Achievement points!

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yh, only i'm not in a guild w\ rep bonus.. (>_<) so i'm going to need more like, 12k..
chíll said:
yh, only i'm not in a guild w\ rep bonus.. (>_<) so i'm going to need more like, 12k..

5832 for vanguard, 9720 honor for all with no guild perk

They updated the armory, the new shtuff is in :)

Edit: also I forget who said that the ring of the kirin tor achieve was grandfathered, but it seems that is no longer the case.

Also armory prob won't update transfers but I transferred Secc back to my main account to pick up some pets which put me at 127 pets, and also broke she's at 4005 pending the update.

Edit2: looks like it updated faster than I thought it would.
Grody1 said:
Hey Secclusion, do you bg often by chance? I've never seen you in a game :p

I go in spurts. I haven't BG'd in a long time.

The change in the game overall has been a lil bit of a turn off, but since the patch I'll have to check it out pretty soon.
Added 3 people to the lists: Crescentia & Pollyanna - US and Falsthyr - EU

I think Falsthyr may be the warrior formerly known as Kurian but IDK
Rantcasey said:
Yea same with me im at 3375 ingame but 3365 in the armory.

Same. The in-game achievement tracker awarded me 10 points for the achievement "You'll Feel Right As Rain", yet the armory awarded me 0 points for it. Spoke with a GM and they said they are aware of the issue and are working to correct it.
Hey Secclusion, for the Northrend Angler achievement, where would be the best zones to hunt for the pools of Deep Sea Monsterbelly, Nettlefish, and Moonglow Cuttlefish?
tryiapriest3 said:
Hey Secclusion, for the Northrend Angler achievement, where would be the best zones to hunt for the pools of Deep Sea Monsterbelly, Nettlefish, and Moonglow Cuttlefish?

Deep Sea Monsterbelly and Moonglow Cuttlefish - The frozen sea south of Une'pe in Borean Tundra. Nettlefish - Sholazar Basin
Secclusion said:
lately not too much other than doing two dailies each day lol. Getting to 25k gold looted kinda burned me out a bit.

I guess ahah! Funny that I'm now aiming at 3k and you're above 4k xD
Where in Zangar did you farm Sporeggar rep? I went to some cave where it only worked as a warrior, not really a mage.
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