I dig it, I think its usually a good rule of thumb where Main stat > all so the 4% mastery you gain there might not be worth it?
Dunno, beat up on a dummy to check =P
I dig it, I think its usually a good rule of thumb where Main stat > all so the 4% mastery you gain there might not be worth it?
Dunno, beat up on a dummy to check =P
Sweet, ya I guess I need to value main stat a bit more. I’ve heard 1 main stat is equal to about 2-3 secondary stats. I think I’ll just rock davidians because swag and the difference either way is pretty negligible. Thanks man!
SafeArmory doesn't show your spec, so I'll cover both caster specs. You're in great shape either way, especially once you fulfill your to-do list. We can nitpick based on which spec you want.
If you're going ele, this armory looks good. Consider replacing the Hexweaver's charm with an on-use or proc trinket for more burst. The helm makes for a good conundrum: do you want the leech and a little extra survivability, or is it worth trading in 2 int, 5 stam, and 6 leech to get 6 vers and 12 crit (plus 5% stun resistance) by using an engineering helm with the Apexis shard meta gem?
For resto, trade out the 2-pc desolation set for your ilvl 28 greens, since the bonus crit won't make as much of an impact as the extra mastery. Likewise, meta gems bring some good defensive options, so go with the engi helm or Plunderer's Helmet. If you choose the Plunderer's helmet, replace the Hexweaver's Charm with a Ghost Iron Dragonling. Again, this is only for ~3% gain on your stats or something. Your shaman looks good regardless.
SafeArmory doesn't show your spec, so I'll cover both caster specs. You're in great shape either way, especially once you fulfill your to-do list. We can nitpick based on which spec you want.
If you're going ele, this armory looks good. Consider replacing the Hexweaver's charm with an on-use or proc trinket for more burst. The helm makes for a good conundrum: do you want the leech and a little extra survivability, or is it worth trading in 2 int, 5 stam, and 6 leech to get 6 vers and 12 crit (plus 5% stun resistance) by using an engineering helm with the Apexis shard meta gem?
For resto, trade out the 2-pc desolation set for your ilvl 28 greens, since the bonus crit won't make as much of an impact as the extra mastery. Likewise, meta gems bring some good defensive options, so go with the engi helm or Plunderer's Helmet. If you choose the Plunderer's helmet, replace the Hexweaver's Charm with a Ghost Iron Dragonling. Again, this is only for ~3% gain on your stats or something. Your shaman looks good regardless.
Thanks bro, it's resto
I wonder how Orc with 20% stun reduction and 10% stun gem would perform. Mana helm so strong though.
Also https://www.wowhead.com/item=137362/parjeshs-medallion?bonus=1826:1472 is kinda bad but its still a passive 417 heal that saves you from dying every 90 sec...
I think the legs are bis (not purp, just tooltip bug), idk I like the 2 set, tried both, ill try again. Also gets me to 15% haste in BG.
Thanks bro, it's resto
I wonder how Orc with 20% stun res and 10% stun gem would perform. Mana helm so strong though.
Also https://www.wowhead.com/item=137362/parjeshs-medallion?bonus=1826:1472 is kinda bad but its still a passive 417 heal that saves you from dying every 90 sec...
I think the legs are bis (not purp, just tooltip bug), idk I like the 2 set, tried both, ill try again. Also gets me to 15% haste in BG.
The mana helm is big in more competitive PvP; I haven't needed it in random BGs. For a resto meta gem, I'm a huge fan of either stun reduction or spell damage reduction, depending on what you face.
I was looking at Parjesh's Medallion myself. I forget where I read this, but I thought the heal was closer to 1K in BGs. That sounds like a great option when hunters flood a BG, or when facing a group with a lot of kicks.
You could make a good argument for the legs or an ilvl 28, and I use both myself. Trading in the 2-pc for the ilvl 28s essentially nets you two extra sockets' worth of stats (depending on the stat allocation of your ilvl 28s), since you're trading in crit for mastery. That's not a huge amount, but it makes for a nice optimization.
The mana helm is big in more competitive PvP; I haven't needed it in random BGs. For a resto meta gem, I'm a huge fan of either stun reduction or spell damage reduction, depending on what you face.
I was looking at Parjesh's Medallion myself. I forget where I read this, but I thought the heal was closer to 1K in BGs. That sounds like a great option when hunters flood a BG, or when facing a group with a lot of kicks.
