warsong gulch

  1. Warlord Daboo

    The Era of 19s on Classic has RETURNED!

    Attention all 19s! We are back on Classic Era! Warsong Gulch is popping DAILY! WPvP is also very active, every day! Come join us on Classic Era Whitemane Cluster Horde and Alliance! Both sides could use more Healers and FCs. What ever you’d be most active on, that’s what we want you on! If...
  2. BFKripton

    Classic WoW Warsong Gulch jump practice

    Looking for a good place to practice jumps in WSG as a FC. Found a few private servers like Epsilon that gives access to GM commands, however not sure if those WSG would be the right version. Is there a sandbox or a better place to do this? Found a thread on here with a link to WOTLK Classic...
  3. Warlord Daboo

    US Warlords of Warsong ALLIANCE - Pagle Classic!

    Warlords of Warsong is the most active twink guild in the game, on Mankrik Horde. We have recently created a 19 guild on Pagle - Alliance with hopes to bring Alliance into the community events that we host weekly! Another big goal that we have for this Alliance branch of Warlords of Warsong is...
  4. Warlord Daboo

    US Warlords of Warsong - Mankrik(H) - WOTLK Classic

    Warlords of Warsong is back! Come join us on Mankrik Horde, WOTLK Classic. We are recruiting for all twink brackets, though we will be mainly focusing on 19s right now. We will be accepting all twinks, wether new or veteran. We are looking to put together a serious 10 man team. Guild events...
  5. Outofspace

    New Queue Times?

    Looks like our big happy battlegroup has been split between East and West. I'm expecting West to have alright queue times thanks to Whitemane and other big servers but it's not looking good for East (currently no Gulches). Anyone getting games today?
  6. LeetMeep

    Question for all 19 twinks - Is it okay for premades to "prolong games" to practice jumps?

    Do you find it to be a problem when a full premade prolongs a game just to learn jumps? I personally say No as I am someone who believes that almost all the jumps are a great addition to our way of playing this game. Here's the thing... In a game where both sides are premades, more often than...
  7. Devm

    EU+US 8.1.5 Warsong Gulch Remastered Jumps

    Hello everyone. I'm Devm, best jumper in the history of World of Warcraft. This is probably my 34th jumping video. The people that are familiar with my old ones will know that this video will probably rock your socks off. I made this video within a 1 day timespan, so just imagine... Anyway...
  8. Mageicide

    US Wärlords of Warsong, Bleeding Hollow (Alliance faction)

    Wälords of Warsong (Alliance Faction) is recruiting level 19 and level 29 for some Down and Dirty Xpoff BG action. We are looking for Bleeding Hollow based players but are willing to invest to bring some new blood to BH. We are having our first event Saturday 2-9-19 7 pm server time. We are...
  9. US [A] <Twink> Bleeding Hollow’s new #1 Twink Guild!

    Hello, my name is Ninja I decided to dedicate my days to twinking, and I’ve noticed that Bleeding Hollow doesn’t really have a twinking guild. So, I shall be the one and true official Twink guild for the realm, and yes, we are Alliance. Bleeding Hollow is mainly horde. Which means more horde to...
  10. Warlord Daboo

    EU+US Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners Event descriptions!

    Here is a list of Community Event Ideas that Warlords of Warsong has hosted in the past and present. Post your Event Ideas below, let’s get some new fun Events to host! Warlord of The Pit - Warlord of The Pit is a 1v1 Dueling Tournament with a prize of 10k gold (and the “Gladiator!” Title/Rank...
  11. Warlord Daboo

    US Warlords of Warsongs Weekend Events Friday and Saturday 9 pm eastern time!

    Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners will be hosting another Warlord of The Pit event this Friday Nov 30th at 9pm eastern US time! We will be hosting Warsong Deathmatch on Saturday Dec 1st 9 pm eastern US time! Warlord of The Pit is a 1v1 dueling Tournament with a grand prize of...
  12. Skreamefex

    EU Warsong Warlords - Stormscale Horde

    Hey guys good to meet you. After twinking heavily in vanilla I am thankful it seems to be booming again, really. I have recently been recruiting twinks to my guild on stormscale, but with it already having hundreds of people who do not twink me and some friends have decided to branch off and...
  13. Bestworld

    EU A 19 wargame initiative!

    Hello fellow 19s! Last week we had some 19 plebmades (wargames) going during regular weekdays! How about we start an initiative to try and have wargames every day (no matter the day of the week) at 8PM English servers realm time / GMT+1 / Paris time? Since sparetime during weekdays is scarce...
  14. Bestworld

    EU Horde 19 Plebmades/Wargames | Saturday, 2nd of June

    EU Horde wargames on the 2nd of June. Time -> 20:00/8PM GMT+1/Paris Time/English Servers Realm Time. Please make use of the following format when signing up: Preferred Character: Name: Class: Main-spec: Off-spec: Realm: Alt Character(s) (optional, post as many as you like): Name Class...
  15. Warlord Daboo

    EU+US Warlords of Warsong Daily Challenges

    Warlords of Warsong Daily Challenges Once a day, every member has a chance to win Gold and Event Coins for completing feats in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Eye of The Storm! This idea introduces more incentive to dominate Battlegrounds and at the same time requires Discord use to send...
  16. Hunnybuns

    EU+US 19 Twink Warsong Gulch Premade Commentary

  17. LennywBT

    US Lv 20 WSG 10v10 Saturday

    The 10v10 will happen this Sat at(08/04/2017) 7 PM EST. Format will be 1(fc)-3(heals)-6(DPS) Surv Hunters are banned. 1 of each spec. (2 of each class max) That with the exception of druids (3). 2 stealthies max(excluding FC). Maximum of 4 healers. Overpower is banned. Add LentjanPjeci#1543...
  18. Zuro

    EU SPC hosting casual wargames sunday 7pm

    20-29 on eu is boring lately, msg me if you want to join. need healers and FCs. Lewis#2352 wargames are 8pm not 7pm.
  19. Hobbes

    EU+US Biggest Noob U ever saw...

    was twinking on horde side when some genius from our team got da flag and somehow dropped it and kept running, greatest thing about it was when he said: "keep up with the damn flag carrier """"s and learn to play you f"cking Dumb as" b"tches"
  20. Jessesgf

    10-19 Death by Fashion - JessesGF 19 Rogue Guide

    Introduction: Erm, Hi… As most of you may know by now, I’m JessesGF. Often as i sit in Org or enter a game i get asked many questions, the most common being “Why assassination?” Or “What should i do when...?”. I’ve written this guide, along with the help of some of my friends from the twink...