29 US Fight Nights

i joined the bracket about the same time as mb, i havnt found any of them to be the elitist people claim they are. ive never been vote kicked and im far from a pro at this game and i play a crap class at 29. they vote kick people with sub 1500hp and no enchants, seems reasonable to me since anyone who turns off xp should expect to do the gear grind to be competitive. ill keep que'ing on game nights but all the complaining sucks alot of the fun out of it,
i joined the bracket about the same time as mb, i havnt found any of them to be the elitist people claim they are. ive never been vote kicked and im far from a pro at this game and i play a crap class at 29. they vote kick people with sub 1500hp and no enchants, seems reasonable to me since anyone who turns off xp should expect to do the gear grind to be competitive. ill keep que'ing on game nights but all the complaining sucks alot of the fun out of it,

They kicked people they didnt like, not just people that were undergeared/unskilled. Then they left the bracket to go do other shit lol.
you spit on me in a few games, but other then that im pretty good at ignoring the random you suck nub comments. but it looks like everyones rolling a 24 now so it doesnt much matter.
Everyone has their own reasons for the bracket decline. Your reasoning is not better or more right than others. You or I have no buisness telling anyone their reasoning is wrong. Instead of pointing the finger or continuing the arguing we should be moving towards rebuilding the bracket. All differences aside and leaving the past in the past. If you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.

/end discussion for me
Baelzhar himself.

Four years at 29 on this toon comes to an end in a just few minutes in one final xp-on slaughterfest.

i would still never intentionally level a twink. even if i planned on never playing it again. those 29 levels are easy to get
Rediculous wall of text, I was starting to type up responses but they will inevitably fall on deaf ears.

In regards to 19s/70s, those brackets are large because of accessibility, not because the players are any more reasonable. 19s have ALWAYS been the easiest and cheapest bracket to twink into (and the most popular), and 70s take the position right behind that. That's really the long and short of it, and it has nothing to do with the ability of those players to compromise.
Rediculous wall of text, I was starting to type up responses but they will inevitably fall on deaf ears.

A good way to make sure someone takes your argument seriously is to read it a few times before posting and ask yourself if what you are about to post seems realistic and/or accurate. Saying that too many hunters in games ruined the 29 bracket seems kind of silly when we've had games for months now with many hunters in them, and the bracket just seems to have died within the last week. Saying that people going back to school killed games seems kinda silly when I don't think very many of the people who are actually showing up for games are in school. From what I know, only two are, and one of those two has been showing up for games even though we haven't gotten pops.

It might be true that YOU decided the bracket wasn't worth it anymore because of the numerous hunters in some games, but that's you. I wouldn't conclude that everyone else feels that way unless they came out and said so. Hell, some of the most vocal anti hunter players in the bracket have been showing up for games anyway.

In regards to 19s/70s, those brackets are large because of accessibility, not because the players are any more reasonable. 19s have ALWAYS been the easiest and cheapest bracket to twink into (and the most popular), and 70s take the position right behind that. That's really the long and short of it, and it has nothing to do with the ability of those players to compromise.

Of all the reasons to make a twink in any bracket, easy and cheap is definitely the last thing on anyone's list of reasons to twink. Just looking at the f2p bracket, look at how many people are going through the hassle of leveling multiple professions and gearing up without any aid. The f2p bracket is definitely near the top of the list of hardest to twink in, yet it's way more popular than the 29s. The 19s are only marginally easier than a 29 to make. A 70 is considerably harder to make. Again, I don't think you realize just how ridiculous it sounds to say that 19s and 70s are the easiest and cheapest bracket to twink in.

Compromise might not be the primary reason people initially decide to twink 19s/70s, but it's definitely what keeps people twinking them. If people were uncompromising, they wouldn't stick around and the 19s/70s would experience what the 29s/39s have experienced. That's pretty much the long and short of it.
The f2p bracket is definitely near the top of the list of hardest to twink in, yet it's way more popular than the 29s. The 19s are only marginally easier than a 29 to make. A 70 is considerably harder to make. Again, I don't think you realize just how ridiculous it sounds to say that 19s and 70s are the easiest and cheapest bracket to twink in.

