Shepperd is EU
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Shepperd said:i just hit 1505 Achievement Points last night and i ain't stopping till i catch up!!
Shepperd @ Shadowsong - Game - World of Warcraft
Shepperd said:i just hit 1505 Achievement Points last night and i ain't stopping till i catch up!!
Shepperd @ Shadowsong - Game - World of Warcraft
Oocheechoo said:I have an 85 on Shadowsong horde if you need anything Shepperd. Hit me up here or ingame. Antiseish or Antiseisha
Shepperd said:I must say, this achievement stuff is getting addictive ...
Also, bump!
mrdoobry said:Also added Donniedarkõ to the list as I have only just realised you now not only have enough points to make the list, but have climbed it quite quickly too. I think you can get a +5 scope on your ranged weapon too, Donnie.
Please keep your eyes out for high achievers and help keep the list updated with any more that you come across...
Donniedarkõ said:Oh I'm bustedabout my weap well I thought it was 3 max since it's lvl 1, you make me doubt now but ty I'll check, & I don't have any more names sry
Donniedarkõ said:I didn't up alchemy for the stone I rarely use it even, mostly when my pvp trinket is on cd. I took it for Mixology, which boost elixirs of fortitude by 100hp & agility by 10agi (=13 for sub, 14 with kings), on top of the stone when I use it. Not interrested in skinning ;p
Ewelinka said:Cause of missing BG action atm, i have started to hunt for some Achievements. You can add me to the list.
EwelÃnka @ Mannoroth - Spiel - World of Warcraft
Greets, Ewelìnka