
  1. Needing help twinking my lvl 101 char please

    Hello, I'm new in WoW. i bought some high-stat armors for my bot char but i realized the only ilvl i got is 750. I tried to look for other lvl 101 high stats gear, like chest, wrist, etc... but i could only see lvl 90 low stated gear. and i am a warlock so i can only equip clothes. I need at...
  2. EU Twisting nether Eu Level one twink guild.

    Hey, i know level one twinking is kinda dead, but i still want to try to get some more people in my twink guild :) any level 1 twink is welcome (Guild is in the realm called "Twisting Nether" Horde side) Just post below and we can figure something out!
  3. Samadius

    Where are the twink threads on the offical forums?

    Title says it all. I was just on the offical forums after a long break, the eu ones it is. And I didn't find a single thread from the past half year or so regarding twinking. Did we all just disapear from there? I remember that there always used to be at least 1-2 twink threads on the first page...
  4. EU+US Twinking a DK (101)

    Hey guys, I'm planning to twink a DK to farm Darkheart Thicket solo. I came here to get some advise from the community and want to ask if Blood or Frost is the better choice for this, considering how important leech is for each specialisation. Maybe there is some easier class to do this with...
  5. EU+US 19s Gone 20?

    Hello! I returned after a couple months break and was wondering if 19s bracket is still active? I have asked a couple of players but they are all saying different things. 19s players moved to the 20 bracket beacuse of F2P system. Twink players in general moved to a new twink private server...
  6. Noobiz

    EU+US 19's ADVICE.

    Hey, Looking to come back to the 19's bracket and maybe try out a few others soon. I've not really played since the expac came in due to university. I'm interested in any changes that i should be aware of? Here's a link to my 19...
  7. DeLindsay

    Get your Boons now before this is Nerfed!

    So on a hunch from a Guild Member I tried to "Enchant" one of the Boons through the Trade window like we used to do 'back in the day' with Enchanting and got the error "Must Enchant an item you own" or something to that effect. That got me wondering if BoA's would count so I tried it and it...
  8. Ranae

    US Ret vs Prot vs Holy

    I made a paladin twink, and I have no idea what spec to pick. What's currently good and fun to play rn?
  9. Sponsor

    10-19 Level 10 PvP Arms Warrior Guide

    UPDATED FOR PATCH 8.0 General Overview 0. Introduction 1. Play style 2. Races 3. Professions 4. Armor 5. Weapons 6. List of Armories 7. Conclusion 0. Introduction Based from my level 10 warrior's (Sponsor) personal set-ups and one of my outdated Arms Warrior guide, I will give general tips...
  10. DeLindsay

    The Art of Twinking

    So you have decided to delve into the shadowy world of Twinking and can't quite figure out where to go, whom to speak with or how to go about it. You my friend have come to the right place. Here at XPOff, of which many of us are also from TwinkInfo, we are World of Warcraft's dedicated Twinking...
  11. US <EVOLVE> [H] Emerald Dream-US legacy raiding guild

    Hello! <EVOLVE> is currently taking part in the wave of guilds doing legacy progression, starting at 60 and hoping to work from MC, well in Cata (and maybe beyond). Our goal is to do each raid, in order, at the appropriate level and gear. This means that we are not looking for a character that...
  12. Ancientturtle

    US We Were Prepared

    [We Were Prepared] is a level 70 alliance twink guild on the Kel'thuzad server. We are looking for more players to join us in our weekly wargames and 70 raids. There are always people on, and we usually have 10+ people on at a time during the weekends. We hope to see you over here! Just whisper...