Achievement points!

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tryiapriest3 said:
Where in Zangar did you farm Sporeggar rep? I went to some cave where it only worked as a warrior, not really a mage.

the cave is probably the best spot. I don't see why a mage would have any trouble with the instant casts available. In fact, how would a warrior be easier here?
I'm not too sure. The warrior was constantly killing while the mage was complaining that the spawn times were too slow.

Both were done at different times of the day, but I don't think that affects the spawn time by much, if any.
Killing 20 mobs in 1 minute and waiting another minute for respawn or killing 10 mob a minute without wait, is the exact same thing.
Yeah I figured. I finished it up yesterday. Took about 3-4 hours for the last 21k rep.
How did u get the Kamel Achiev Sec? Did u got lucky with the grey one - if yes - there is no hero achievment.

So let me know ;)
Furios said:
How did u get the Kamel Achiev Sec? Did u got lucky with the grey one - if yes - there is no hero achievment.

So let me know ;)

You get the One Hump or Two? achievement from looting a grey camel, you don't however get the Feat of Strength (Scourer of the Eternal Sands) unless you 'learn' the spell for the grey camel (which you can't do until level 40).
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