A challenge.

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eh, i didn't say i was better then you or everybody in your battle group. i probably am better then you and everybody else in your bg but thats not the point and is completely unmeasurable anyways. w/o demonic circle and the ability to spawn extra pets out of their cornhole at will, locks at level 70 are just bad, plain and simple. its way too ez to lock up kills on pets as priest rogue, or priest mage, or priest feral for that matter. nothing personal, i'm just not awful enuf to lose to a warlock in this bracket, lol.
Exactly. U seem to know what ur talking about, all our bracket says were op fucktards facerolling r1 worst 2.4k mmr everr :> But truth is they all are bad, we need ppl like u to play against, who actually know they need to kill lock pets.

Mirror match healers always let the pets die /rofl

Btw kinda contradicting urself in the first line
hence my comment about intentionally queueing into them, waste of time. you go ahead think you're just amazing in that bgroup where you haven't seen a taziks (let alone 2) on the same team and think you're amazing though. lol.
lonelybeaver said:
hence my comment about intentionally queueing into them, waste of time. you go ahead think you're just amazing in that bgroup where you haven't seen a taziks (let alone 2) on the same team and think you're amazing though. lol.

Are u saying u need a to be fixed bug to win sir? Cause that would make u worse then us. Running out of soulshards? Have u heard of resetting? Cast a fear cast a root cast a double howl? I thought u had brain. -1
Mr.Beaver, you simply fail to face the fact that you obviously don't know shit about Warlocks. I just teached you how Lock works with Pet Summons and you come with "lol on CD & no shards". Seriously if you manage to let your pet die twice in 45 seconds, learn to peel from your pet or get a decent healer and learn to help out with health funnel. Also if you managed to let your pet die already 3 times in 1 arena match, learn to fucking reset the fight and get soulshards using Soul Harvest. If you're too bad to do this, just burst down an enemy (pet) to regain shards with Soul Burn if possible. Please just learn about a class first before you try to troll a #1 of the same class :/
eh, i actually didn't know soul harvest gave soul shards but thats not really the premise of my argument anyways. you're not going to get a double howl. you're pets going to die over and over again while we're sitting on you, not your pet. you're not going to get any resets w/o non dispellable cc anyways. you're going to get a lot of cool downs popped on you when your pet dies, ie shadow dance and shadow fiend. it's only a matter of time, seeing as how locks that don't stack resil don't do any damage.... i shudder to think how easily my pom will out heal your resil stacked toon...
Soo your premise of your arguement, is that your opponents are really bad? I really cba to go into details but really?
nah, the point is the pet is going to take a lot of damage via soul link. the pet will most likely be on me(priest) since they probably don't want me mounting up and getting fears -> sap -> blind -> mc on the druid. pets going to die and locks going to get stunned any number of times during a long game. a gib is bound to happen sooner or later, or we're both going home with -12 in 47 minutes. thats the premise.
actually i lied, my first and most important point was and still is, why the fuck would anybody intentionally queue into a warlock healer? waste of time.
lonelybeaver said:
eh, i actually didn't know soul harvest gave soul shards but thats not really the premise of my argument anyways. you're not going to get a double howl. you're pets going to die over and over again while we're sitting on you, not your pet. you're not going to get any resets w/o non dispellable cc anyways. you're going to get a lot of cool downs popped on you when your pet dies, ie shadow dance and shadow fiend. it's only a matter of time, seeing as how locks that don't stack resil don't do any damage.... i shudder to think how easily my pom will out heal your resil stacked toon...

