SV huntard
Umm why? What is the difference in btag premades and guild premades? Honestly? Less than 20% of guilds "premade ready" stay together after getting beat.Guild vs guild not btag sorry, f2ps and vets not allowed strictly 29s, Also you must have a guild and not make a team from your btag, thanks sincerley yours thot
Why in the world would I/any other 20 looking to smack around a few 29s waste our time and effort to put together a guild just to have the same tag under our names when our opponents will just scurry off and change guilds when beat?
Guilds don't get any kind of defender's advantage and make the challengers jump through hoops to face them. I'm not experienced as much as others in this GvG crap but the amount of effort to get a premade going and the amount of times ego ruins games is pathetic.