19 twinks - Suhr (Vaj) vs Ryrith

Vaj said:
Translates into " I have nothing valid to say, but don't want to appear speachless and my only defense is offense, only thing I can do to defend my intelligence is to try and act superior with my fresh and cool gangster typing"

Shame all this is null, I can see right through your cocky attitude and i'm looking at a fucking idiot who brings out the worst in people.

"Peace brah"

you forget who you are talking to
comptonpolarbear said:
you forget who you are talking to

I c wut u did ther, u took a quote from me and turnd it around.

Very nice, you have mastered the art of mimicary, you are now equal to that of a monkey.
Vaj said:
"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion"

Newfag?... Sounds American. Are you American? Oh Canadian! That's the same as American, right? :3

Canadians are a lot different from Americans, we're civilized. Where did you get that quote? A Troll's purpose and only purpose is to piss off/bother people, flaming. If you quoted yourself there your cool bro.

inb4 urban dictionary or some other website new fags run to for help.
McBankington said:
Canadians are a lot different from Americans, we're civilized. Where did you get that quote? A Troll's purpose and only purpose is to piss off/bother people, flaming. If you quoted yourself there your cool bro.

inb4 urban dictionary or some other website new fags run to for help.

And here you are defending your heritage, I'm surprised you couldn't tell from my post that this was the exact reponse I was looking for.

And I "ran to" wikipedia for "help" or maybe perhaps clarification that I was correct and you were yet again displaying your ignorance.
Wikipedia, the site made by and for moralfags? You do realize they nothing about this shit right?


I golf clap at you.
McBankington said:
Wikipedia, the site made by and for moralfags? You do realize they nothing about this shit right?


I golf clap at you.

Moralfags? Do you just make this shit up as you go along, I'm intigued as to where you find all these fictional beings. Nice gif btw, i'm not really sure how thats meant to piss me off? Perhaps if i stare at it long enough the repetitive motion will cause me to have a stroke?

If a trolls only purpose is to piss people off, you are truely a subpar troll considering you have posted nearly 10 times in this thread and every one of your posts I have batted away without the slightest trouble.
Vaj said:
Moralfags? Do you just make this shit up as you go along, I'm intigued as to where you find all these fictional beings. Nice gif btw, i'm not really sure how thats meant to piss me off? Perhaps if i stare at it long enough the repetitive motion will cause me to have a stroke?

If a trolls only purpose is to piss people off, you are truely a subpar troll considering you have posted nearly 10 times in this thread and every one of your posts I have batted away without the slightest trouble.

4chan.org, where the internet comes to life. No, I'm not trying to troll you, I'm just trying to show you how much of a faggot your making yourself look by using "im in a band" as cover up for the fact that you suck and no one gives a shit. You can try and stare at it and have a stroke, but you'd have to be even more brain dead then you already are for that to happen.

Not trying to troll right now, as I have stated before, no one is, your either just a paranoid shit, or even more of a newfag then I though, but considering you don't even know what 4chan is, I would not be surprised. You haven't even batted away any of my posts, you didn't bat away the one above as an example, just proving your more of a new fag because you use wikipedia to learn about the internet, come on man, at least use encyclopedia dramatica, or urban dictionary, hell if your going to go along with how much of a newfag you are know your memes is out there too.
McBankington said:
4chan.org, where the internet comes to life. No, I'm not trying to troll you, I'm just trying to show you how much of a faggot your making yourself look by using "im in a band" as cover up for the fact that you suck and no one gives a shit. You can try and stare at it and have a stroke, but you'd have to be even more brain dead then you already are for that to happen.

Not trying to troll right now, as I have stated before, no one is, your either just a paranoid shit, or even more of a newfag then I though, but considering you don't even know what 4chan is, I would not be surprised. You haven't even batted away any of my posts, you didn't bat away the one above as an example, just proving your more of a new fag because you use wikipedia to learn about the internet, come on man, at least use encyclopedia dramatica, or urban dictionary, hell if your going to go along with how much of a newfag you are know your memes is out there too.

Yeah im totally relying on the band thing in this thread, stian mined that from our argument in thunderbluff to make me look bad and I mentioned it in one post out of what? 12? I'll happily admit I am now shit at WoW and it was arrogant of me to think otherwise when I was talking to stian, but that is undoubtedly his only talent, bringing out the worst in people.

