29's US let's get prepped

Comparing everything from two years ago to now. Yeah it sucks. a lot.

Yes, and the entire point I've been making is that whatever changes are confirmed in 6.0 are still unknown. If this bracket ever hopes to get something back from the last 6 years of changes, it needs to happen in 6.0. Since we don't have a PTR yet to test on, it's still too early to being 'preparing' for whatever is coming in 6.0. As I've said at least 8 times now, you can build a new twink, update an old twink, and get them ready to play with for games now, but you can't do much prepping based on 6.0 information - it's still way too incomplete and subject to change. I've never once discouraged the OP from doing this, I'm just trying to get him to understand the position everyone is in atm. I don't even mind if he wants to get people interested in 29s. It's just pointless to try and congregate to a specific server (or set of servers) and people are better off just playing on their home realms. Yet he/she wants to put on this happy ignorance and pretend like he's the victim of an unreasonable attack on his idea. Some of us are just trying to share our personal experience and it's being ignored.
there's good and bad things about having a centralized guild/server for a bracket

it's much easier to keep track of how many people are on and communicate via guild chat or whatever, but you run into a shortage of bis boe gear on the AH pretty quickly
Additional tweaks added. Much of it is centered around endgame but some of the discussions could be relevant for lowbie PvP.
Check out mmochampion.

Sweetsidney ...
Additional tweaks added. Much of it is centered around endgame but some of the discussions could be relevant for lowbie PvP.
Check out mmochampion.

Disregard this post please. The current patch notes are not reflective of the final version of 6.0, everything is still subject to change (and a lot of stuff isn't even in the patch notes yet).
Disregard this post please. The current patch notes are not reflective of the final version of 6.0, everything is still subject to change (and a lot of stuff isn't even in the patch notes yet).

But dude warriors have 3 abilities. It has to be complete!!!

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But dude warriors have 3 abilities. It has to be complete!!!


They're only going to reshuffle abilities to streamline the leveling process, while also tuning all abilities to be more balanced, at some point before 6.0 goes live. Said changes are only going to be the most determinant factor in the future of any twinking bracket, specifically in the 20-24 or 25-29 bracket. If by some chance they decide not to do the bracket merge, 29s aren't going to have the aid of the F2Ps to help activity. If the way Blizzard shuffles abilities ends up favoring 29s significantly over level 20s, then it will be difficult for the 20-29 bracket to sustain activity, since the disparity between a 29 and a 20 will be much greater.

But what do I know? I'm just a long time wow player with several years of twinking experience to draw from.
Before you prepurchase your glyphs in preparations for turning level 25 be sure to check out the list of glyphs you automatically learn.
Personally, I am excited to shake the dust off of the toons that I have had waiting for this bracket to make a comeback. I really enjoyed playing my 29 shammy back in the day, and my rogue finally got his Deadman's Hand right before the bracket fizzled (plus, he's my only toon still sporting the Cata "doomsday message" sammich board). I also have a stagnant 27 hunter with a vanilla PvP title that I would love to resurrect into this bracket, as well as a few other 29's with grandfathered gear.

The 20-24 bracket is currently the most active low level PvP bracket, due in no small part to all the F2P's (and, of course, the 24 P2P's that have fun killing them), so my hope is that Blizz will decide to boost the F2P level cap up to 25, increasing the profession caps for them to 200 or 225, and maybe even relaxing the trade/mail/auction house restrictions on them in order to make playing them at least decently viable in the 20-29 bracket.

If they don't, with the current restrictions on F2P's such as no glyphs, only the very lowest level enchants, and gimped professions, I really doubt that simply scaling all of those 20's up to 29 will make them anything but fodder for a lone well-geared and enchanted 29, let alone a whole herd of them, and when those F2P players decide that it's not worth the pain, the bracket will go back to the ghost town it currently is. The folks that are currently playing 24's will also probably go by the wayside instead of boosting the bracket by leveling to 29. Best case in that situation will be that the F2P and P2P players currently populating the 20-24 bracket will re-roll and lock themselves in at 19, reviving THAT bracket instead of the 20-29. Worst case is that low level twinking will completely die off because regressing back to 19 will be too much of a hassle.

But that's just my 2 copper...
Can anyone tell me if the bracket was merged on the beta would enjoy healing my old twink friends again =)

The beta is still too early to test that I think, not many people from the twink world have gotten access. That, and it's probably a change that hasn't been implemented yet. Lots of things are still that way.

On the bright side, if you want to we can do some arena/rated BGs at 90 on live. My healer is about where it needs to be in terms of gear.
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HP levels are very weird at the moment. Can't really test much. Again it's very early beta and I've been reminded of that when I saw 6.5k HP and 3700 mana

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If this happens do you guys expect 29s (and maybe 39s, maybe even 49s and upward?) to live again?

It sounds promising...

There are only 2 scenarios where 29s would become active again:

1. Blizzard kills trial accounts ability to twink.

2. Blizzard merges 20-24 and 25-29.

Everyone went to the 20-24 bracket because of how frequent games happen, which is heavily fueled by trial accounts. This took activity away from all other brackets. After all, why bother trying to organize a couple game nights a week around the schedules of 30+ people, when you can just make a level 24 and hop into a 5 minute queue anytime, day or night?

The only way 39s/49s will become active again will be if Blizzard kills F2P's ability to twink on trial accounts.
Gotta say this thread has me pretty depressed. But I see where you all are coming from. Personally I think that there's no reason to try and start a centralized revival of a long dormant bracket because of some notes Blizz releases that might or might not happen the way they are being perceived to happen. We all know that things change at the last moment all the time and while its exciting to think about the future of specific brackets in WoD, we really have no idea what will happen. I think the most anyone should be doing is maybe doing some research about gear and play and such, maybe prep a character if your that set on it, but absolutely no reason to try and centralize this early, because it frankly is asking for a total leap of faith. So sure, its a great time to make a character on a new server, but what are you going to do for months with that character besides shelve it? And then hope for the changes in WoD that you think will happen?
But shit, I hate being such a negative nancy, if you want to go for it, go for it, I just think that there should be something more concrete before someone tries to entice me or anyone else into going back to such an amazing bracket, only to risk being utterly devastated if it dosent turn out the way I hope it does.
Gotta say this thread has me pretty depressed. But I see where you all are coming from. Personally I think that there's no reason to try and start a centralized revival of a long dormant bracket because of some notes Blizz releases that might or might not happen the way they are being perceived to happen. We all know that things change at the last moment all the time and while its exciting to think about the future of specific brackets in WoD, we really have no idea what will happen. I think the most anyone should be doing is maybe doing some research about gear and play and such, maybe prep a character if your that set on it, but absolutely no reason to try and centralize this early, because it frankly is asking for a total leap of faith. So sure, its a great time to make a character on a new server, but what are you going to do for months with that character besides shelve it? And then hope for the changes in WoD that you think will happen?
But shit, I hate being such a negative nancy, if you want to go for it, go for it, I just think that there should be something more concrete before someone tries to entice me or anyone else into going back to such an amazing bracket, only to risk being utterly devastated if it dosent turn out the way I hope it does.

This person gets it.

I would do some willy, but I haven't been able to make it to the wallmart/gamestop to pick up more game time since I moved >.<

Might be able to help you with that, PST me on Battle.net. (you will have to install the client soon anyway).

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