20s "Audit" Thread

I'm gonna recommend, just offhand, a mix of 2str/2stam gems and some +3 str gems. I run +3s in my Crow Wing Reaper (youll wanna pick one of those up) and my Breastplate of Righteous Fury. 2/2 gems everywhere else. I then run 2/2 gems in my Exarchs Protector. That gives me a tanky chest and dps chest. You can do the same with legs and helm so you have a variety of options.

I put together a "you dont needs/cant get ilvl 28s" build for the twinkdb here which is a brief rundown of the gear you'll want to be shooting for. If you want something a little more in depth, I rambled on for a few thousand words here in my f2p warrior guide. Youre vet, but you may find it useful.

Any critiques I have would just be copy/pasting myself. But feel free to ask any questions.

dont farm solo and make use of your AH
Thank you, i've been reading your guide a lot.
Do you think SMF is vastly better than Titans grip?
Hey guys, Ive been twinking hunters since MoP where I lucked out and got the heroic version +2socket hellscream warbow BoA and +2soc hellscream warstaff BoA... anyways I have like 15 hunters between lvls 22-59 but Im just about to finish my 1st lvl 20 xpoff hunter on my linked account! I would love some feedback so Im gonna link a few of my toons, Ill caption them as best I can =) any advise is welcome! Otherwise just behold the OG twink hunterness!
^(lvl 20)
^(lvl24 farming 28greens)
(Lvl27 bc why not)

Im still runnin ol' feelsbad foothills for my wyrmstalker greaves and desolation chest for the 2set bonus crit. I have ghost dragonling, goblin rocket stun trink, cloak of adaptation, invis bramblethorn ring, and a bunch of other bangin trinkets... is there anything obvious or crucial that I'm missing before my sub lapses im 5 days?
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is there anything obvious or crucial that I'm missing before my sub lapses im 5 days?

Not necessarily crucial but you can get https://www.wowhead.com/item=27713 instead, and focus on a different/better chest...

...and get the hell out of that dungeon once you (hopefully) get your legs to drop. If the chest drops first then bonus.

Either way, to quote a certain warrior.... "I have a feeling you'll be fine."

edit- something like https://www.wowhead.com/item=28202/moonglade-robe
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Hey guys, Ive been twinking hunters since MoP where I lucked out and got the heroic version +2socket hellscream warbow BoA and +2soc hellscream warstaff BoA... anyways I have like 15 hunters between lvls 22-59 but Im just about to finish my 1st lvl 20 xpoff hunter on my linked account! I would love some feedback so Im gonna link a few of my toons, Ill caption them as best I can =) any advise is welcome!https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/chogall/jamesholden
Not necessarily crucial but you can get https://www.wowhead.com/item=27713 instead, and focus on a different/better chest...

...and get the hell out of that dungeon once you (hopefully) get your legs to drop. If the chest drops first then bonus.

Either way, to quote a certain warrior.... "I have a feeling you'll be fine."
Haha i have literally twelve 3socket mail pants from OHF, Ive ran thru it w/ my main acct hunter at least 40 times and leagacy chromie queued for it 5-6 times, never once seen wyrmstalker or deso chest drop for either toon! Bout to say screw it.. i like leather shoulders bc the stats fat too.

Here is my old lvl 24 from wod I think... still decked tf out and ready to farm some 28 greens?
could just get https://www.wowhead.com/item=27492 then as it's an easy legacy farm.

edit- and spend the next 5 days recovering from the ass-kickin html is giving your posts... ;)
Im not sure I even know the deal w/ legacy loot rules... if I run the dungon for my 20 w/ my lvl58 hunter main acct, do I have way less chance to get wyrmstalkers? Does actually queueing for ol hillsbrad thru cromie give me a better shot at loot or whats the deal there?
if I run the dungon for my 20 w/ my lvl58 hunter main acct, do I have way less chance to get wyrmstalkers? Does actually queueing for ol hillsbrad thru cromie give me a better shot at loot or whats the deal there?
legacy loot means you can receive *any* piece of gear on the bosses loot table even if it isnt class appropriate (IE warriors getting cloth gear or priests getting 2 hand axes, etc). Good way to acquire mail casting pieces for pallies, for instance.