Guess what stian, my rvr video is getting sent back to me as we speak, everybody can see how great you are then. <3

Keep talking about how much of a "newfag" I am, I am truely interested on this subject and cannot wait for your next instalment.
Vaj said:
Yeah im totally relying on the band thing in this thread, stian mined that from our argument in thunderbluff to make me look bad and I mentioned it in one post out of what? 12? I'll happily admit I am now shit at WoW and it was arrogant of me to think otherwise when I was talking to stian, but that is undoubtedly his only talent, bringing out the worst in people.

Guess what stian, my rvr video is getting sent back to me as we speak, everybody can see how great you are then. <3

Keep talking about how much of a "newfag" I am, I am truely interested on this subject and cannot wait for your next instalment.

So you admit your a dumb ass, and new fag? Also who the fuck is Stian?
McBankington said:
So you admit your a dumb ass, and new fag? Also who the fuck is Stian?

A dumb ass? On the contrary if you actually read this thread you will see this is my thread, everybody who has entered so far hasn't made so much as a splash.

Stian is omgmom's alias. I say alias as it is used less often than Omgmom which is what is actually on his birth certificate due to extended periods of warcraft.
Vaj said:
A dumb ass? On the contrary if you actually read this thread you will see this is my thread, everybody who has entered so far hasn't made so much as a splash.

Stian is omgmom's alias. I say alias as it is used less often than Omgmom which is what is actually on his birth certificate due to extended periods of warcraft.

Neither of these lines are relevant, nor do they make sense.

McBankington said:
Neither of these lines are relevant, nor do they make sense.


Both lines are relevant, they directly refer to both of your questions. This further displays your intelligence (or hereby lack of) and I'm honestly not surprised that an American like you is this stupid.
it looks like i really hurt your ego with this.. but keep up the insults, ill be sitting in my cave all night wearing my cape and reading this while im tabbed out of wow..

comptonpolarbear said:
it looks like i really hurt your ego with this.. but keep up the insults, ill be sitting in my cave all night wearing my cape and reading this while im tabbed out of wow..


Please take the video down I will do anything! I'm so sorry for every being mean to you and I PROMISE it won't happen again! - Thats what you wanted to hear right? Sorry bro, not going to happen, infact you have done me a favour, I am enjoying this thread way too much right now that im going to get it some more publicity.
Vaj said:
Both lines are relevant, they directly refer to both of your questions. This further displays your intelligence (or hereby lack of) and I'm honestly not surprised that an American like you is this stupid.

Go to google maps and search the address 1287 willa drive, see if that is in American, dumb ass. That's my house, which happens to be in Ontario, which is in Canada.

The first line made no sense, something about people splashing? What?

The second line started out making sense and being relevant, but then the government changed his name to his toons name because he plays WoW a lot? What?

inb4 "he sez his adress online!!!!"
[quote name='Vaj']

I smoke dope so you can try and call me a hippy I guess? One time I got punched by a gypsy and snapped a tooth which makes me a pussy too right? /QUOTE]

Haha, I remember that. Aygat forum had so many fun threads
McBankington said:
Go to google maps and search the address 1287 willa drive, see if that is in American, dumb ass. That's my house, which happens to be in Ontario, which is in Canada.

The first line made no sense, something about people splashing? What?

The second line started out making sense and being relevant, but then the government changed his name to his toons name because he plays WoW a lot? What?

inb4 "he sez his adress online!!!!"

You are ridiculously easy, once again giving me the exact response I wanted, really you should give up this whole trolling thing, its become clear to me that you are just not very good at it.

Idd rolt, I was a mess huh?
Vaj said:
You are ridiculously easy, once again giving me the exact response I wanted, really you should give up this whole trolling thing, its become clear to me that you are just not very good at it.

Idd rolt, I was a mess huh?

Your ridiculously bad, once again, spewing bullshit that means nothing, still using an incorrect defenition due to newness, it becomes clear to me that your either a very shitty troll yourself, or your in a special ed school.
McBankington said:
Your ridiculously bad, once again, spewing bullshit that means nothing, still using an incorrect defenition due to newness, it becomes clear to me that your either a very shitty troll yourself, or your in a special ed school.

All I have to do is mention the word "America" and tears start cascading down your face, it's almost as funny the post i've just quoted, lmao.
Vaj said:
All I have to do is mention the word "America" and tears start cascading down your face, it's almost as funny the post i've just quoted, lmao.

Assuming people's emotions over a forum post just proves how much of an idiot you are. I would never cry from such bullshit, I've scrolled to the bottom of the "offended" page on encyclopedia dramatica page without barfing or crying, your shit pales in comparison.

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