*America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

The Next Powerhouse?

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I think the name is Cherry Limeade.

Anyways, very good read, I enjoyed it. You should compile a 19 history textbook.
My (biased) money's on Up on the Rooftop

Great post overall, but tbh MoP is nothing more than a namechange for twinking (for better or for worse). The only impact I see is players moving to work on their mains for a few months, creating an even smaller chance that WT will be overtaken.
I can only assume that Enjoi is boycotting his guildmates’ excessive use of speed pots, so perhaps he will soon be back to shepherd his flock toward the greener grass come MoP.

The world may never know. ;)
Nobody knows how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop Nor how many hunters will have Mage affairs in the soon to come Pandarian Waste-land...
Ego is a bit of a dark horse candidate in this poll. It has a respectable leader, Flashhealz, but is on a server that no one in the 19 twinking community had previously heard of (Arathor). What does Ego have going for it? Well, it has solid group queues as of late, and has Epipen of TwinkInfo fame, as well as her boyfriend Animal or Dream or whatever he’s named. Ego is building itself slowly, tempering its expectations and not getting caught up in the dreams of premading glory too early in its existence. For this reason, it is widely seen as a wise choice to invest in for the long haul.

Soo... Newsflash to everyone, Dream, (I was never dating Animal, you silly people) and I broke up. But we're both still officers, and intend to keep a professional relationship in regards to "tinking". See you all on the field.
We'll be winning. =3
Leggo My Ego. :)
everyones forgetting the great masta ballerz.. we dont hav rum atm but if anyone with a high level on bh horde could hit me up and get me some rum thatd be sweet!
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None of them; no one guild can repair a bracket. It takes a great deal of effort from many of the older guilds, along with the newer ones, to restore the bracket to it's former glory. And by that I don't mean huddling on one realm and making all other realm/guild combinations obsolete.

As for the next 'powerhouse guild,' I don't think there will be one lol... seen too many come and go to actually say there will be a guild to compete with <Waw Tawent> over the GY. I would say <Lethal Synergy> is the most likely victor, but all they do is farm and ruin midfield. I'd call that weakness, not power.

IMO: Join a guild that doesn't ruin the bracket, and fuck monopolization. It doesn't work in a corporate country, and it sure as hell isn't doing any good for the bracket rofl.
Soo... Newsflash to everyone, Dream, (I was never dating Animal, you silly people) and I broke up. But we're both still officers, and intend to keep a professional relationship in regards to "tinking". See you all on the field.
We'll be winning. =3
Leggo My Ego. :)

I now apologize to Mozzy in the other thread, This is the epitome of Pathetic
I'd say you do as much research as a high school cheerleader. Though my certainty lies in the fact that I have no idea who started that rumor, but it isn't true. Now go back and do more research in the crevices of that gluteus maximus you stay so close to...
Train Cow is the only guild with the potential of being a "Powerhouse" guild as they have many players who play powerful classes, they group queue and they directly influence the bracket and queues.
  • Beantown Bullies isn't active.
  • Cherry Limeaid isn't even really in the bracket.
  • Ego who?
  • Grinding My Gearz is comprised of Waw Tawent's alts... if WT is queued there is not GmG queued...
  • Lethal Synergy #2 choice
  • masta ballerz lacks massive amounts of op players / classes
  • Mayhem stopped playing in 2008
  • Take Care is Beau and a few friends
  • Up on the Rooftop has several good players but lacks the huge influence in the bracket as a whole.

-TC and WT are the only guilds who play powerful class compositions combined with talented players. When these two guilds queue, queue times change and they do not lose to pugs.

-No other guilds queue with many of the most powerful hunters backed by some of the most talented healers

This poll (not unlike every other poll) is based 100% on popularity however in which case I could see GmG and other guilds who lack impact on the bracket doing well in this poll.

Just my 2c for healthy discussion. ^.^
I'd say you do as much research as a high school cheerleader. Though my certainty lies in the fact that I have no idea who started that rumor, but it isn't true. Now go back and do more research in the crevices of that gluteus maximus you stay so close to...

I will excuse you for these rude, and frankly confusing, personal attacks. Your post is very disjointed, so I am not quite sure what to make of it - I don't even know who you are. If you are unhappy with this poll and attendant discussion, then it is within your rights to conduct your own research and make your own poll. Otherwise, deal with it.

I also feel sympathy for Epipen, as it has become obvious that you view any association with her in a negative light, given how animated you have become in your defense.
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