*America's Next Powerhouse Guild? (with descriptions)*

The Next Powerhouse?

  • Total voters
Train Cow is the only guild with the potential of being a "Powerhouse" guild as they have many players who play powerful classes, they group queue and they directly influence the bracket and queues.
  • Beantown Bullies isn't active.
  • Cherry Limeaid isn't even really in the bracket.
  • Ego who?
  • Grinding My Gearz is comprised of Waw Tawent's alts... if WT is queued there is not GmG queued...
  • Lethal Synergy #2 choice
  • masta ballerz lacks massive amounts of op players / classes
  • Mayhem stopped playing in 2008
  • Take Care is Beau and a few friends
  • Up on the Rooftop has several good players but lacks the huge influence in the bracket as a whole.

-TC and WT are the only guilds who play powerful class compositions combined with talented players. When these two guilds queue, queue times change and they do not lose to pugs.

-No other guilds queue with many of the most powerful hunters backed by some of the most talented healers

This poll (not unlike every other poll) is based 100% on popularity however in which case I could see GmG and other guilds who lack impact on the bracket doing well in this poll.

Just my 2c for healthy discussion. ^.^

Mocha, we should do some RvR's on Hamcake Land some time! :)
Nothings bugging me, newfag <3

Well if you weren't bothered then, you're definitely bothered now. I'm not gay but what's up with the homosexual comment? They had nothing to do with this.
Well if you weren't bothered then, you're definitely bothered now. I'm not gay but what's up with the homosexual comment? They had nothing to do with this.

Sarcasm man, sarcasm. I am not bothered; upset or anything, just running on lack of sleep bro. :3
Fair enough, I apologize for taking it the wrong way (no pun intended). On topic, I would just like to say great effort on your research Dory, when you're not makin polls about players you're making them about guilds. You are the official TwinkInfo Historian. Good read.
Soo... Newsflash to everyone, Dream, (I was never dating Animal, you silly people) and I broke up. But we're both still officers, and intend to keep a professional relationship in regards to "tinking". See you all on the field.
We'll be winning. =3
Leggo My Ego. :)

can i get them digets huny??
After such an inspiring read I was torn between Ego and tRain cOw - I just couldn't decide. So I took a long shower to ponder things over and in the end my vote went for TC. The fluff you wrote about them reminds me a little of my own guild on EU and while I could also relate to Ego for being in an active guild on a server other than the "main twink server", TC won it for their ability to recognise and grasp a niche part of the bracket of which (afaik) they are now in full control.
Sodawater: Kinda left Cray and I in the cold, or perhaps you didn't have room to list. By the way I admire your writing style greatly.
Soo... Newsflash to everyone, Dream, (I was never dating Animal, you silly people) and I broke up. But we're both still officers, and intend to keep a professional relationship in regards to "tinking". See you all on the field.
We'll be winning. =3
Leggo My Ego. :)
Please your making my eyes water. Such an admirable tink, glad you got rid of that flamboyant boyfriend kancer. Ride on :)
Ha. I enjoy when Dory gets bored. Greatness ensues.

And then there was that awkward moment when that chick declared to everyone that she has never been with that one dude and has stopped being with that other guy. And then the one dude attacked Dory for saying that he was with that chick. Which only leads me to believe that the one dude does actually want to be with that chick, but never will, and in that case hopes to hold his head high by making a public declaration for independence.

Or maybe all parties involved are 14.

A little from column A, a little from column B.

Sodawater: Kinda left Cray and I in the cold, or perhaps you didn't have room to list. By the way I admire your writing style greatly.

I did the list alphabetically - was kinda anxious to finish by the time I got down to TC. There, adding you two in.

Edit: you took me off realid? ;[

And yes Kaloth, it is always the unexpected that makes these threads worth making ;p
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Ha. I enjoy when Dory gets bored. Greatness ensues.

And then there was that awkward moment when that chick declared to everyone that she has never been with that one dude and has stopped being with that other guy. And then the one dude attacked Dory for saying that he was with that chick. Which only leads me to believe that the one dude does actually want to be with that chick, but never will, and in that case hopes to hold his head high by making a public declaration for independence.

Or maybe all parties involved are 14.

A little from column A, a little from column B.

All I got from this is that you are single.

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