Does The STV Fishing event for luckyfishing, if one from another realm get the fish? will i be able to get it too? is there more than one fish each event?
hello, double AGM' does this work? would u need to swap 1 out for the other? ty in advance for any replies/ advice. need 5 more for my double....
I used to have a 19 twink back when i played in tbc. Im on Argent dawn EU!
Recently started playing again and i have nothing to do when i wait for raids.
So here's the questions:
Im considering making a 24 twink since it seems to be the most active low level bracket..?
Do you turn the exp off or how does it actually work? I heard that if you turn it off you are matched with only locked exp chars..?
some dude told me that you turn the exp on then que, then turn it off and enters.. how does it work?
Excuse my english! Thanks for the help! peace
ty for a great site first of all. i was wondering i have several toons /twinks and the server im on is not active for it .is there a server or group i can go to ? also is there anyspecific areas for lvl 15 lvl 19 20s and 39 ty for all input if any ,the twig