Awesome's Sigs

Alrighty, hopefully you have time for me!

Purj @ Elune - Game - World of Warcraft

There is my 19, Purj

All I would like to ask for is it to say "Purj Of The Alliance"

No specific background or anything like that. You are the artist, not me - I'm sure you could think up a much better design

Thanks in advance!
Cough cough bump for purge. But seriously personal msg me awesome. What program that is i wanna get one done bra. Or if you dont alrdy have enough on your plate make a sick one with my preist and hunter on it .

Please and thankyou man hope to see you back soon

Incredabull/TkO said:
Cough cough bump for purge. But seriously personal msg me awesome. What program that is i wanna get one done bra. Or if you dont alrdy have enough on your plate make a sick one with my preist and hunter on it .

Please and thankyou man hope to see you back soon


I'll post a thread about how to do these signatures "my style" tomorrow. No programs other than photobucket, google, and wowarmory :p
I can't add in an arcane bolt, but I can add in another image in the background of the signature. Any suggestions of something that you might want in your sig? It will be mostly purple, so I recommend an image of ivory color, or any shade of brown. Possibly a darker shade of purple. This is what I have so far:

You fucking joking me? wheres my damn sig? HMMMMMM i posted before him... fuck this i'll just REPOST THIS

Edit: I already psoted but i'll repost

-Must ask nicely. Will you please make me a sweet sig and dude look I even used your format

-You need to provide an armory link that works. Scaredgear @ Lightbringer - Game - World of Warcraft

-Provide details on color/image of the background, wording / type, added pictures.

Can you make it like a spontanious thing full of vibirant color's

Also can you put "Scaredgear US-Lightbringer" Make it say "Fuck wow i Quit!"

Let me know: If you would like a signature like this- idk bro
I'm not good at these kinds of signatures as the program I use doesn't allow changing the rotation, but I can mess around with perspective and see if I can get it done.
Hi awesome! Now that i joined horde i feel that having me as a human is a little out of date. Could you Simply just change the human to my current Blood elf and put the :Horde: symbol and instead of MOM GO EBAY SHADOWFANG could you please put Waw Tawent. I would really appreciate it. Here is my armory Curléy @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft for some weird reason my tabard is'nt showing...
hi i have a priest twink, would you please mind doing a sig with her?

Rìver @ Frostmourne - Game - World of Warcraft

and if its possible mabye have her looking like shes casting a spell and you can choose the background, and mabye have her name contrasted against the background? the alt code is (alt-141) but yeah i have no ideas about the background

and if you dont mind i could also do with a profile picture, only if you have enough time of course.

thank you so much and have a good day

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