You could make a good argument for the legs or an ilvl 28, and I use both myself. Trading in the 2-pc for the ilvl 28s essentially nets you two extra sockets' worth of stats (depending on the stat allocation of your ilvl 28s), since you're trading in crit for mastery. That's not a huge amount, but it makes for a nice optimization.
The 2 set, I know crit is fairly eh but it's not worthless, and its 11 free stats. For me it's 105% mast vs 90%, I think at a certain point your mast is just strong regardless, might as well put some stats into other values.
as i understand it, the orc racial stacks with other stun reduction effects. IE the "additional" in the racial description. Worth clarifying that its a duration reduction, not a resist chance though.
as i understand it, the orc racial stacks with other stun reduction effects. IE the "additional" in the racial description. Worth clarifying that its a duration reduction, not a resist chance though.
I'm surprised the heal is so much lower inside BGs than outside BGs. I was thinking the exact same thing with regards to Nature's Swiftness, but a 417 heal is only half a Healing Surge on a 90-second cooldown.
The 2 set, I know crit is fairly eh but it's not worthless, and its 11 free stats. For me it's 105% mast vs 90%, I think at a certain point your mast is just strong regardless, might as well put some stats into other values.
Oh noes, you're choosing crit as a resto sham! ...Welp, anti-crit rant incoming.
If it were any other stat besides crit, I'd agree. For resto shamans, crit drops below the fairly eh mark. Here's my arithmetic (ignoring the extra 2 armor from BoEs for now and any tertiary stats).
When it comes to healing throughput, I use the following weights: 1 int = 1 mas = 1.8 vers = 1.8 haste = 2.5 crit. We can talk about why if you want; you're likely not surprised by these numbers. The context is more important, and we'll get to that in a moment.
The two ilvl 28 BoEs, compared to the 2-pc desolation set, would grant +1 int, +2 stam, +25 secondary stats, -23 crit, -12 haste, and -3 sockets.
Most sockets will use +2 int/+2 vers-haste gems, so let's assume haste to keep the arithmetic cleaner. Losing three sockets means we lose 6 int and 6 haste by going with the BoEs i.e. a total of -5 int, +2 stam, +25 secondary stats, -23 crit, -18 haste.
If 2.5 crit = 1.8 haste, than -23 crit = -16.5 haste. Let's say -17 to be generous to crit. Now we have -5 int, +2 stam, +25 secondary stats, and -35 haste. If 1.8 haste = 1 int, then -35 haste = -19.5 int. Add that to the -5 int, and we have the following:
-24.5 int, +2 stam, +25 secondary stats by going with the two BoEs.
The two ilvl 28 BoEs, compared to the 2-piece desolation set, give us the equivalent of -24.5 int, +2 stam, and +25 secondary stats. Since 1 int = 1 mas for healing throughput, we would basically need all +25 of those secondary stats to be mastery i.e. full Savant pieces, to match the 2-pc Desolation set. But this arithmetic is optimized for ideal crit circumstances e.g. we typically heal half-dead players (possibly), and that our crits never overheal (heh).
If even a small percentage of crit healing gets wasted in overheals, then crit becomes even less useful in comparison to mastery. If we land heals on players at 25-50% health, mastery becomes even more useful in comparison to all other stats. The theoretical average healing throughput of the 2-pc desolation set beats two ilvl 28 BoEs, but in the context of what makes a resto shaman's healing shine, mastery gives us more healing than crit precisely when we need that extra healing the most.
The only other way we can benefit from crit is when crit augments our offensive spells. But Lava Burst, our best offensive spell, already gets a guaranteed crit on Flame Shock targets. Crit on frost shock damage isn't going to win games, and if we're in a position to cast Lightning Bolt, things are already going well for our team.
Instead of two savant pieces, two mastery-heavy Harmonious or Feverflare pieces will give us the same practical healing (and damage) throughput of the 2-pc Desolation set, and that throughput will be more consistent. To be sure, we're talking about optimization rather than game-changing stats. It just breaks my heart when resto shamans give up even a little healing consistency to augment crit.
What I do suggest, if you enjoy surprising opponents like I do and if you feel your healing and survivability are in a good place, is to look at the Green Whelp Armor. Your stats will take a hit for something so RNG. But man, when that thing procs on a surv hunter or other melee you're kiting, you can feel their annoyance coming through your screen. Just last week, I did a few random PuG arenas with the whelp armor, and saw people in the Horde 20 community channel asking wtf was going on. Forget crit heals, go all the way with out-of-nowhere CCs. But even the Green Whelp Armor needs favorable circumstances to make an impact.
