Achievements Made Possible with DKs

Did I say I discovered it? That thread had the instructions. No need to be rude.

Also any clues to this being fixed? Blizzard is really lazy imo

It was fixed awhile ago.. They made it so if you didn't already have a dk made that you can no longer make one on nemesis. If you kept a dk somewhere you can still make one.

You can go on your thread and take credit for this info now :)
Nope I went for it and when I completed the quest, I got an egg with a 1 week hatch time

Would it be possible to get the egg right after a server reset, and somehow stay logged on for a few minutes extra (past 7 days) to loot the pet?
Some how many Quests do you need to do in order to leave the zone? I have done 27 so far. Also, I have been in the Altarac Valley Queue for more then an hour, is this normal? Really only want some of the BG achievements. Thanks

idk aboud dks, but I know worgens, pandas, & goblins can't bg until they finish the start zone quests
I was not able to enter any Battle Grounds during the 4 hours I played my DK.
I did 45 quests in that starting zone, and I am not sure how many are optional, but several are very quick or are of the “talk to this guy” type quest.
The longest part is; The Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, as the Lich King has to have his say.
As I waited to get into a BG, (which didn't happen for me) I soloed a few lower level dungeons, Gnomeregan, Scarlet Monastery, Scarlet Halls and Razorfen Kraul.
I took a break from waited for a BG, and ran Stratholme – the undead side. No Achievement points are given for killing the last boss there.

As a side note, when I had a paid account, and played for about 3 years, I only ran Stratholme (both sides), once on my main, at the time a level 80 Paladin. I was soloing all the classic dungeons for the Classic Dungeonmaster achievement. I was one of the lucky ones to get the Deathcharger's Reins from Lord Aurius Rivendare. Wowhead has his drop rate at 0.7% for that mount. And yes, I was excited that it dropped for me.
I was not able to enter any Battle Grounds during the 4 hours I played my DK.
I did 45 quests in that starting zone, and I am not sure how many are optional, but several are very quick or are of the “talk to this guy” type quest.
The longest part is; The Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, as the Lich King has to have his say.
As I waited to get into a BG, (which didn't happen for me) I soloed a few lower level dungeons, Gnomeregan, Scarlet Monastery, Scarlet Halls and Razorfen Kraul.
I took a break from waited for a BG, and ran Stratholme – the undead side. No Achievement points are given for killing the last boss there.

As a side note, when I had a paid account, and played for about 3 years, I only ran Stratholme (both sides), once on my main, at the time a level 80 Paladin. I was soloing all the classic dungeons for the Classic Dungeonmaster achievement. I was one of the lucky ones to get the Deathcharger's Reins from Lord Aurius Rivendare. Wowhead has his drop rate at 0.7% for that mount. And yes, I was excited that it dropped for me.

You can leave the starter zone with the quest to speak with the faction leader. Also don't expect queues to pop because 55-59 exp off bracket is dead.
You can leave the starter zone with the quest to speak with the faction leader. Also don't expect queues to pop because 55-59 exp off bracket is dead.
Yes, and it took me 45 quests before I could do so. Not sure how many quests are optional, but the fewer the faster, just to speed it up a bit and get into the world at large. As for the 55 to 59 bracket being dead, I think you are right, as I was queued for 3 and a half hours with nothing, which made me think Blizz might have changed something in the last patch limiting DK's from joining a BG until they are level 58, which I think you would normally be at that level by the time you could leave that zone for a paid account toon. But I can't be sure. How many of you have gotten into a BG lately? And if so, which ones?
as a 55 f2p dk you are xp locked. that bracket is dead so you won't get into a bg no matter how long you queue. the only possibility would be to organize an event where 20 of us (minus any paid players willing to lock off a character in that bracket and queue for the event, so they'd have to know about it in advance) would plan a night where we'd spend the hour or so doing all the quests and then spend the rest of the night frosting each other. it'd be fun to try alterac valley, but i don't really think people are dying for this.
Ok, people keep saying the 55 to 59 bracket is dead. But I think we need proof of that. I still have several friends with paid WoW accounts. I am going to see if one of them will start a DK and queue for a BG and see how long that takes them, just to be sure. But you would think with millions of players and many people leveling alt's, some BG action must be happening at all levels.
Ok, people keep saying the 55 to 59 bracket is dead. But I think we need proof of that.

Listen to people when they tell you something please.. This bracket is dead. With all the trials who have made dks idk if one ever got a q to pop. They don't go in the lving bracket they go in the xp OFF bracket meaning they will only getin a bg with other 59 twinks which there aren't many
Listen to people when they tell you something please.. This bracket is dead. With all the trials who have made dks idk if one ever got a q to pop. They don't go in the lving bracket they go in the xp OFF bracket meaning they will only getin a bg with other 59 twinks which there aren't many
Sorry, this is the first time I read that twinks go into a XP off bracket. I hadn't seen that info before, so I had no idea. I was just trying to investigate this and see what I could find out. Thanks for this info, which is of great help.
Sorry, this is the first time I read that twinks go into a XP off bracket. I hadn't seen that info before, so I had no idea. I was just trying to investigate this and see what I could find out. Thanks for this info, which is of great help.

However like stu said if you have some kind of super computer that could run 10+ accounts and never have the chance of dc'ing then you could theoretically q with urself and get into bgs that way. If you have 10 other willing friends who would make a dk you could also get a bg q that way.

I think the best bet would be for trials making dks be making a post somewhere in the 55-59 section asking for every twink to q at a certain time and tryin to work out a queueing system that way. Possible but not probable
(Sorry if this is old news)

I can confirm that it's no longer possible to make a dk on Nemesis-EU to start making DKs for achievements or mounts (the population changed from "New Players" to "Full") so all of you that didn't create at least 1 in the period it was available either have to wait (realms randomly change to "New Players" every once in a while) or can't make one.

All the people that created at least 1 DK can still create them on log onto them.

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