spread damage. I personally find the burst and sustained damage from shaman to be better in most situations.

MW damage is great, but the buildup to it can be tricky so you just have to plan it (ie- keep teachings of the monastery up by attacking a pet or an overextending warr)

Holy paladin is absolutely not a dps healer, but judgement hits hard and you can dunk on people and secure kills (with my gear my judgement crits for 450+). Can 1v1 classes with no heals though, so it's not like the damage is entirely worthless.
Top tier, in terms of what I've actually seen played on the field:
1. rsham but only if you're Phrontistery, I haven't seen anyone else get the same results;
2. mw monks - they're rare but I have seen one or two astonishing healy monks on alliance side, especially the aggressive ones (/shudder) - however again I suspect a lot of skill/practice required.

If this thread was titled "I'm old and slow, can't learn new tricks and react as though swimming through treacle, what healer could I play to greatest effect?" then I'd say disc priest. Despite the painful weakened soul debuff, it remains a solid, utilitarian choice.

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