Aerie Peak 10v10 Premade - Setting up teams! Details inside!

This is why there should be a clear leader, who just says, 'this is the way it is, moving on'.

there already is a "clear leader": the rated battleground system that blizzard already put in the game. no consumables other than bandages

this is not rocket science

good luck with your premade
there already is a "clear leader": the rated battleground system that blizzard already put in the game. no consumables other than bandages

this is not rocket science

good luck with your premade

Oh, I didn't know these would be rated battlegrounds, my bad.
Oh wait...
Remove my name from the OP please. Not worth joining in the massive bitch fest that this is quickly turning in to.

I'm trying to sound like I'm not just complaining, but I'm leaning the same direction as Earl here. I'm sorry guys, I can tell that it is very important to people that we make this "even", but I'm of the mind that whatever a person has put in the work to acquire, they've earned the right to use it. And this is coming from a person who does not yet have, not has ever tried for, an AGM.

I would really, really like to just play with/against you all. You might recall that several months ago, Earl and I tried to organize a similar endeavor as this. That attempt never came to fruition just because getting 20 people organized together in one place was difficult enough, to speak nothing of ever even trying to bring up any fairness rules. I fear that this endeavor will, as we used to say, 'die in committee' due to all the different opinions on what is 'even' or 'fair' (and what the difference is between even and fair.)

I have plenty of respect for Thirk and I understand exactly what he's trying to do by laying out all these rules and limitations. I do feel, however, that we've lost sight of the real end goal, which is to have fun in the Gulch together, which we already had been doing this past CtA without organization or restrictions or anything.

As a general rule, I bristle at restrictions, not because I have a problem following rules but because there is a latent fear in everyone that they're going to violate some rule accidentally and people will hate them, or there's going to be someone who violates the rule and the game falls apart, or (worst) no one feels satisfied after the end of the game because they're only thinking that they lost (or won) because of the restrictions placed on the game.

If these competitions become a source of motivation for people to get closer to BiS, or to go fish for rum, or to get their AGM, then we have collectively improved our collective game. How is that a bad thing? I know that I've never bothered to fish for rum, nor have I asked for any help in getting my AGM, despite my presence in the community, and yet if we just allow people to Bring Your Best, then we're encouraging people--even myself--to improve their best, and that can only be a good thing.

I'll never turn down an opportunity to play an organized cross-faction game, if only because I don't get much chance to see many of you guys! But as for the rules-lawyering, etc... meh. I just don't feel enthused about this anymore. This is just my opinion and I understand that many won't agree... I don't expect to change anyone else's mind. But if I'm going to do this, I'd like to do this in such a manner that everyone has nobody to blame but themselves if they are not fully prepared. Noting that I myself fit squarely in that category.
Okay so I've decided only profession consumables, except protection potions and speed potions.

If anyone has a problem with it let me know, I'm trying to make this fun and balanced, and since there's still some time before it happens I thought I'd lay down some rules.
I'm trying to sound like I'm not just complaining, but I'm leaning the same direction as Earl here. I'm sorry guys, I can tell that it is very important to people that we make this "even", but I'm of the mind that whatever a person has put in the work to acquire, they've earned the right to use it. And this is coming from a person who does not yet have, not has ever tried for, an AGM.

I would really, really like to just play with/against you all. You might recall that several months ago, Earl and I tried to organize a similar endeavor as this. That attempt never came to fruition just because getting 20 people organized together in one place was difficult enough, to speak nothing of ever even trying to bring up any fairness rules. I fear that this endeavor will, as we used to say, 'die in committee' due to all the different opinions on what is 'even' or 'fair' (and what the difference is between even and fair.)

I have plenty of respect for Thirk and I understand exactly what he's trying to do by laying out all these rules and limitations. I do feel, however, that we've lost sight of the real end goal, which is to have fun in the Gulch together, which we already had been doing this past CtA without organization or restrictions or anything.