I see u have the attitude of any healer in our bg. "Omg we so praw we gonna do this that" But when shit hits the fan, we outplay them, we will get that double shadowfury by pressuring either ur rogue behind a pillar with a bash or just both stacking on u so rogue has to come close or just sit the fight out... Seriously, is that a joke? No double howl? I mean cmon. U think ur rogue can survive once we forces his vannishes and cos? No it will be a Shadowfury Fear Bash Deathcoil Fear Shadowfury War Stomp that gets us the kill. And if that wont work because u somehow don't give us chances by applying insane pressure while still having enough resi not to get globald, u will oom. Either we will spam cc on ur fiend and cs ur hymn, but u will oom, cause u will not get any drinks off with my lock being able to go out of almost every psychic scream by either rogue damage, wotf, dispell or just plain avoiding it. Shadowdance is just going to be countered with my lock not being so retarded to turn his back on ur rogue unless hes stunned, a lifebloom ending or a swiftmend or a ns. Ur previous posts show that u do not even know how a warlock works, probably don't know shit about druid either. U wouldn't stand more of a chance than any other team in our bg.

If the lonelybeavèr char is urs, u must be joking with us taking failglyphs and having 75% win rate. Glyph of dispell magic instead of 20% more reduction from phys damage? Really? We have better performing rogue priest teams on cyclone. I guess ur protected by being accross the ocean, so u can trashtalk all u want but armory speaks for itself.
Rofl any good ret/enh can counter that ez, warlock will barly get any spells in while the druids trying to heal a nukage from both sides.
huh. you're a hypocrite, but what ever. you might be able to thoroughly outplay us, might not. you're spouting out the same bs claims except you're assuming we're going to stack on top of each other to get shadowfuried or chase you around pillars instead of getting restealths so you can force cds. not really presenting me with much of an argument. you could probably kill something if we both went afk for 5 minutes also. grats. as i said before, measuring skill between us is impossible. i can just tell you what should happen and thats all i've done.

and really? you're grasping at straws enough to slam my glyph choices and my stats by which you have no idea how and what i've done? this may come as a surprise to you since you care so much about your rating and ranking but to me, its just the 70 bracket, a twink bracket i play for fun. just last night we tanked 30 games in a row to get our mmr back down to 1500 so we could actually get consistent queues when we queued again. amazingly enough, it wouldn't be the first time i've done that. OH NOEZ, MY STATS!@! haha. really though, glyph of inner fire? how many double melee dps teams have you seen that wouldn't get snapped in half instantly by a rogue or a mage or anything really... haha.
i keep forgetting the point since you're such a huge douche... lol. nobody wants to play against a healer warlock, let alone pay 25 bucks so they can play against a healer warlock. waste of time
lonelybeaver said:
i keep forgetting the point since you're such a huge douche... lol. nobody wants to play against a healer warlock, let alone pay 25 bucks so they can play against a healer warlock. waste of time

Its all good. I know you're good.
I'm confident I would global you in a deep freeze. Also, 10k gold is what I wipe my ass with each morning when I awake from dreams of owning wannabe pros such as yourself. On top of this I wouldnt xfer to a shitbag server like yours if you paid me 200k. Peace.
Vocalz said:
I'm confident I would global you in a deep freeze. Also, 10k gold is what I wipe my ass with each morning when I awake from dreams of owning wannabe pros such as yourself. On top of this I wouldnt xfer to a shitbag server like yours if you paid me 200k. Peace.

Global in a deep freeze? Deep freeze has 3-5 globals depending on ur haste. Gtfo failtrol
On my druid every rogue/warrior has been a bitch for us so inner fire sounds more then good to me. Really? Ur saying u lose games intentionally now? n1 excuse for being bad man, some noobs in our bg said they do that too lmao. Get real and get some skill nard my lock will keep combat if I get the risk of going out, and will buff unending breath to keep me in. Guess u don't know what that is either so just go troll in someone elses thread thinking u can beat a setup without even understanding it's spells. Lmfao kid :/ Actually crying about healer warlock. Actually stacking 600 resi urself which is equivalent to mine if take ur have 30% and 40% reduction in account. Also not having hitcap and pene cap won't get u that much fears on the lock or his pet. Anyways, I appreciate ur effort but just be honest for a second here. Ur just new to wow and ur still learning the ropes, thats ok. Just don't try acting like ur wise whil u don't even know soul harvest gives soul shards... Now go make another thread on how u would beat us, this one really isn't for that. Can't believe so many people are actually butthurt by us. Guess that says something about u guys rather then about us :)
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