
  1. EU+US Speed Twink Armory List (110/111)

    Hi all! I thought it might be nice to have like a 'master thread' of links to armories for speed toons in the bracket. There's a few different threads at the moment on this topic but not all that easy to research one class or one slot in particular for example. This should also give info on...
  2. Rahbek

    <Twinks Tea Club> Razorgore EU Recruiting! (Rahbek)

    Join our guild and be a part of our awesome upcomming events and premades! Where? Razorgore EU Guildmaster: Rahbek from YouTube / Mightybeast & Blizle.
  3. Austin

    Discord for all f2p twinks

    I want to bring the community together so I created a discord. Its for anything really but Id like to get bg groups going. Please join if interested:
  4. Vehexmence

    What rank did you achieve this week?

    Flex your honor tabs boys Let's see that redridge/duskwood life o_O
  5. Vehexmence

    [H] <Redridge Menace> Fairbanks Guild LFM

    The drums of war thunder once again.. During the First War, Warchief Blackhand led a small orc raiding party into the Redridge Mountains, seeking to claim Lakeshire as a Horde stronghold. Anduin Lothar led his knights down the slopes and ambushed the orcs and almost succeeded in defeating them...
  6. Eleannor

    Community for 15th Anniversary's Alterac Valley

    Starting next Tuesday (11/05/19), a special version of Alterac Valley will be available until the end of November(?). This time-limited battleground will be special because: Alterac Valley will be featured in its original state, when it was first release (most likely it will mean different NPC...
  7. WTS Pendulum of Doom! [Noggenfogger] [EU]

    Selling Pendulum of Doom on Noggenfogger EU - Taking offers. If someone wants to buy it today, 750g
  8. Ifi

    Frost or Fire Mage

    Currently making a 39 twink. Not sure if I should get gear for speccing frost or fire(wand in particular) I had 39 fire twink back in the day and loved it but I've grown a lot as a gamer since then. These days I think I'd prefer more control so I planned on going frost But... I just keep...
  9. Jh2125

    Why Twink the 49 Bracket?

    I want to start off by saying this is my opinion, and we all have our own. I will try to cue fact more than opinion, but of course some of these areas will still boil down to a person's perspective. So lets begin on why I believe the 49 bracket is the best bracket to twink. There...
  10. Jonnes

    US Did some testing with Lifestealing and Ele-Force

    I've been Level One Twinking forever (as those of you who know me know) and I've stockpiled lots of different enchants and loved being able to swap between them. I haven't tested too many things lately but with all the party sync gear excitement I decided to run some tests. Ele force used to...
  11. tomxoqt

    I have become enchanted with the idea of acquiring full Rank 10 set+dungeon pieces. Possible?

    Just imagine it, nearly everything unlocked and a 6-piece set bonus of gear that is widely regarded as superior to MC quality. Would be so fkn sick. Any of you old-bois done this in the olden days of yore? Anyone have a link for bis SP/frost mage twink sets at 59 in classic?
  12. Prolapse

    [H] Defilers - Arugal OCE

    Horde twink guild (mainly focused around 29 bracket) for the OCE region. Currently just a HUB to hold twinks and soon to be twinks whilst waiting for honor system/BG's Aiming to set up Redridge, Hillsbrad, Ashenvale and STV world pvp groups come Phase2/3. Have guild bank set up with daily...
  13. Vehemity

    EU: Legguards of the Vault

    Selling Legguards of the Vault on Pyrewood Village, EU. PM me
  14. WTS Scouting Gloves of Eagle 4/4 on Farelina server .

    Selling Scouting Gloves of the Eagle 4/4 , Farelina Server US Msg me on Thelastjedi or on here looking for 10g
  15. Jh2125

    [H] 49s Twink Guild <Forty Niners> Benediction PvP East Coast NA

    <Forty Niners> is our 49 Twink guild on the US PvP server Benediction; Horde side. We are openly looking to enjoy the 49 bracket with all whom are interested. Whether you wish to twink permanently, or just temporarily. Level of twinking is left to the player. No requirements. We will be hosting...
  16. Asrael

    Aternion 20 Twink Server (MOP)| PTR at 13.09.19 19:30 CEST.

    Welcome to Aternion 20 Twink Server! Patch: 5.4.8(real) Mists of Pandaria. After a long break I started working on this project again. At the moment I have only done Core and SQL work, no NPC's / Spawn's etc. yet. However a PTR is planned. This PTR will probably go...
  17. Diibzee

    Skycaller Wand?

    Does this have any value in the twink market? Also can we get a general list thread of twink BoEs to look out for or can I get to a link to an already current one? Happy vanilla days bois
  18. 69 Warrior BIS?

    Hey so I've decided to level my 60 warrior to 69 and I can't seem to find an up to date 69 BIS list ANYWHERE. Help me out fam!! My armory is I'm mainly arms cause it's big dick damage spec.
  19. Vergil

    EU All level 19/20 epics + Services Pale Skinner epic now SOLD

    With Classic around the corner and coming up to end of month during this weekend ALL epics in my possession will be subject to 30-50% off. Got around 50million golds worth of stock to sell on the following realms. -Argent Dawn -Tarren Mill -Stormscale -Ravencrest -Aggramar -Ragnaros -Silvermoon...
  20. Twink items for sale

    10 - 19 bracket: Long Crawler Limb (lvl 13, ilvl 25) Long Crawler Limb (lvl 19, ilvl 31) Slicer Blade (lvl 19, ilvl 31) Riverpaw mystic staff (lvl 19, ilvl 31) Hard Crawler Carapace (lvl 19, ilvl 31) 20 - 29 Bracket: Gutrender (lvl 29, ilvl 41) Bloodscalp Channeling Staff (lvl 29, ilvl 41)...