19 twinks - Suhr (Vaj) vs Ryrith

comptonpolarbear said:
haha, this is so desperate :p but go vimeo.com and upload, i kinda wanna see this myself ^^

Desperate? What the hell are you talking about now? o_O
Vaj said:
Desperate? What the hell are you talking about now? o_O

Showing 1-2 year old clips of you beating me so you can sleep better at nights :)
I make more money than any of you! So I'm cool kid! Now can I put that in a movie and win glory?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Not to brag to much, but I had a freaking good day last friday. Earned 400£ 450$(might be more) in 1 day of work!!! Was epic!

Back to topic. The vid of Vaj vs Omgmom that is old, is that Omgmom stated that the epeen of Vaj was to big, and he'd shut his big mouth easy as he would totally win tha duel, and Omgmom lost allot of them duels... really really funny, gave me a good old bushwack feeling (fo them of u who remember that)
My favorite Vaj-memory was the time i dueled him in nagrand arena, wrecked him in 1 minute - then hes priest partner ressed him and Deja vu, another humuliation in 1 minute.. good times

bragh ur rich niggah

I think ryrith and vaj are both good players which they has to be because both of them are quit a long time into twinking . Vaj just isnt that passionated as he was before ( dunno, never rly played with him) but as i could read in a lot of Posts. This is just a game, and i think everyone should be good its all about fucking clicking and turning der mouse around.

Ive played against ryrith on my warrior which i never used before and hat a break about 7-8 months and i ve beat him twice. I think he can remember who i was and i dont think that players like him or omgmom are "top", there are just some bad players ( which i personally dont understand) who are losing to them. So dude's just chill its a game and no one is perfect.

Oh before i forgett i am the best bla bla and i would beat you all ( for sure)
Password said:

I think ryrith and vaj are both good players which they has to be because both of them are quit a long time into twinking . Vaj just isnt that passionated as he was before ( dunno, never rly played with him) but as i could read in a lot of Posts. This is just a game, and i think everyone should be good its all about fucking clicking and turning der mouse around.

Ive played against ryrith on my warrior which i never used before and hat a break about 7-8 months and i ve beat him twice. I think he can remember who i was and i dont think that players like him or omgmom are "top", there are just some bad players ( which i personally dont understand) who are losing to them. So dude's just chill its a game and no one is perfect.

Oh before i forgett i am the best bla bla and i would beat you all ( for sure)

Who are you?
Bragh said:
I make more money than any of you!

Not to brag to much, but I had a freaking good day last friday. Earned 400£ 450$(might be more) in 1 day of work!!! Was epic!

When I read this I instantly thought that you're a prostitute.. So Bragh, from now on you're a hoe.

Hey in my break i managed to get a job as a Chef in a michelin star restaraunt,

What did you guys accomplish? aaight Ryrith not only stole my character in my break but also made another epeen vid with omgmom.

Jizalol said:
doug where is that misery point-out vid you promised to post.

My guess: he made friends with Omgmom again and is too much of a pussy to post it.... DYS IS RIGHT HOMEZ?

I uploaded it to vimeo but it got removed straight away:

"Your video 'Vaj RVR(10852826)' has been removed for violating the Upload Rules of Vimeo.com:

Vimeo does not allow game walk-throughs, game strategy videos, depictions of player vs player battles, raids, or any other video gaming video that simply depicts individuals playing a video game.

If you believe this was an error, please reply to this email in a civil manner with your reasoning ("I see other people do it" is not a valid reason).



I'll try reuploading it to WCM when I get time.
i got linked this thread so i bummed an acc off someone because i wanted to post. i get urges

vaj dont do the elitist IM SUCCESSFUL IRL thing. i felt kinda bad for u when i read that bec. its like youre trying to coalesce massive feelings of self doubt behind yr economical achievements (cool tho they may be even tho im not into that metalcore stuff) and thats what 12 yr olds do and youre not 12 i dont think.

omgmom keep truckin

bragh I MAKE MORE MONEY THAN U WAHAHAHA >: ) (thats a mischievous face. the symbol represents eyebrows which are the most expressive part of the face. thats how u know its mischievous)

this boring terrible post brought 2 u by the best poster
Vaj said:
I smoke dope so you can try and call me a hippy I guess? One time I got punched by a gypsy and snapped a tooth which makes me a pussy too right? I play in a band which has screaming vocals, this obviously makes me emo too amirite? This should give you a decent basis to insult me upon, but don't worry, I won't hold my breath.

I miss the days of decent trolls which you didn't have to spoon feed. Come back Nasti and Moof! q_q

Is this kid serious?

Please leave hip-hop to the Americans, you Europeans always get it so wrong.

So wrong.
Hamcake said:
and decrease my intelligence so that my brain can accept primitive "sick beats" without cringing

My brain has been too riddled with bad puns and poor grammar to understand that sentence.

And it didn't rhyme, so now I'm really lost.

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