You'll do great with the 2-pc Desolation set. You'll do greater with your BoEs.
My rogue! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/kelthuzad/assacig
Things I know about:
nonsocket/nonenchanted neck
nonsocket/noglider cloak (I'll get glider/Belt soon)
nonsocket bracers (just havent farmed it yet)
I'll pick up the AB Belt (kaxle )
emboss pants
nonsocket/enchanted rings (I might go a more Verse heavy ring since I'm at 34% haste)
I might farm another Soulrender's Dagger
probably going to get alch and a flask rather than shoulder enchants
assassination feels good with 34% haste (beating up on a target dummy)
I'm still unsure if I should go double ele force or keep a dancing steel on one of them...
My rogue! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/kelthuzad/assacig
Things I know about:
nonsocket/nonenchanted neck
nonsocket/noglider cloak (I'll get glider/Belt soon)
nonsocket bracers (just havent farmed it yet)
I'll pick up the AB Belt (kaxle )
emboss pants
nonsocket/enchanted rings (I might go a more Verse heavy ring since I'm at 34% haste)
I might farm another Soulrender's Dagger
probably going to get alch and a flask rather than shoulder enchants
assassination feels good with 34% haste (beating up on a target dummy)
I'm still unsure if I should go double ele force or keep a dancing steel on one of them...
I just glanced for a sec but I'm pretty sure EF should be OH and DS (if you want that) MH. EF can proc off all damage sources, including your MH attack. DS should be on MH for best proc chance (not effected by the increased chance to miss on OH).
Double-check me but I believe that is correct.
[doublepost=1640191894,1640191825][/doublepost]Also unsure if this is BiS but if you make your way to BWL I have a few ilvl 27 https://www.wowhead.com/item=31305/ceds-carver?bonus=6659
I've been maining my UHdk in 20s ever since SL prepatch.
I am very comfortable with how my build is atm, I got some small tweaks to fix (fever socket leech 5/6 boots - leech on rings - fever socket 5/6 gloves) but I don't deem it necessary to 1) spend the gold on these minor upgrades & 2) getting gametime for said upgrades.
Got a fever socket neck to replace valentines one (mostly wearing it for flex since I don't use vers in my main set)
Orb of Torment is in my every build except when I got a pocketheal (almost never) but I heard some Legion trinkets got changed or something? Are there any major changes concerning this trinket and would anyone know a worthy substitute? The healing is still pretty nice for me tbh. I recall using "Spiked Counterweight" in prepatch but that was busted af and was fixed very very fast (thinking first week of prepatch not sure).
To be fair I am mainly posting my char here because I know US is dominant on these forums and (UH)dk's are barely being played over here on EU.
I'm very interested in a US player who mains UH preferably to exchange some insights!
My rogue! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/kelthuzad/assacig
Things I know about:
nonsocket/nonenchanted neck
nonsocket/noglider cloak (I'll get glider/Belt soon)
nonsocket bracers (just havent farmed it yet)
I'll pick up the AB Belt (kaxle )
emboss pants
nonsocket/enchanted rings (I might go a more Verse heavy ring since I'm at 34% haste)
I might farm another Soulrender's Dagger
probably going to get alch and a flask rather than shoulder enchants
assassination feels good with 34% haste (beating up on a target dummy)
I'm still unsure if I should go double ele force or keep a dancing steel on one of them...
Took a break, came back, noticed a lot of stuff went tits up.
Pretty much set up with the mentality that I get to press 3-4 buttons before I die... might as well hit hard. Missing 2 gem ring slots and the holiday neck... but, sucks to suck.
Am I missing something important as far as current items are concerned in regards to a hit big build.
Took a break, came back, noticed a lot of stuff went tits up.
Pretty much set up with the mentality that I get to press 3-4 buttons before I die... might as well hit hard. Missing 2 gem ring slots and the holiday neck... but, sucks to suck.
Am I missing something important as far as current items are concerned in regards to a hit big build.
Took a break, came back, noticed a lot of stuff went tits up.
Pretty much set up with the mentality that I get to press 3-4 buttons before I die... might as well hit hard. Missing 2 gem ring slots and the holiday neck... but, sucks to suck.
Am I missing something important as far as current items are concerned in regards to a hit big build.