Cleaned the list of broken links and toons who are mostly in high ilvl (now level locked) gear. Resubmit a toon in more updated gear if you were removed.
very nice prot pally, that neck, wrist and rings are sweet.
Quite the cutie you got there, I’m very jealous
Lvl 10 prot paladin still work in progress.
Added.Destro Lock almost finished updating since the nerfs .. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/bronzebeard/orzulazan ... Started updating the shaman, warrior and rogue... will repost those as they are finished. also started 2 prot pallys with my daughter for fun...will post when finished
Added.Lightforged Draenei Paladin:
miss only the 2 trinket from Darkmoon and she will be good
arcane mage, work in progress
I'm adding you because there's not enough people on this list to afford to NOT add people, but like, please, enchant some of your fking gear man. Added. xDCan you add me please. Fastankqueue
LMAO, Added.While he's not quite there yet, here's my Rogue in his Dodge gear. Missing ~19 Dodge from additional items/Sockets and a couple points of Agility that adds a tiny bit more Dodge. This is 100% a Meme build coming in at 24.19% currently and will finish around ~30%. Unfortunately that means no more 100% Dodge Rogues.
View attachment 17766
i see you.my Rogue in his Dodge gear.
I'm adding you because there's not enough people on this list to afford to NOT add people, but like, please, enchant some of your fking gear man. Added. xD
LMAO, Added.
Honestly as few that are Twinking 10 in SL (many stayed the new squished 5) I would wager it'd be a good idea for this Thread to include 10-15.Do level 11's count? I decided against leveling this guy up, so feel free to add him if you like.
If not (due to being level 11), no biggie, but feel free to add Arewurd.
Fun fact, my HoA is level 82 now, so thats a thing, not that it works or anything.