29's US let's get prepped

Pre EXP off Shadowburn had 50-100% twink matches in the 29 bracket depending on the time of day, it was incredibly RARE to have more free kills than twinks.

Now I don't know how it was on other battlegroups but on shadowburn it was mostly twink on twink, hell we would intentionally que for the specific WSG with the most twinks active at any given time.

If it was about farming free HK's you wouldn't have 8 people in que for a game that is 80% twink hoping to grab one of the slots that might become available.

Vengeance #1 [MENTION=1622]Ohai[/MENTION] [MENTION=813]Balroy[/MENTION]

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Franchi, you have any wod plans?

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Right now I'm playing a variety of games from Dayz to guns of Icarus while I wait for SC to come out, My plans for WOD are to wait and see, If they merge FTP into 29's I might take one of the 7 day trials or whatever it is now and farm them to collect FTP scum tears (they have a special place in the darkest recesses of my heart).

Ive been talking to Dom a bit about coming back and playing on Dmaw again but I don't think my heart is in it. To many of my old friends just wont play again. Then there is the fact that F2P's and ex 24's are essentially going to be urinating in a pool I spent a lot of time playing in and promoting. Do I want my last memories of 29's to be Fcftw Crypto, Yoube, Yukie, Dom, Nasty, Zelpher, Koren, Rise, Skanky and a lot of other players fighting with everything they had in organized games, or do I want to remember farming F2P's?

lets face it given the choice between the 29 bracket on life support and the 29 bracket full of those people most of us old school 29's would opt for life support.

Time will tell.

Whats the going rate for CATA grandfathered 29's anyhow? Ive got 3 warriors (one grandfathered back to BC) 2 paladins a rogue a priest a shaman and a druid, warriors and pallies complete, some of the others only have the relevant grandfathered gear (DMH and MARA crap)

Vengeance #1 [MENTION=1622]Ohai[/MENTION] [MENTION=813]Balroy[/MENTION]

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Eh the point was that the twinks I ran with back then were all about tough grudge matches dragging out ot well over 40 minutes.
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Vengeance #1 Ohai Balroy

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Hell yeah buddy. We had some damn good games in vengeance. I think I started a bit late :(

I only was aware of the good twink pvp on the PTR for the last one. Got some fun arenas in with some of the best twinks to play. Too bad there isnt an easy way to get all those people from veng/reck/etc playing again, but life is like that.

For what it's worth i nearly leveled my main to 86 in this xpac.
For what it's worth i nearly leveled my main to 86 in this xpac.

You didn't miss much. Wod 'promises' to fix a lot of the shit that went wrong in Cata and MoP.

We'll see.
lets face it given the choice between the 29 bracket on life support and the 29 bracket full of those people most of us old school 29's would opt for life support.

"Let's face it..."
YOU are not "better" than anyone else that plays WoW simply because you call yourself "old school" and you think you have a wee bit of experience on a few people. Again, you think you have more experience.
My suggestion, if you do not want your precious memories tainted, then simply do not participate in the new and improved 20-29 bracket.
It is so quite very simple.

Allybeboba said:
"Let's face it..."
YOU are not "better" than anyone else that plays WoW simply because you call yourself "old school" and you think you have a wee bit of experience on a few people. Again, you think you have more experience.
My suggestion, if you do not want your precious memories tainted, then simply do not participate in the new and improved 20-29 bracket.
It is so quite very simple.


There are days when I wonder if as a child, you were kicked in the head by a horse...
There are days when I wonder if as a child, you were kicked in the head by a horse...

Aw, such hatred....
I am truly touched that you are taking the time to think about my childhood though.

Back to"prepping" everyone!!!. Prepatch is mere days away!!! All the naysayers that did not prep will be followers instead of leaders.
What will YOU be, a sheep or a shephard? Many of the enchants are changing. The PTR is up for everyone. Get those toons over there that you have been properly prepping.
That is, if you have....

"Let's face it..."
YOU are not "better" than anyone else that plays WoW simply because you call yourself "old school" and you think you have a wee bit of experience on a few people. Again, you think you have more experience.
My suggestion, if you do not want your precious memories tainted, then simply do not participate in the new and improved 20-29 bracket.
It is so quite very simple.


>the point
>Your head

Nowhere in my post did I say we old school twinks are better. I was pointing out that 20-29 is the death of what kept us in the bracket for so long. When Exp of first came out we started getting some of the best games ever (marred slightly by a WSG timer and latter the need to transfer servers to deal with blizzards screwy cross Battlegroup ques) hard fought games between hardcore twinks. For us this was what it was all about.

With 20-29 the worst dregs of every bracket will migrate here to beat up on F2P's not to mention that the F2P's with their refusal to get BIS gear and enchants will be a liability to their respective teams. Add in all the legitimate F2P accounts who hit level cap and have o idea whats going on and its a perfect storm for craptacular games.

Sure the bracket will be "improved" in that Bg's will pop all day every day. But calling that an improvement would be like saying being served McDonalds happy meal at a gourmet restaurant instantly when you ordered prime rib is an improvement becasue you didn't have to wait for it.
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I'm forced to agree, the quality of 20-24 games was trash. 20-29 looks like it will by virtue be more trash. 20s will not and can not be viable against well geared 29s. We're headed back to the "curbstomp people who have no idea what they are doing" days, and if you think that's fun or cool than you will be in heaven.

Yes, I'm talking before I see games. No, I'm not saying you shouldn't play. No, I'm not ruling out coming back myself. I'm just saying that it is very likely that we are trading nothing for bad, which isn't exactly worth it.
Sure the bracket will be "improved" in that Bg's will pop all day every day. But calling that an improvement would be like saying being served McDonalds happy meal at a gourmet restaurant instantly when you ordered prime rib is an improvement becasue you didn't have to wait for it.

Silly arrogant 29s... You amuse me. F2Ps have been forced to adapt since we began. We adapted to every limitation we've been given. We've adapted to enchants. We've adapted to p2w infestation. We've adapted to so called "skilled" rerollers. You severely underestimate us and are to ignorant to address what 9 levels of scaling can really do. Keep badmouthing us cuz whether anyone likes it or not we're coming, and having seen the best 24s has to offer and the best 19 rerolls have to give I'm looking forward to testing out all of these gfd 29s I've heard of
Silly arrogant 29s... You amuse me. F2Ps have been forced to adapt since we began.

You haven't been FORCED to do anything. Its a choice that YOU made in not paying for the game. That statement was rather ignorant.

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So maybe I missed something... are they scaling level 20s up to be not fucked by 29s as hard in some way? Are they making the F2P cap 29? Because maybe I've been out of the game too long but level 20 players (geared as well as a f2p account can) were getting mopped up and down WSG by equivalently skilled and geared 24s in the games I played...

testing out all of these gfd 29s I've heard of

What I'm saying is I have little to no desire to be "tested" by someone at a 9 level disadvantage. If Chris Weidman announced he was ready to attempt to adapt and test Cain Velasquez, why would Cain want any part of that?

All of that aside, there will be a lot of level 20s that are just trial accounts plain and simple. Not twinks, but guys who enter the game with little to no idea wtf is going on. That affects the quality of games in a negative way.

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