
  1. Hunter twink

    Hi everyone, I want to become hunter twink on level 89 (i know it's not the best level :<), and i find build for hunter twink level 89 but it doesn't work. In this build player have some crazy bonuses but my stats are really bad in this set. I really dont know what to do, i look on another...
  2. Vergil

    EU WTS Level 19 epics EU Horde

    New to this community and I started farming epics all of these epics have been farmed within 48 hours of starting this Tuesday night. Let me know if there are any epics you want me to farm and on which realm. Currently selling on Tarren Mil/Dentarg Horde - Epic - Lvl 19 - Boulder Pads (x5) -...
  3. Diibzee

    Is this bracket really that expensive?

    Every armory I come across is BoE this BoE that, check on AH 50-200k an item... Can I not get away with gearing a twink in this bracket without farming out a bunch of BoE's or burning my bank?
  4. EU+US Epic items

    How some players can get so many epics at lv 20? Example:
  5. Diibzee

    Free level boost

    So i have a free level boost sitting around on my account from my original BFA purchase I am thinking of finally using. With that being the case what exactly are my choices here? I see 110 twinks, I see 111 twinks and I see 119 twinks.. I know the obvious answer of "well your base stats are...
  6. Diibzee

    World PvP?

    Do you guys ever take your twinks out for some world PvP? If so what levels do you normally take out and where do you head to? What faction are you and do you aim to find people in your level range or are you just out triggering lowbies?
  7. US Idea of lvl 1 twink

    i dont find a low lvl twink guide. Someone can help me with a lvl 1 twink? Its hard to equip almost bis?
  8. EU WTS Foamspittle staff lvl 20 epic (32 ilvl) Silvermoon-Ally

    WTS Foamspittle staff lvl 20 epic (32 ilvl) Silvermoon-Ally add battle tag Alexunder#1433
  9. EU Selling Twink Items

    I currently have an epic lvl 20 Foamspittle Staff and an epic lvl 20 Long Crawler Limb on EU-Silvermoon ally Also taking requests for gear lvl 19-20 on any realm/faction. Add Alexunder#1433
  10. EU Selling twink items

    I currently have an epic lvl 20 Foamspittle Staff and an epic lvl 20 Long Crawler Limb on EU-Silvermoon ally Also taking requests for gear lvl 19-20 on any realm/faction.
  11. Wildlands

    Taiwan Twink Server?

    Which server is the best for Twinking? Specifically F2P if that matters. Just made a Lvl 1 Alliance toon on all of the high pop realms to check Goldshire population. It's around 8PM realm time. Dead on all of em :'<
  12. Diibzee

    Trouble finding the right gems

    So I just got my Ret Pally to 79 and am going through the dungeon gear process for most of my items. With that being said I am struggling to find the right gems to do all of this. I played vanilla and BFA and that's about it, so I have close to 0 knowledge on gems besides certain ones can only...
  13. Diibzee

    Classic WoW plans?

    So I figured I'd start a general discussion thread getting everyones thoughts on some questions with classic approaching quicker and quicker! DISCLAIMER!!! This is all assuming blizzard doesn't fuck us over and shadow nerf twinking like they did recently in BFA... 1. Horde or alliance...
  14. Diibzee

    Warrior Helm help?

    I'm pretty much wondering what will have more value on my 49 arms/furry warrior between three helms. Steel Plate Helm - 23 armor + 22 str + 22 vers Compared to Helm of the executioner - 29 armor + 15 str + 22 stam + 8 crit + 11 haste...
  15. handsomedgc

    EU+US The basic tango - A F2P Discipline Priest guide

  16. Not Getting Any Queues With XP Off

    I am a lvl 29 twink with my XP turned off, but I never get any queues that pops. In fact I dont even get an estimated average wait time. I think there isn't enough lvl 20s with their XP turned off to form a BG. Is there a way I can keep my XP off, but still get queues?
  17. Diibzee

    49 Gear SPECIFIC

    So I can't seem to get this to work in any way, I have a 49 warrior I am gearing to twink with now atm. A couple items I need are green BoEs.. That being said all the greens dropping are level 41 for me that warrior and when I try and farm on my 56 pally everything dropping is 50-51 level...
  18. EU Q pops, where they at ?

    Hi everyone, thats my first post here:) So, last weekend my drunk a** came home and decided to log on my first twink i have ever made.. at 5 in the morning ..just to do some quests for soothsaying vest & sparkproof gloves .. aand well.. both came out in epic quality!:cool: Now that this char...
  19. NoxxicSham

    US NOXXIC TWINS - Tichondrius.

    Noxxic Twinks is a lvl 20 twink Horde guild on Tichondrius. We'll show you how to get into regular battle grounds as a twink and own the 20-29 bracket. We have all bank tabs with a stock of inventory to help you level up your professions so you can get the most out of your twink. If you're...
  20. Boarhide Leggings - Help

    Hi All, Saw a lvl 20 rogue with Epic Boarhide Leggings. Can someone please tell me where these drop as I can only find the green ones on wowhead. Thanks. Their armory -