Great advice! All of those are excellent pointers and exactly the kind of feedback i was looking for
At work atm, will give a better reply in a little bit!
[doublepost=1640630788,1640577487][/doublepost]Alrighty, did some work based on your recommendations:
1: Swapped out the verse gems for 2/2 int hastes and a Nightmare 3 stat. This got my cast speed back to 1.2 sec shadow mends instead of 1.3, which is what I prefer
2: I lost about 5% verse total, but using Bloody Surgeons Mitts got me back up to 30% vers from 29%, which feels pretty I'm using that now as well. Not as much swag as the Epic but swag dont save lives!

so, Fast, strong heals overall. 20% haste and 30% vers feels really nice and quick.
3: Major Spellpower enchant is applied, great call.
4: Ring enchants are both haste now.
5: FINALLY got the Mindfire Waistband to drop this morning
I did some testing, and I think i'll continue to use the frag for two reasons. One, I play a pretty aggressive priest for better or worse, and I have a "panic button" macro that uses consumables (yeah, im a consumable nerd), which share a CD with the injector so I cant use them at the same over the two I'd rather have a 50% heal and a potion of defiance plus an aoe stun from the frag to get nerds off of me when im getting pwned vs the 400 or so in heals that I'm getting off the belt...unless im doing something wrong? It was only showing to heal 400 for me per min. I think its just a preference thing though, i can def understand someone using the injector.
I only have 4 days of sub left... lets see if I can get some socketed MH/OH from AD
Appreciate you much!