As a general rule, I bristle at restrictions, not because I have a problem following rules but because there is a latent fear in everyone that they're going to violate some rule accidentally and people will hate them, or there's going to be someone who violates the rule and the game falls apart, or (worst) no one feels satisfied after the end of the game because they're only thinking that they lost (or won) because of the restrictions placed on the game.

If these competitions become a source of motivation for people to get closer to BiS, or to go fish for rum, or to get their AGM, then we have collectively improved our collective game. How is that a bad thing? I know that I've never bothered to fish for rum, nor have I asked for any help in getting my AGM, despite my presence in the community, and yet if we just allow people to Bring Your Best, then we're encouraging people--even myself--to improve their best, and that can only be a good thing.

I'll never turn down an opportunity to play an organized cross-faction game, if only because I don't get much chance to see many of you guys! But as for the rules-lawyering, etc... meh. I just don't feel enthused about this anymore. This is just my opinion and I understand that many won't agree... I don't expect to change anyone else's mind. But if I'm going to do this, I'd like to do this in such a manner that everyone has nobody to blame but themselves if they are not fully prepared. Noting that I myself fit squarely in that category.

Well you make a good point Kin. The way I was looking at it, I see people like Medanx, and NO offense to him, with his dual agms, and people like Earl, likewise, being a p2p, with their vast hp advantage forcing people to fish for hours on end for rumsey rum just to compete against such a huge advantage. The way I see it, this is a drawback and adds a huge requirement to farm and spend a LOT of time, that some people just don't have, just to make up the gap.

Myself, I haven't spent endless hours sitting at the AGM every three hours or hours farming leather because I have literally 9 BiS characters that could all use AGMs, armor kits, titles, BoAs, and extra consumables. This puts me at that same disadvantage to people who play one character, not that there's anything wrong with that either.

Anyway, i gotta head home, but i will prob type more when i get there.
I dont mind playing without AGM

Game will be a joke if we allow Swiftness potions
This is indeed turning into quite the "debate". I think Thirk that you are putting a little too much thought into this and the end result is that it will lose the "fun" factor. I think the limitation on AGM should stand, beyond that, if you put the time into getting it (even swiftness pots), then you have obtained "twink" status. The simple fact is, some people are more twinked than others, deal with it. I will say this though, Beef may very well be rocking 2 AGM's by the time this all goes down, and if everyone agrees to use them, I DO have the recipe for swiftness pots...
Heads up not playing if swifties are allowed. Possibly the dumbest things ever now that they're immune to dispel/purge. Besides that just limit shit to anything f2p obtainable or RBG rules. And forget the stupid 2 agm rules one use thing. Just make everyone unequip. I don't think anyone will have a heart attack over it besides shaurooke but that doesn't matter anyway
Heads up not playing if swifties are allowed. Possibly the dumbest things ever now that they're immune to dispel/purge. Besides that just limit shit to anything f2p obtainable or RBG rules. And forget the stupid 2 agm rules one use thing. Just make everyone unequip. I don't think anyone will have a heart attack over it besides shaurooke but that doesn't matter anyway

Only problem i have with it is that number, 2 equips is silly, imo its all or nothing... If we decide nothing then im in the slow process ofcgetting my 6 int trink anyways haha... But yea seriously all or nothing...
Ima count mine

Original Shft: 9 days 22 hours

Backsurgeon: 3days 21 hours

Shfthappens: 7 days 12 hours

Buffresto: 4 days 22 hours

Varietypack: 2 days 3 hours

Wintergeen: 1 day 3 hours

Zeuscannon: 21 hours

Tippy: 20 hours

Doublemint: 19 hours

Assorted alts

Emerge: 22 hours

Bullcowsby: 16 hours

Honeybadger: 1 day

If i counted right, thats 33 days 20 hours. andddd if I didnt, it could possibly be 19 hours more, idk if i counted doublemint
My friend has more than that on his main. He has no alts except for one bank alt. There is no telling what his time is at. When I think of the time I have "wasted" on the game and I could have been doing something constructive. That is what it is known as around my house. "the game"

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