3.3 Level 1 Twink server live!

If your going to do 60% then just do 100%. IMO do it and make it so everything but mounts are free, make mounts cost 10g then have one BG mark sell for 1 gold, that way once you have achieved 10 marks you'll have enough for a mount.
na 100% is to fast for level 1s in wsg. I think 60% is good enough but make it free. Or if you do do 100% then make 60% free and then you have to work for 100%
It's 40%, it's not even going to make a big deal how fast your going, it's just the fact that you are going faster. Whether we're charging at each other on 60% or 100% it's going to have the same out come, the out come will just happen faster this way.

It's no mounts or 100% mounts imo.
Wintergrasp now works on 3.3 and will be fully playable as level 1 =D
McBankington said:
It's no mounts or 100% mounts imo.

If you leave the world open, I am all for 100% mounts.

It doesn't make a difference in BGs, if anything it saves time. As long as both sides get a mount at the start (Say the Battlebears) and then with tokens/gold they can get rarer mounts (IE. Ravenlord or Spectral Tiger). If they both go the same speed, you are on even playing fields, but the addition of 100% speed mounts changes nothing for BGs. You aren't more powerful because you have a mount and you can't cap the flag faster because you have one. Sure people can run after you if you have the flag, but now you won't be running into the BS problem where you would be chasing the FCer and just be out of range to attack them and you chase them from your flag room to theres without getting any closer to them.


EDIT: Is this up yet? Still says Closed for me.
Stabatha said:
Wintergrasp now works on 3.3 and will be fully playable as level 1 =D

Is this a joke? What's there to do at level 1 in WG?
iaccidentallytwink said:
Is this a joke? What's there to do at level 1 in WG?

WG has always been very /yawn for me. I wouldn't do it at level 1.

WG isn't bad, it's just lacking. It's world PvP but with cannons. When they said they we're going to do something special with it I expected more.
wintergrasp will probably be bad. I want AV in stead. Mounts? Not so sure. Hows proffesions gonna work? Free cloths for FA, shitloads of mines,creatures and herbs in the market or what?
Boglund said:
Free cloths for FA, shitloads of mines,creatures and herbs in the market or what?

Not those! Make people work for it, don't have a million copper veins next to each other, it's boring to do it that way and it makes the server look sloppy.

Spread them out in a PvP area where you will also have animals of he appropriate level for skinning.

I dont really see why we would have to work for these things, it's not like it's a big deal. But I don't want to grind, it's easy to get on retail. So I don't see why it should be something everyone fight for to get, proffesion is probably the most common twink feat, making it easy to max proffesions isn't like making formal dangui a vendors item. Besides grinding those proffs on 10 different twinks + rerolls later will be boring. I've done it on retail, I'm not playing on the priv to spend time with basic preparations all day long. I want to BG etc, if I'm going to play on this server though. DOn't make everything a grind, it's not that I'm lazy, it's just pointless making everything a "struggle" to get which is usually easy to get.
Boglund said:
I dont really see why we would have to work for these things, it's not like it's a big deal. But I don't want to grind, it's easy to get on retail. So I don't see why it should be something everyone fight for to get, proffesion is probably the most common twink feat, making it easy to max proffesions isn't like making formal dangui a vendors item. Besides grinding those proffs on 10 different twinks + rerolls later will be boring. I've done it on retail, I'm not playing on the priv to spend time with basic preparations all day long. I want to BG etc, if I'm going to play on this server though. DOn't make everything a grind, it's not that I'm lazy, it's just pointless making everything a "struggle" to get which is usually easy to get.

This, there's no point in making us have to work for professions. If you put them 10 feet away or right next to each other, just like mounts, has no difference except one is going to take longer meaninglessly.
I wasn't planing on professions other then enchanting, fishing, cooking and 1st aid. Armor kits will be on vendors as well as the engineer neck. So don't really see a need. Feel free to prusade otherwise with valid reasoning
Can't you like present all of your plans? So we don't have to argue and speculate about things you're not even implementing.

Why you would leave out mining, skinning and herb. I'm afraid I don't understand that and why add enchanting? just use the scrolls and you're still sticking to fishing? Meh I look forward to running around with 1250 hp and have 30 min long midfarm fights where no one dies. At least I hope you're only implementing librams, and not the leg armors, if you're going to implement the leg armors, well why dont you just bring the mining bug back and inf fish feast and we got some solid hp while we're on it. I sure hope you're not gonna ruin this with OP stam items. The more stam you add the longer the fights will be, if you don't add anything to compensate it will at some point just be plain boring. We got no interrupts, besides belves and the regen is increased and the mana cost is decreased.
Stabbedurazz said:
Herb and skinning are 100% necessary for level 1 twinking with out them u fail end of argument... :D

Well I planned to just add pots to vendor. I could add herb/ach but don't really see the point as there are not many pots that can be made. In my 5 years of playing WoW and twinking since launch of BGs, I still can not see why it would be fail without skinning.. explain.
Stabbedurazz said:
:D well it would be fail mainly because of the loss of herb (lifeblood) but skinning will be extremely important because the crit loss is ridiculous at level 1 with 150 skinning ur +13% crit or so maybe 11% i forget but either way thats huge and that will help burst a caster down with the increase in hp

11,14% to be precise. No need for alch, just create a scroll/pot vendor

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