50 Raiding Europe. Roster & Information

List updated.

I have a question; Would there be enough interest in 50 raiding on horde side for it to be worth starting a horde? I'd really like to try so. Would also eliminate this whole "must be gnome" thing ;p

Anyone have any questions or concerns regarding tonight's raid, I'm currently available on ventrilo - and will be for the next hour ahead.

Best regards,
List updated.

I have a question; Would there be enough interest in 50 raiding on horde side for it to be worth starting a horde? I'd really like to try so. Would also eliminate this whole "must be gnome" thing ;p


Yes and no.

Gnome Warrior tanks are current the best tanks available, but it's been proven that non-gnome warrior tanks can still get the job down(IE: Viable tanks/DPS dont need to be gnomes). So yes technically if you wanted to, someone could start up a horde guild on either EU or US and do the same contend. It would just be different because you wouldnt have the gnome trinkets/toys from engineering.
Yes and no.

Gnome Warrior tanks are current the best tanks available, but it's been proven that non-gnome warrior tanks can still get the job down(IE: Viable tanks/DPS dont need to be gnomes). So yes technically if you wanted to, someone could start up a horde guild on either EU or US and do the same contend. It would just be different because you wouldnt have the gnome trinkets/toys from engineering.

More of a challenge innit? Isn't that the whole point of this? ;D

GOOD RAID TONIGHT GUYS. Making your boy proud (No homo!).

There's someone standing in front of me on every screenshot :(
Great stream Linderkron wasnt online at the time but watched it later on.
Few thing I picked up from that was that Druid tanks are viable and seem to be better than warriors in some ways due to lots of avoidance. And that feral damage also seems to be pretty good.

Also guys pro tip for next time you do it, those flying bugs at the start, its painful watching you get spam hit by them, please next time you go in there max range the tanks or stand up realy close, this is becuase their charge is middle range it will hit anyone who is further away than meele distance and anyone who is closer than max spell range, this will save a lot of time from DPS dieing.
Great stream Linderkron wasnt online at the time but watched it later on.
Few thing I picked up from that was that Druid tanks are viable and seem to be better than warriors in some ways due to lots of avoidance. And that feral damage also seems to be pretty good.
Thanks! Unfortunately you could only hear me so I sound like a schizophrenic talking to myself, with way too loud volume and way too low music lol. Hard to adjust on own3d because of how slow it saves footage. I'll hope to have this fixed for Saturday.

Also guys pro tip for next time you do it, those flying bugs at the start, its painful watching you get spam hit by them, please next time you go in there max range the tanks or stand up realy close, this is becuase their charge is middle range it will hit anyone who is further away than meele distance and anyone who is closer than max spell range, this will save a lot of time from DPS dieing.

Ye, if you watched the whole thing we do try to hug them. I did not know maxing range also worked - even though Vioven did say it was working for him while we were doing it :)


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