Thank you, i've been reading your guide a lot.I'm gonna recommend, just offhand, a mix of 2str/2stam gems and some +3 str gems. I run +3s in my Crow Wing Reaper (youll wanna pick one of those up) and my Breastplate of Righteous Fury. 2/2 gems everywhere else. I then run 2/2 gems in my Exarchs Protector. That gives me a tanky chest and dps chest. You can do the same with legs and helm so you have a variety of options.
I put together a "you dont needs/cant get ilvl 28s" build for the twinkdb here which is a brief rundown of the gear you'll want to be shooting for. If you want something a little more in depth, I rambled on for a few thousand words here in my f2p warrior guide. Youre vet, but you may find it useful.
Any critiques I have would just be copy/pasting myself. But feel free to ask any questions.
dont farm solo and make use of your AH
Do you think SMF is vastly better than Titans grip?