29 US Fight Nights

I find that hard to believe Allahkazam.

Saxx regularly trumpets 29s as being much better than 19s in every dimension. MBs leaving 19s for 29s also testifies to the fun gained by this bracket.
Or you can have a bracket that has no games because veterans feel entitled. Not one of us veterans started out fully geared. Hell most of us were liabilities. You throw enough shit something good will stick. We are at a point where we need to make a sacrafice for the greater good
soskanky said:
Or you can have a bracket that has no games because veterans feel entitled. Not one of us veterans started out fully geared. Hell most of us were liabilities. You throw enough shit something good will stick. We are at a point where we need to make a sacrafice for the greater good

I would honestly prefer no 29 games over what we had Thursday. If i want that kind of games i can get them anytime on any other toon.
pft soskanky WERE liabilities, i good sir still am just ask my teammates!
Franchi said:
I would honestly prefer no 29 games over what we had Thursday. If i want that kind of games i can get them anytime on any other toon.

Not trying to insult you. Dont take this the wrong way. But that's a rather selfish stance to take. Its one of the reasons for the decline of the bracket. Perfect example. After the mass influx into reckoning when the bracket caved in, who was there to save it? Meed. I don't always agree with him but his methods worked. He himself was a terrible poorly geared player along with many others that came into the bracket at that time. What happened. Alot of those poor players got better and the bracket thrived. He did just what I suggested as one of his methods. He put a recruitment post on alot of forums. I of all people dislike playing with poor players. If it ain't broke, dont fix it. Well its broke. The time is now to change our thinking. This isn't BC or WOTLK.
soskanky said:
Not trying to insult you. Dont take this the wrong way. But that's a rather selfish stance to take. Its one of the reasons for the decline of the bracket. Perfect example. After the mass influx into reckoning when the bracket caved in, who was there to save it? Meed. I don't always agree with him but his methods worked. He himself was a terrible poorly geared player along with many others that came into the bracket at that time. What happened. Alot of those poor players got better and the bracket thrived. He did just what I suggested as one of his methods. He put a recruitment post on alot of forums. I of all people dislike playing with poor players. If it ain't broke, dont fix it. Well its broke. The time is now to change our thinking. This isn't BC or WOTLK.

are you in que??
If everyone could make some posts in the Sunday Fight Night thread I created, we might be able to stir some official forum activity.
Franchi said:

<real id's anyone that wants runs for anything

<links vent

<shows people how to find the bis list

<farms materials and potions in amounts that would make anyone sick

<rolled an alliance toon to help with balance

<makes bags for anyone that wants to re roll to dragonmaw

<missed fewer game nights than anyone else

Please tell me what else can i do?

A great question -- here's an answer that I hope illustrates the shift that can impact 29s, and indeed any bracket: reduce the time you spend doing things for twinks, and increase the amount of time you spend doing things with twinks.

Providing runs, linking vent and BiS list info, farming materials. making bags...those are all great things, and it's cool of you to do that. ...You likely made a greater impact by rolling an opposite faction toon and attending game nights. Your participation in the bracket means more than the provisions you make for the bracket.

Anything you do for other twinkers, they can do for themselves. But they can only learn important aspects when more experienced players do things with them: duels, arenas, major PvE challenges...anything that gives them experience working together as a team, or against each other learning the nuances of PvP. CCs, kiting, bandage timing...this experience will do more for improving games than 10-20 runs landing the correct random satchel loot neck.

Focus on what you do with twinkers, and not only will you have more fun, but you'll make an even greater difference. This goes for everyone -- not just Franchi, or myself, or any particular twinker. If you want to grow your bracket, spend more time with players than you spend on players.

Franchi said:
And I'm sorry i don't want to play with people who are to lazy to gear/enchant/get in vent.

I was one of the first people to walk away from games on Thursday, I've NEVER been the first to quite a fight night before, games were THAT BAD on Thursday.

Who can blame you? Games with that big of a skill and gear disparity between players destroys the fun.
Mongro said:
No, they quit because they were terrible. They're basically Rampage players without central leadership.

did blizzard take away any weapon from lvl29 because you could swing hard?

blizzard did that when killewinks did swing around in wsg.

im sorry to say but srsly shadowburn is the best battlegroup.

we didnt have fugly ass to shit talk and QQ in our bg chat or on forum.

you know why~? coz we have tons cute guys playing there~~!

cute guys dont QQ!!

thats how they do in RL and in wow life.
Yukkie counters with a strong shadowbolt to the face!
sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but vengeance #1

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