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I have a question. I have a really old account here on Twinkinfo (I joined back in 2009) but I quit twinking and when I came back I made a new account, recently I remembered my old password and Logged into it. Who would I contact about maybe getting my join date changed to when I joined on that account and or just using that account and getting my name changed to my current name?

I have sent a PM Shane but he is busy so maybe Yde could help?
Talk to [MENTION=5141]Shane[/MENTION] I personally had the same thing occur but I just never cared about the join date / vet status :D best of luck pal!
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Not sure if this has been asked already because i didnt want to have to read threw all the posts to find out! but my guild is starting a twink group we are doing the 20-24 bracket to start off with and i got the blessing of being the leader becuase i was the only one willing to look up what we need to do. But im running into a lot of old content. So far we have a hunter (myself) a warrior a rogue but more will come as it gets more popular for our guild. so does anyone know any class specific guides for beginner pvpers for the 20-24 bracket? gear enchants ect..
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Not sure if this has been asked already because i didnt want to have to read threw all the posts to find out! but my guild is starting a twink group we are doing the 20-24 bracket to start off with and i got the blessing of being the leader becuase i was the only one willing to look up what we need to do. But im running into a lot of old content. So far we have a hunter (myself) a warrior a rogue but more will come as it gets more popular for our guild. so does anyone know any class specific guides for beginner pvpers for the 20-24 bracket? gear enchants ect..

If 24, there are only three guides in the 24 Twink Guide Section
Keep in mind changes due to MoP, especially the recent 5.3 patch.
There are also some armory lists stickied, might help for gearing advice.

If P2P enchanted 20s, which have no guides as such, also browse armory stickies or search for threads discussing enchants.

If F2P restricted 20, there are quite a few more extensive guides, often recently updated, but still keep in mind recent changes.
F2P guide subforum: Twink Guide Section
Walkthrough by yours truly:
Armories in ranking sticky:
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I have a question. Why can I "like" only a certain amount of posts in a day?
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I have a question. Why can I "like" only a certain amount of posts in a day?
There's a like cap of five likes per 24 hours. :<

As for the "Like" cap, increasing it to 10 does not really make much sense. 5 Likes per day seems to be working just fine. The whole point of the system is to Like posts that are USEFUL. I see SO many people liking troll/harassment/etc. threads, that I have thought about doing away with the system entirely.

Sorry Yde, but I will not be bumping it up to 10.
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I guess this is a pretty cheesy question, but how is the balance at lvl 70 when it comes to PvE? I guess some classes will always be the leaders in different patches due to buffs and nerfs, but is there any class that you really should avoid right now? Due to getting their damage at later levels and things like that. Would appreciate an answer if there is one, i don't wanna be frowned upon because i chose the wrong class ^^
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any advice for someone who wants to start playing with a priest??
in the 20-24 bracket... im kinda lost u_u
[h=3]Guide to the F2P Priest[/h]No guide for 20-24 p2ps but except for added gear / profession benefits / buffing your team with fort the gameplay advice is the same. :)
But please feel free to stick to F2P restrictions voluntarily. ;)
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thank you so much!.. i want to focus on healing.. so.. this time i might stop at 20 c:
20 priest is a lot of fun, one of my favourite classes! And I don't feel underpowered at all in this bracket. :)
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Perhaps I am just on at low-activity times, but no other F2P players show up on the addon or the F2ptwink channel. Is this an addon glitch (my other friends have not been erased either), because I can't believer there are NO other well-connected F2pers... even on a squishy RP server like Sentinels...
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Is it okay to create another guide even if one already exist; obviously as long as there is no plagiarism?
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Hello TI community. A quick question....

I have a Cata account, and wondered if I have a lvl 85 twink, will I be in BG ques with xp off MoP players, or the xp on levers? I have searched google, and here....could not find the answer anywhere....sorry if this is a silly or noob question.........
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Refer to the line of code in my signature, how do I get this to work on TI?

I have no clue :3
Have pity on me ^.^
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Is it okay to create another guide even if one already exist; obviously as long as there is no plagiarism?

Depends on the situation. :)

Is the guide outdated and not being maintained and you're bringing a lot of new things to your own guide? Perfectly alright!
Is it being maintained and you just have a few improvements? Better to discuss those in the guide thread and get the author to perfect it.
In between: use your judgement! But guides and tips are always welcome, in whatever form. :) Good luck!

Hello TI community. A quick question....

I have a Cata account, and wondered if I have a lvl 85 twink, will I be in BG ques with xp off MoP players, or the xp on levers? I have searched google, and here....could not find the answer anywhere....sorry if this is a silly or noob question.........

You are in the XP off bracket automatically. :)

Refer to the line of code in my signature, how do I get this to work on TI?

I have no clue :3
Have pity on me ^.^

Don't use html. :)
BB code for link:
My Videos[/ URL]
Remove the space in [/ URL] and it's done.

You can use the same method for your characters!
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Depends on the situation. :)

Is the guide outdated and not being maintained and you're bringing a lot of new things to your own guide? Perfectly alright!
Is it being maintained and you just have a few improvements? Better to discuss those in the guide thread and get the author to perfect it.
In between: use your judgement! But guides and tips are always welcome, in whatever form. :) Good luck!

You are in the XP off bracket automatically. :)

Don't use html. :)
BB code for link:
My Videos[/ URL]
Remove the space in [/ URL] and it's done.

You can use the same method for your characters!

Thaaaaaaanks yde ;)

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