Much better this, ty.
devotadin said:ret paladin devotadin @ aerie peak
devotadin said:Looks over bis XD
only thing i see wrong is that im running agil cape and raging berserker helm
devotadin said:wrist- what wrists should i be using the only one are the quest ones that are alli
Chest enchant- only 1 enchanter i know of on my server with 4 stats and tehre alli and to get the enchant i have to go to booty bay then transfer mats then send the chest to an alli lvl 1 and have them do enchant and they barely play atm so ya i have not gotten around to it
Boots- Savage trodders haven't dropped after 11 runs
belt- What should i be running?
Trinket- So ya agm on my server is camped constantly by 85s
Shoulders- needed more stam as i was squishy
Armor kit- that you got me forgot about it
Proffesions- only herb which im changing soon to mining because i never use life blood anyways because most of my abilities are instas