29's US let's get prepped

Then don't, i dont understand the reason behind either of your posts. If it doesnt interest you, then why are you here. Posting in the 29s.

It's the equivalent of going to a restaurant just to tell the employees you're not hungry. But you showed up anyway just to let them know.

The point, is pointless.

He's saying that people don't have to look forward to actually playing their 29s because they've actually played them in MoP.

Most people who love their 29s/the bracket aren't looking forward to "dusting them off" to one shot f2ps in awful games. If that was the goal, they could just play 24s right now. It's be no different.
He's saying that people don't have to look forward to actually playing their 29s because they've actually played them in MoP.

Most people who love their 29s/the bracket aren't looking forward to "dusting them off" to one shot f2ps in awful games. If that was the goal, they could just play 24s right now. It's be no different.

I see now. I was under the impression that the only time games popped during MoP was when they were organized. Like the majority of the other brackets. I'm actually kind of surprised nobody is excited. This bracket got it's start shitting on trial accounts for what, 6 years? It really transformed that much? Or attempted too and died. Back to basics i suppose.
This bracket got it's start shitting on trial accounts for what, 6 years? It really transformed that much? Or attempted too and died. Back to basics i suppose.

"This bracket" being the 24's bracket you're referring to in this post, correct? Because trial accounts were never a part of the 29s bracket.
Rollop said:
This bracket got it's start shitting on trial accounts for what, 6 years? It really transformed that much? Or attempted too and died. Back to basics i suppose.


Here's a brief history of 29s/24s/20s.

Once upon a time, brackets were split up according to 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, ect. There was no XP off switch yet and everyone was put into the same BGs. BGs didn't offer experience gains, so people tended to avoid them unless they really wanted to pvp. This affected queue times of lower level brackets, with pops taking upwards of 10-15 minutes to pop.

Wotlk patch 3.2 comes out, adding experience gains to BGs, an XP off switch, and segregation for players who have their XP off from those who have their XP on. At this point in time, trial accounts are still 'trials' restricted by their 7 days of play time (or 10 days, I can't remember which). No one is twinking as a trial because it's utterly pointless.

At some point in Cata, Blizzard decides to merge the battle groups, enabling the queue system to draw people from anywhere and form BG teams without forcing people to wait for longer time periods. Because of this significant increase to the size of available players, Blizzard then decides to cut the brackets in halves, 10-14,15-19, 20-24, 24-29, ect. At this point trial account players are still being put into the same BGs as XP on players, but lo and behold! Blizzard decides to lift the trial account restrictions on game time and re brand them 'starter accounts' with unlimited play time.

For a patch cycle or two, twinks discover 'a new way of twinking' with this unlimited access to trial accounts, except they're still being put into the same BGs as XP on players. Curious about the 24 bracket, some twinks decide to start up some games on their paid accounts to see what twinking x4 feels like compared to twinking at x9. For a brief time, the 24 bracket is active. Then all of a sudden, things slow to a crawl as they inevitably do in the twink world.

Blizzard decides one day in Cata to merge trial account players with XP off players in BGs, thereby opening up the 20-24 bracket as the only bracket in the game where twinking exists in the same manner it used to prior to 3.2. 20-24s pick up steam as noobs to Wow, F2P twinks, and 24s flock to the new bracket for limitless pops 24/7.

The TL: DR?

29s have always been by themselves in a bracket. Even before 3.2 happened and caused segregation, most of the people queuing for 29s were twinks. Like I said, levelers didn't typically do BGs because they didn't reward Xp and by the time you earned any gear rewards, you could have leveled out of the bracket and into the next one already.

People who are looking forward to WoD because of the 'merger' are making a lot of assumptions about the bracket. It's saddening to me that the only way I'll get to enjoy my 29s outside of organized activity is by beating on noobs that were forced into my bracket. I don't imagine any experienced 29s feeling any differently.
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Here's a brief history of 29s/24s/20s.

Once upon a time, brackets were split up according to 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, ect. There was no XP off switch yet and everyone was put into the same BGs. BGs didn't offer experience gains, so people tended to avoid them unless they really wanted to pvp. This affected queue times of lower level brackets, with pops taking upwards of 10-15 minutes to pop.

