29's US let's get prepped

Your OP leads people to believe you have never played in this bracket.

The OP makes me want to smash my face into my desk. It's full of rubbish and idiocy, and 'sweetsydney' should feel bad for making it.
The OP makes me want to smash my face into my desk. It's full of rubbish and idiocy, and 'sweetsydney' should feel bad for making it.

What part is " rubbish" and which "idiocy"?
The part where I do not try to centralize to one server but a group of servers that are cross realmed. But them some one shot back stating that we should not centralize. Then some one stated there ALREADY is a central server.
Maybe the part where I do not even pick a faction or a specific class or even a level.
What was so terrible about my post? You should be thanking me for wanting to breathe new life into the bracket you play. Not to worry, young one, I am not here to take over your precious leadership. No need to feel threatened. There is no call to puff out your chest. You are in no peril.
I am sure I played this bracket long before many twinks even knew WoW existed.

Back to topic. It has been speculated that the Heart of the Valorous buff may be ushering in the release of 6.0. I highly doubt that. My theory is 6.0 will not be release until the end of the current PvP season. Stranger things have happened.
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What part is " rubbish" and which "idiocy"?

All of it.

The part where I do not try to centralize to one server but a group of servers that are cross realmed.

Same difference. People are best off just making/updating twinks on whatever realms they already play on. With cross realm everything, your specific server does not matter anymore. Don't feel obligated to make or move a twink to a server you don't normally play on.

But them some one shot back stating that we should not centralize.

Here's the thing: we've already centralized 29s in the past, and it doesn't actually do anything for the bracket now that you can just queue from any server and do things with other twinks. Centralizing is pointless. What do you think we did in 3.2 when they added XP to BGs and gave us our own brackets? Everyone migrated to Reckoning servers, between Dragonmaw, Windrunner, and Skywall.

Newsflash: no one plays on those servers anymore; centralizing no longer provides any benefits short of guild perks.

Then some one stated there ALREADY is a central server.

Yeah, and they were mistaken. Ursin has a small group of players who play there, but it's by no means 'the central server' where people are encouraged to come. The AH is terrible on both factions and it's a low pop server despite being merged with Akama and Scilla. I don't recommend anyone coming to Ursin unless you enjoy the dead server experience.

Maybe the part where I do not even pick a faction or a specific class or even a level.

What? You posted your trash in the 29s forum. Did you expect everyone would just jump on board your idea and a community would spring to life?

29s are dead right now and will be dead until WoD, and probably longer, unless Blizzard really does merge the 20-24 bracket with the 25-29 bracket. There's no guarantee that will happen and WoD is several months away. Maybe you should wait and see what happens before you start trying to get people interested in a dead bracket?

What was so terrible about my post? You should be thanking me for wanting to breathe new life into the bracket you play. Not to worry, young one, I am not here to take over your precious leadership. No need to feel threatened. There is no call to puff out your chest. You are in no peril.
I am sure I played this bracket long before many twinks even knew WoW existed.

There's no reason to thank you. People can do whatever they want to and I have no issues with people being interested in 29s. What I have a problem with is some no name coming to the bracket to try and get people interested based on promises of activity in an expansion that isn't even out yet. The last thing anyone wants to do is spend a bunch of time making characters only to never get a chance to play them.

Like I said, your post was full of rubbish, idiocy, and you should feel bad for making it.

Back to topic. It has been speculated that the Heart of the Valorous buff may be ushering in the release of 6.0. I highly doubt that. My theory is 6.0 will not be release until the end of the current PvP season. Stranger things have happened.

We will know well in advance when 6.0 is coming out. The Valor buff is likely there to keep people interested in the current content long enough to retain subs. It probably has absolutely nothing to do with 6.0 and no one expects 6.0 any time soon. If you have ever played Wow before, they generally have beta well under way before they do a PTR for the prepatch, after which they spend a month or so making sure everything happening in 6.0 is good to go before launching it.

We aren't even into the beta phase of WoD yet, 6.0 is still months away at least.
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Its very very very populated on horde, I don't have any alliance on the realm, so I can't speak for that.
Alliance is pretty unbelievable almost like the cities used to be in the past, crowded. Pros are it is sort of easy to get enchants and what not but... Lots of competition for selling. The trade chat window is always zooming by.

