Alîce :-)
Veterané Windwalker Monk!
Add Manabreaks on bleeding hollow to priest. Very very geared put a lot of work and gold into that
Also my 49 brewmaster monk is much better geared than the posted bm monk. Mine is Manabrews on bleeding hollow check me out I’d love to make this list
much better geared? i'd love advice on what to upgrade on him please. not being sarcastic...wanting to learn.Keep in mind, @dbsprite tested vers and came out with 2 vers = 1 agil.
Update, full BiS! Thank you to those that helped!
No worries manI didn’t post to offend or anything I promise. Noticed you sit mw more often than bm so I thought I’d throw my name in there. But I would recommend half ago half Stam you are a tank after all and your dmg will never be A-game dmg so you want to have some focus in making sure you are substainable in combat. Either going high vers or stam I prefer stam because it’s easier for a healer to keep you up OR catch you before you die because you had more stamina than the other guy. That’s just my thoughts and opinions I’m no pro.
feel free to message me directly on questions if you have any
or add me in game and we can chat on a weekend sometime yami#1264
Aha that’s smart I don’t normally q solo on my bm aha. I’m bout to have a new 49interesting, i will give more stam a shot and see how it plays. I have a huge tendency to play too aggressively on all my toons except rogue, so that might be good for my style. Oh yeah, because of the long 49's queues, i queue both heals and tank to try and help the matchmaking queue speed up.
Nothing special about your roguePlease add my Alliance Warlock to the list.åðøs
And my Horde Rogue.Çørtana
/wavePlease add my Shaman - Elements to the enhancement/resto Shaman list.