Wotlk patch 3.2 comes out, adding experience gains to BGs, an XP off switch, and segregation for players who have their XP off from those who have their XP on. At this point in time, trial accounts are still 'trials' restricted by their 7 days of play time (or 10 days, I can't remember which). No one is twinking as a trial because it's utterly pointless.

At some point in Cata, Blizzard decides to merge the battle groups, enabling the queue system to draw people from anywhere and form BG teams without forcing people to wait for longer time periods. Because of this significant increase to the size of available players, Blizzard then decides to cut the brackets in halves, 10-14,15-19, 20-24, 24-29, ect. At this point trial account players are still being put into the same BGs as XP on players, but lo and behold! Blizzard decides to lift the trial account restrictions on game time and re brand them 'starter accounts' with unlimited play time.

For a patch cycle or two, twinks discover 'a new way of twinking' with this unlimited access to trial accounts, except they're still being put into the same BGs as XP on players. Curious about the 24 bracket, some twinks decide to start up some games on their paid accounts to see what twinking x4 feels like compared to twinking at x9. For a brief time, the 24 bracket is active. Then all of a sudden, things slow to a crawl as they inevitably do in the twink world.

Blizzard decides one day in Cata to merge trial account players with XP off players in BGs, thereby opening up the 20-24 bracket as the only bracket in the game where twinking exists in the same manner it used to prior to 3.2. 20-24s pick up steam as noobs to Wow, F2P twinks, and 24s flock to the new bracket for limitless pops 24/7.

The TL: DR?

29s have always been by themselves in a bracket. Even before 3.2 happened and caused segregation, most of the people queuing for 29s were twinks. Like I said, levelers didn't typically do BGs because they didn't reward Xp and by the time you earned any gear rewards, you could have leveled out of the bracket and into the next one already.

People who are looking forward to WoD because of the 'merger' are making a lot of assumptions about the bracket. It's saddening to me that the only way I'll get to enjoy my 29s outside of organized activity is by beating on noobs that were forced into my bracket. I don't imagine any experienced 29s feeling any differently.

That's correct. But to pretend we didnt have a steady stream of trials that were dumped into the original 20-29 bracket is a joke. 6 years from vanilla to wrath, facerolling trials. I understand not wanting that reputation, but i think that's another thread topic altogether.

Anyhow, at the end of the day you can still organize your own games, like you've been doing since this bracket died. And you'll probably get easy games, but that's nothing new. Everything's come full circle.
Rollop said:
That's correct. But to pretend we didnt have a steady stream of trials that were dumped into the original 20-29 bracket is a joke. 6 years from vanilla to wrath, facerolling trials. I understand not wanting that reputation, but i think that's another thread topic altogether.

This assumes that trials back in Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk ever made it to level 20 to begin with. Then you're assuming they were able to do it before hitting the end of the trial period. On top of which, you're assuming they weren't soured on BGs between hitting level 10 and leveling to 20. Like I said before, we didn't see many non twinks in 29s back in the day. The few that we saw definitely weren't trial account players.

So no, there wasn't 'a steady stream of trials' back in the day. There wasn't even an incentive to make a trial account character unless you just wanted to check out the game before you bought it.
That's correct. But to pretend we didnt have a steady stream of trials that were dumped into the original 20-29 bracket is a joke. 6 years from vanilla to wrath, facerolling trials. I understand not wanting that reputation, but i think that's another thread topic altogether.

Anyhow, at the end of the day you can still organize your own games, like you've been doing since this bracket died. And you'll probably get easy games, but that's nothing new. Everything's come full circle.

We didnt have trials in 29s. You do not know what you are talking about. Just stop.

70% of trial players quit WoW before level 10

^obviously before your time in WoW, I suggest you read, may give you some insight on exactly why the 29s bracket did NOT "have a steady stream of trials".

Perhaps you might educate yourself before attempting to shove your own foot further into your mouth.
We didnt have trials in 29s. You do not know what you are talking about. Just stop.

70% of trial players quit WoW before level 10

^obviously before your time in WoW, I suggest you read, may give you some insight on exactly why the 29s bracket did NOT "have a steady stream of trials".

