Achievement points!

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sounds dodgey to me look what I found


(Cannot guarantee virus free - Spectral tiger for 6£ -.-')
Another addition to the US list.

Irras Someone I found while looking through the armory.

Credit to my pal ßrutal for letting me know about her.
My druids back on the list with 2020 achievev pts :)

Edit- Link in signature
Furby said:
The 30 tabard achievement is pretty easy especially with the addition of 2 new tabards in 4.1, however the food and drink achievements were changed over the weekend to include only cataclysm items, which makes them impossible for sub 85 players.

ur a beast man...gonna make the world list soon enough
Just tried the new cooking and fishing in IF, finished them and then went to SW. I probably would have known if I bothered to do anything on PTR but bummed to find out that we can only do 1 cooking and 1 fishing daily regardless of which city you choose to do them in.
medo said:
Anyone try to but in Dalaran to buy the Reputation Tokens, until u can trade honor points to justice points ?

for example Kirin Tor Commendation Badge - Item - World of Warcraft, if possible u can get 5-10 achievments and 4 tabards

Not including Argent Crusade (because that was already possible) you can only get 2 new tabards from the northrend reputations (Wymrest & Kirin tor), the Ebon Blade tabard is unavailable due to the quatermaster being locked behind questing (and phasing) in Icecrown.

You can however still get the achievements for being exalted with them, It's an extra 50 points (10 for the 3 dungeon reps and 20 for the 'meta')

Sons of Hodir gives nothing other than an extra rep at exalted, the mammoths for the achievements are again locked behind quests & phasing.
forgot that u need quest there, to get to the quartermaster, but in theory, there are then 32/31 (H/A) exalted reputations possible
I count 34/33 H/A reps exalted possible....unless you are purosely not counting argent dawn or Ogri'la which are grandfathered atm
2k honor to JP ALMOST gave me exalted w\ AC. gogo farm.
on another note, i would encourage people to play as MANY pops as possible, as i'm certain this wasn't intended, and they'll probably put level req. on the commendations as soon as they discover it.. so gogo get your HPS and buy with the factions..
Secclusion how did you get all the reps exalted? Even with 4k honor you can only get like 2 and 1/4 or somthing.
Tonkks said:
Secclusion how did you get all the reps exalted? Even with 4k honor you can only get like 2 and 1/4 or somthing.

guess you gotta get more than 4k honor then :D

I was was mistaken about those new guild tabards. I didn't read it close enough and got my hopes up to thinking that it was all rep gains, but it is only guild rep gains :( sorry to any other ppl I might have mentioned that to.

With the guild perks i was getting 572 rep per turn in of commendations. so for the 3 vanguard reps I needed 74 commendations each to get them to exalted. each commendation costs 16 JP (16*74 = 1184). the ratio for buying JP with honor is 1.5, so to buy 1184 jp you need 1776 honor per faction. so for the northrend vanguard achieve you need 5328 honor. The sons of Hodir rep is exactly double b/c you have to go from completely hated to exalted. So if you count that into the mix, you need a total of 8880 honor to get all of the possible NR reps exalted.
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