It appears that the 30-39 bracket is bleeding players due to the restrictions that have been placed on open game play recently. Why in the world there would be restrictions on open gameplay is beyond me. There is no way to enforce it. Do you actually believe that everyone that queues 39's posts here on TI? Or even visits TI. Sure, they may read the forum. But, who in their right mind would want to get embroiled in all this mess?
At any given time there is three to five times as many 'guests' than 'member' perusing TI.
These restrictions are just choking the life out of this bracket. Even people in this very thread have threatened to quit because of them in open play. They(the restrictions) are getting ludicrous.
Restrictions are fine for premades. But let's please keep them out of open game play. Otherwise 39's will have a short lifespan.
Uh huh. Except MVP is the only kid in the bracket abusing jumps.
There, your whole post just went to shit.