
  1. Reboxeton

    WoD does not scale with my lvl 11 fury warrior

    Hello, I want to defeat Executor Riloth and Steelsnout on my twink but those does not scale with my level even if I am on TW. How to solve this problem? Do I have to do a quest chain? Thank you,
  2. CynicalLight

    What even is chromie time?

    Update: Thanks for the guide, linking here for anybody wanting to know more about Warforged... https://xpoff.com/threads/dragonflight-f2p-baseline-guide.99104/ I'm wondering is there an xp off chromie time guide? I find chromie time is a bit confusing as far as brackets and item drops go. I've...
  3. WoD Dungeons party finder?

    Anyone wanna do a ingame community for finding WoD dungeons lvl 10? Or we can share tags here: EU Horde Sorry if this has already been done
  4. US Alliance MoP or WoD Level Locked Guilds

    Hello, I am looking for a guild that has locked their levels at the appropriate level to run MoP or WoD raids. I am looking for Alliance and don't have a preference for server as long as its retail.
  5. DeLindsay

    Garrisons at 10

    I'll get right to the point. I'm trying to get the maximum Followers (20) and am stuck at 18. I know WHERE to get more but I can't physically interact with them due to Phasing. I'm looking for any suggestions as to where to pick up 2more [Horde]. I have checked this Guide and this Guide with no...
  6. EU WoD Apexis rare spawn boosting

    Hi there! I’d be willing to pay 5k for someone to help me obtain the Spires of Arak rare item https://www.wowhead.com/item=119363/stretchy-purple-pants for my 19 rogue. You need a high level character, preferably with WoD flying. That agi ring would be nice also, I’m up for trading boosts if you...
  7. KPI

    EU+US What class ability do you miss the most? (Professions Count)

  8. The Peak of Twinking

    Which expansion(s) were the best for twinking during? Every voice counts and all answers are valid because everyone has a different set of expectations when it comes to twinking. You can make up to three selections. Thanks for your input. Lets get some discussion going!
  9. EU+US WoD Ends - lvl70 WoD highlight reel

    Hey guys! I made a small mini-montage of various WoD clips. It's not a serious video and I hope you guys enjoy it! See you in Legion!
  10. EU+US Lvl70 EU & US PvP top 50 for WoD S18

    EU US
  11. Liarea

    WoD Tabards - Obtainable?

    Yelluh, So I'm exalted with all the WoD factions on my lvl 70. Naturally, I swung by the faction vendors in Warspear to find out that I have to be lvl 90 to equip those tabards (Really blizz?). Then, I found out that the tabards for the factions that was added in the HFC patch does not...
  12. Sponsor

    US Herald of Titans Weekly

    Update: THIS IS NO LONGER HAPPENING - OUR GROUP IS BUSY PREPARING FOR LEGION I just felt like letting everyone know that I have been running weekly with some folks on US Alliance that run ICC 80 only and Uld/Herald of Titans weekly. They are not located on a specific realm, its just a bunch of...
  13. Crodys

    EU+US WoD Reps

    Hey, im wondering which reputations i can get to exalted in draenor and how? (alliance) - Ty Crody