Perhaps you might educate yourself before attempting to shove your own foot further into your mouth.

Clearly you didn't twink pre 3.2. During the games largest growth spurt to date. Of course the games were shitty, for new players looking to see what the hype was all about. <- Which is where the steady stream was coming from. Of course if you started in wrath, then there was a short period in which trials were being dumped into exp on games. That didn't last long. Maybe this is where your confusion is coming from. If you actually played at all in this bracket from 04 to 08 then you would have a pretty clear idea of what this bracket was. And what it's about to return too. Perhaps you should stop pretending you've played in this bracket since it's conception.
Clearly you didn't twink pre 3.2. During the games largest growth spurt to date. Of course the games were shitty, for new players looking to see what the hype was all about. <- Which is where the steady stream was coming from. Of course if you started in wrath, then there was a short period in which trials were being dumped into exp on games. That didn't last long. Maybe this is where your confusion is coming from. If you actually played at all in this bracket from 04 to 08 then you would have a pretty clear idea of what this bracket was. And what it's about to return too. Perhaps you should stop pretending you've played in this bracket since it's conception.

Hi been here since the beginning. Trials were never part of the bracket as you previously stated. Clearly you can GTFO

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Can someone here please link me the official blue post/patch note that indicates pvp brackets will be merged again?
Clearly you didn't twink pre 3.2. During the games largest growth spurt to date. Of course the games were shitty, for new players looking to see what the hype was all about. <- Which is where the steady stream was coming from. Of course if you started in wrath, then there was a short period in which trials were being dumped into exp on games. That didn't last long. Maybe this is where your confusion is coming from. If you actually played at all in this bracket from 04 to 08 then you would have a pretty clear idea of what this bracket was. And what it's about to return too. Perhaps you should stop pretending you've played in this bracket since it's conception.

The 20-29 bracket did not exist in '04, if you actually played the game back then you would have remembered that the brackets were 21-30, 31-40...etc. Also why are you bringing up 2004 when wsg wasn't even in the game until early summer 2005?

You are confusing TRIALS with UNTWINKED PLAYERs, now stop. I started 29s in 2005, you obviously did not, your every post further illustrates your own ignorance.

Yes, there were untwinked players in 29s, NO, THEY WERE NOT TRIAL PLAYERS, THEY WERE PAID SUBSCRIBERS WHO HAD ACCESS TO EVERYTHING THE TWINKS HAD IF THEY INVESTED THE TIME & EFFORT. There is a BIG difference between a TRIAL and a PAID SUBSCRIBER. You clearly just don't get it. Just stop.
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Rollop said:
Clearly you didn't twink pre 3.2. During the games largest growth spurt to date. Of course the games were shitty, for new players looking to see what the hype was all about. <- Which is where the steady stream was coming from.

There was no steady stream of trials in BGs until Blizzard changed trial accounts to start accounts. Not sure what's so difficult for you to understand about that.

Literally no one played BGs on a trial account in the 20-29 bracket prior to patch 4.2 (cata). That's when trial accounts became starter accounts and the time restrictions had been lifted. Prior to that, there was zero reason to even play a trial account as someone who wanted to pvp. Even at that point, XP segregation prevented trials from being put into the same BGs as twinks, and 29s had been organizing games activity for almost 2 years.

So I call BS on your 'for 6 years trials fed the 29 bracket' statement. It's utterly false and unsupported by facts/evidence. Were there new players in BGs before 3.2? Sure, there were some. But most of the players you would encounter were twinks. People who weren't interested in pvp had no reason to even queue for a BG. No XP was given, gear rewards were only useable by people level 28 or higher. Scaling didn't exist.