The difference is that not all F2P players are twinks, which means the bracket stays consistently active even if the "twinks" quit queuing. Eventually the games might be so stacked with "unfair" level 24 twinks that the 20s stop queuing (which I really doubt) but if that's the case then there is already a large enough population to sustain the bracket anyways. So instead of ease of access, you have the guarantee of 24/7 queue pops which is pretty damn awesome.
Well, that's some good insight into how you always think you are right or that someone somewhere agrees with you.

It's not about being right or getting others to agree with me. It's about having an accurate and/or realisitic view on things. It isn't accurate or realistic to say that games are dead because all of 2 people went back to school. It isn't accurate or realistic to say that the bracket died because there were too many hunters in some games. It isn't accurate or realistic to say that people choose to twink because it's easy and inexpensive to do, let alone pick a specific bracket because it's easier or less expensive.

Bing perfectly honest, I don't think anything you've said here is remotely realistic or accurate.
It's not about being right or getting others to agree with me. It's about having an accurate and/or realisitic view on things.

This is my point. To go with the hunter example, I could have a dozen twinks here telling you that man, we did 5s on Windrunner, and the team without the hunter lost rather often. That we split the hunters up between the two sides because the power of love wasn't enough to make the team with other classes outplay the hunter. That we did 2s, 3s, 5s, and duels, and that they consistently were on the winning teams. I could make a list, objectively, of all the tools hunters have at their disposal (oh wait, I and many other have). I could do all of this, and you would still say "well consensus means nothing, majority means nothing, personal observations mean nothing" and say that you don't think hunters are OP.

That is why it is a waste of time. I think I could convince a brick wall to consider other viewpoints or evidence far easier than you.

It isn't accurate or realistic to say that games are dead because all of 2 people went back to school.

My point was that this time of the year always comes with a drop in activity, and that summer has traditionally IMPROVED activity. It is a factual and accurate statement. Combine this with the fact that we moved to 4 game nights which has time and time again DROPPED activity on ALL the nights, and we have inactivity.

It isn't accurate or realistic to say that the bracket died because there were too many hunters in some games.

So all of the people that agree that they were making games unfun, that blatently came out and said they stopped queueing early some nights because of them, and all the people I've talked to about why they aren't interested in playing, and myself are what? Your opinion that there needs to be 100% consensus for something to be a problem is frustrating to deal with.

It isn't accurate or realistic to say that people choose to twink because it's easy and inexpensive to do, let alone pick a specific bracket because it's easier or less expensive.

If you think that 19s aren't popular because they are the first twink bracket players get to, I don't even. That is the primary reason, which created a large population, which then spurred more people to play there, because it is the largest bracket. They aren't playing for the quality of games, they are playing for the quantity. You can get pops 24/7.

70s are the same way, many players did not buy LK and cata. Many others turned off XP on characters that were still 70. Many more joined because with about 3k honor, you buy literally all the gear you need. Resilience being around is the final piece to the popularity of the bracket, because most of the 29s,39s, and 49s that were disenfranchised from their brackets by blizzard's complete inability to balance burst at low levels moved there.

Bing perfectly honest, I don't think anything you've said here is remotely realistic or accurate.

I know you don't. You are so far away from reality, it continually surprises me.
Not recognizing past history will inevitably mean the problem repeats itself. MB was the problem for 29s, like PTL was the problems for 39s. End of story.
Compromise might not be the primary reason people initially decide to twink 19s/70s, but it's definitely what keeps people twinking them. If people were uncompromising, they wouldn't stick around and the 19s/70s would experience what the 29s/39s have experienced. That's pretty much the long and short of it.

You invent personas to anonymously troll with. Don't act like you're a voice of reason, you uneducated towel.

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