Theres no real way to prepare. Nobody knows which level will be best due to scaling, therefore you pretty much need to wait until wod. It's cool somebody is taking initiative but at this point not much can be done.
Theres no real way to prepare. Nobody knows which level will be best due to scaling, therefore you pretty much need to wait until wod. It's cool somebody is taking initiative but at this point not much can be done.

This man gets it....

Why can't you?

It's not just level scaling. It's gear, stats, enchants, abilities, and even whether or not they will merge brackets into 20-29. I know we have the Holinka tweet stating that brackets are being merged, but it was incredibly vague and didn't not offer any specific information regarding the merge. Blizzard is extremely bad about releasing specific information about anything below level cap unless they are specifically developing a feature for low level players and they are unveiling said feature.

Even then, specifics are still difficult to come by until these things hit live servers.

Right now, we don't have any solid information to act on, so preparing for a 29s comeback is about as useful as preparing for a level 49s come back.
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Theres no real way to prepare. Nobody knows which level will be best due to scaling, therefore you pretty much need to wait until wod. It's cool somebody is taking initiative but at this point not much can be done.

Sure there is... You can research changes on the classes you like, look at the different glyphs available, start collecting BoE gear, BiS quest gear at specific levels, abilities at specific levels, weight the options of gear vs ability vs scaling. Etc...Why would you want to wait?
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
There is a plethora of preparatory things you can do before a prepatch. The only items that are even remotely difficult to get are gnomer rings. And all those really take are time.
We won't know ANYTHING about the prepatch until there's a PTR for us to test on.

That's not up yet.

Therefore, we don't know anything.
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We won't know ANYTHING about the prepatch until there's a PTR for us to test on.

That's not up yet.

Therefore, we don't know anything.

We know plenty about World of Dreanor. Perhaps you may not, but the informed do.
All this thread suggests, is to have a few people get toons prepared for the expansion of the bracket come the WoD pre-patch, from a five level, to a ten level one. Which should increase the population of the people queuing. There is no reason for you "fluff up your fur" and beat your chest. I am not here to take over "your" precious little bracket. You may keep it all to yourself(ves) if you like. Besides, your little intimidation tactics are laughable at best and are only going prove to run new players off.
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We won't know ANYTHING about the prepatch until there's a PTR for us to test on.

That's not up yet.

Therefore, we don't know anything.

Don't bother.. You won't be able to help it :/ they came to our bracket and ruined it and sadly 29s will be next it seems. If you don't value quality>quantity you'll enjoy the added pops and games however if you do.. Well I'm sry
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We know plenty about World of Dreanor. Perhaps you may not, but the informed do.
All this thread suggests, is to have a few people get toons prepared for the expansion of the bracket come the WoD pre-patch, from a five level, to a ten level one. Which should increase the population of the people queuing. There is no reason for you "fluff up your fur" and beat your chest. I am not here to take over "your" precious little bracket. You may keep it all to yourself(ves) if you like. Besides, your little intimidation tactics are laughable at best and are only going prove to run new players off.

Maybe they know more than you and therefore ignore you, cause your points are silly.
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We know plenty about World of Dreanor. Perhaps you may not, but the informed do.
All this thread suggests, is to have a few people get toons prepared for the expansion of the bracket come the WoD pre-patch, from a five level, to a ten level one. Which should increase the population of the people queuing. There is no reason for you "fluff up your fur" and beat your chest. I am not here to take over "your" precious little bracket. You may keep it all to yourself(ves) if you like. Besides, your little intimidation tactics are laughable at best and are only going prove to run new players off.

See, there isn't a PTR yet. Everything that's been discussed by the Devs regarding development for 6.0 is still being worked on. At this time, all announced changes and features are subject to change. You can claim to know something for sure, but it could change before a PTR goes up. Like I've said twice now in this thread, we simply don't know what's going to be BiS, which levels are going to be merged into which brackets, or even how scaling will be handled between levels in a bigger bracket.

Hell, we don't even know if they will get around to merging things into 10 level brackets like they used to be. That's the way Blizzard does thing. They can announce a change or a feature, and then before anyone even gets a chance to see it on a PTR, they go and reverse the change or decide not to implement the feature. This idea that anything from the patch notes is set in stone is a joke.

When there's a PTR up for 6.0 (still months away from that), then we'll start to get a better idea of how things will look, and we can start prepping and planning accordingly.

Right now, you're just being ignorant and it's not helpful to anyone.
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