The bad news is that TBC bosses have enormous loot tables. But if you log out of your 58 before you pull the boss and solo it on your hunter, youll get both pieces of loot which doubles your odds.

Or you can que through chromie. Good news is you'll only get drops that are for your class. Bad news is, you're competing with other players for those drops. So you're not always getting a guaranteed drop but you are narrowing the gear that you can get when you do get a drop.

It's really 6 in one, half dozen in the other. I, personally, have always had more luck carrying myself and then soloing the boss. Other people have found more luck grouping with other twinks. I'd do that, honestly, because its always more fun to play with other people. But Andres always stealing my loot so...
whats the deal there?

When you have a high enough level in the instance it enables (forces) Legacy Loot mode.... each boss will drop TWO pieces of random gear from their loot table completely disregarding what classes are available, every single time that boss is killed.

So say you want a leather piece on your hunter, the only way to get that is either legacy loot or trading with a leather wearing class that got the item in your group in normal or legacy loot mode.

Normal loot mode has a chance for each person to get ONE drop from their class/spec loot table for that boss. You can check that in the dungeon journal for the instance. You can also get NO loot at all in normal mode (too often :mad:).

So for items like your legs/chest off epoch hunter, you likely have a better chance in normal mode queuing LFG because there's only like 4 items that will drop for a hunter (2 of which are the ones you want) as opposed to the 20 or so items that may be dropped in Legacy mode.

You can ALSO solo a boss in legacy mode and get both pieces of gear at your level, as opposed to one for your 20 and one for your 58... if you clear up to the boss with your 58 but then log it out before engaging the boss, if you can solo that boss with your 20 both random loot items will drop at level 20. Log your 58 back in after and continue.
I got an i27 widowmaker for 200g, so I felt obligated to make a thing.

If someone could put eyes on this rogue and see if there is anything glaringly wrong. He is sort of an AH throw-together (downside my realm so rarely actually has any gear on it i cannot just buy optimal shit on AH, upside I don't really pay much when random 28 shows up.)

I am not looking to wait for perfect AH shit to show up but if I am missing anything that drops and would be better that would be great. I need to get his profs and load up some extra enchants on him then I think this guy is good to ship.

I got an i27 widowmaker for 200g, so I felt obligated to make a thing.

If someone could put eyes on this rogue and see if there is anything glaringly wrong. He is sort of an AH throw-together (downside my realm so rarely actually has any gear on it i cannot just buy optimal shit on AH, upside I don't really pay much when random 28 shows up.)

I am not looking to wait for perfect AH shit to show up but if I am missing anything that drops and would be better that would be great. I need to get his profs and load up some extra enchants on him then I think this guy is good to ship.

Moonglade robe would be way better :)

Edit: Perenolde would be nice getting, but can be a pain.

The boomy, let it rip.

Plan to mostly BG, got all my tinkers/enchants/alchemist flask
Will eventually grind a https://www.wowhead.com/item=158322/aureus-vessel?bonus=4802&ilvl=25
obviously ok with nonsocketed rings/back/neck "Good Enough"

Sitting at 202 Spell power outside of bgs with flask

Stat's will look like this in bgs

Also have a 38% Crit / 29% Verse set that I'll toy around with as well


Crits with flask/elekk tusk popped

The boomy, let it rip.

Plan to mostly BG, got all my tinkers/enchants/alchemist flask
Will eventually grind a https://www.wowhead.com/item=158322/aureus-vessel?bonus=4802&ilvl=25
obviously ok with nonsocketed rings/back/neck "Good Enough"

Sitting at 202 Spell power outside of bgs with flask

Stat's will look like this in bgs
View attachment 21348

Also have a 38% Crit / 29% Verse set that I'll toy around with as well


Crits with flask/elekk tusk popped
You have some space to improve
:Sadge:, boomies are not too exiting to play rn


  • WoWScrnShot_030722_181132.jpg
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You have some space to improve
Assuming all of the following
looks like 260 spellpower with... wizard oil?
rocking a stat stick (probably socketed) trinket so there's another +12 int?
gemming +3 int instead of 2 int 2 verse? (+18 int?)
socketed rings/neck/cloak? (12 int)

:Sadge:, boomies are not too exiting to play rn
But they might be in DF :D
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