Jump into a BG at level 21? Yeah you were going to die for no reason.
Clearly you didn't twink pre 3.2. During the games largest growth spurt to date. Of course the games were shitty, for new players looking to see what the hype was all about. <- Which is where the steady stream was coming from. Of course if you started in wrath, then there was a short period in which trials were being dumped into exp on games. That didn't last long. Maybe this is where your confusion is coming from. If you actually played at all in this bracket from 04 to 08 then you would have a pretty clear idea of what this bracket was. And what it's about to return too. Perhaps you should stop pretending you've played in this bracket since it's conception.
Actually prestarter account, the end of vanilla the end of tBC is when twinking flourished. Not during WotLK. You can not confuse subscribed account numbers for twinking numbers. Sure, there WoW's peak was during WotLK. But, twinking was not. And as for level 29s, hopefully the bracket expansion will revitalize them again. As well as some as the other brackets. I may be trying my hand again in the 39's. I have not ran my 39 in quite some time. I may even try it with xp on since much of the gear is not BoA and I do not have the added xp bonus.
Real "Twinking" (Competitive Low Level PvP) didn't start until XP-On/Off.

All the years of beating on ungeared leveling players was honestly an embarrassment.

The paradigm of what twinking was to what it is now:

Getting the best gear possible to have an advantage and destroying people that are at a disadvantage
Having relatively the same gear and using playstyle, tactics and skill to claim victory

Activity =/= Bracket being alive --- This meaning, if the quality of games are very low, the bracket might as well be dead. I understand this may seem negative, but in all honesty it is the truth. If the quality of games are of an unsatisfactory level then the time spent playing them would be better spent doing something else to give higher levels of personal/collective enjoyment.

^ This is how many people feel that make up a large portion of the bracket's foundation.

You may say that you have been a part of the bracket, but in truth, it sounds like you played during a completely different era with the old pre-xp off mentality. So in essence, you are new to what is known as today's "twinking". It is nothing to be ashamed or mad about, it is just something that needs to be understood and recognized.
Real "Twinking" (Competitive Low Level PvP) didn't start until XP-On/Off.

All the years of beating on ungeared leveling players was honestly an embarrassment.

The paradigm of what twinking was to what it is now:

Getting the best gear possible to have an advantage and destroying people that are at a disadvantage
Having relatively the same gear and using playstyle, tactics and skill to claim victory

Activity =/= Bracket being alive --- This meaning, if the quality of games are very low, the bracket might as well be dead. I understand this may seem negative, but in all honesty it is the truth. If the quality of games are of an unsatisfactory level then the time spent playing them would be better spent doing something else to give higher levels of personal/collective enjoyment.

^ This is how many people feel that make up a large portion of the bracket's foundation.

You may say that you have been a part of the bracket, but in truth, it sounds like you played during a completely different era with the old pre-xp off mentality. So in essence, you are new to what is known as today's "twinking". It is nothing to be ashamed or mad about, it is just something that needs to be understood and recognized.

Not all battle groups were the same. Mine (Rampage) was very active in TBC and there was a lot of horde vs alliance twink rivalry. I didn't see many non twinks in BGs, even on off nights when we were solo queuing. Sure, there were games where we'd see some noobs and they'd get pooed on the whole game, but it wasn't the norm. My guild was more focused on growth and helping people get into twinking than competition, however.
Real "Twinking" (Competitive Low Level PvP) didn't start until XP-On/Off.

All the years of beating on ungeared leveling players was honestly an embarrassment.

The paradigm of what twinking was to what it is now:

Getting the best gear possible to have an advantage and destroying people that are at a disadvantage
Having relatively the same gear and using playstyle, tactics and skill to claim victory

Activity =/= Bracket being alive --- This meaning, if the quality of games are very low, the bracket might as well be dead. I understand this may seem negative, but in all honesty it is the truth. If the quality of games are of an unsatisfactory level then the time spent playing them would be better spent doing something else to give higher levels of personal/collective enjoyment.

^ This is how many people feel that make up a large portion of the bracket's foundation.

You may say that you have been a part of the bracket, but in truth, it sounds like you played during a completely different era with the old pre-xp off mentality. So in essence, you are new to what is known as today's "twinking". It is nothing to be ashamed or mad about, it is just something that needs to be understood and recognized.
Pre EXP off Shadowburn had 50-100% twink matches in the 29 bracket depending on the time of day, it was incredibly RARE to have more free kills than twinks.

Now I don't know how it was on other battlegroups but on shadowburn it was mostly twink on twink, hell we would intentionally que for the specific WSG with the most twinks active at any given time.

If it was about farming free HK's you wouldn't have 8 people in que for a game that is 80% twink hoping to grab one of the slots that might become available.

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