
  1. <Advanced Souls> Recruiting for 39, 49 & 59 Battlegrounds (Stormrage - Alliance)

    Hello Twinks! Come play... We are looking forward to full groups with the upcoming people... We offer help with gear and advice... (30's, 40's & 50's)!
  2. Rosaréa

    Which Gems are the best for a Level 20 in general?

    Hello there! As you read from the title, I have no idea on which gems I should be using for my warrior (level 20). I tried to buy a few from the AH, but they always scale down, (I haven't tried the super strong gems, but the ones that give me a reasonable stat, most of the time, will only give...
  3. Do we have to wait for TBC Timewalking rotation to farm for Level 11 Fury Warrior Plate drops?

    Hi! I'm brand new here. I made my Fury Warrior twink just today, and I can't stop playing! It's been really fun! I've seen that a lot of my best in slot gear comes from instances like Slave Pens and Underbog. We're currently in Cataclysm Timewalking rotation... maybe this is a stupid question...
  4. Asagi

    How can i help a friend to lv up as a twink ?

    I wanted to help a friend to lv up but heard about a debuff you get when teaming up with someone with exp off, but i also heard there are ways to dodge the debuff how can i do it ?
  5. Asagi

    Best trinkets for a fury warrior twink

    Hello guys, i am new here and i just started to gear my twink character, and wanted to know which are the best items for a fury warrior twink, i have seen some videos, but i would like hear what you have to share too i am looking for trinkets mainly...
  6. Locked XP cant join with non Locked XP?

    Hi All, Hope all are well. EDIT: **** Can still queue for TW, I kept joining and leaving till my full team ended up with the same queue pop, Still cant end up in same specific dungeon though **** Apologies if wrong place to post, I tied this morning to queue specific MoP dungeon with my Non...
  7. humantrafikr

    If you put rules and regulations on a twink or xpoff player whatever you wanna call it!

    you're a panzee and you don't belong in my games. if you think twinking is about fair games and equality. Leave my bracket. WGS that follow rules aren't twinks, they are straight wasting my time. Middle finger in your twink wanna be fudge pack. Ban me for ganking you as a 20.
  8. Need help with my 11 fury warrior I have a question about speed cap and what items I should prioritize and which ones I should switch out. Is speed capped at 49%? And does anybody know if the Pendulum of Doom on-hit works properly? Should I get Death Grips...
  9. Debating on leveling my 70 twink DK (Cataclysm)

    Hey everyone, I have a question that im struggling with internally. I have a level 70 twink death knight I made during WotLK Classic, and demolished level 80's during the time. I spent way too much gold, and lots of my time min-maxxing the absolute hell out of him. So i have some gear i worked...
  10. Survival twink 20 (link ur twink)

    Hai! Im new to twink, and want to try to make a surival twink, before i close my playtime and gear it up. I cant find any of the twink armorys in here, because the links are dead, or blizzard havent updated since weekly reset. Can someone link me theirs, or tell me what items to get? or...
  11. Are there rings with double socket????

    In my last BG I noticed that there was a priest with double-slotted rings, how do I get this type of item? I think the rings were from the Shadowlands expansion, but is there any chance that they will drop with a double slot?
  12. Boii

    Strength proc or haste proc?

    On my DK, in frost I am running flurry and truncheon. Crusader stacks, so it does give some juicy strength, but there is a rune for speed? Increases movement speed, and when you get a killing blow gives 10% haste and more speed, just wondering if i should run that and a crusader or keep the dual...
  13. Life


    GOLDEN TWINKIES LVL 30/35 RAIDING "Bringing back the Golden Era of Twinking" <Golden Twinkies> ensures all of our raids are friendly, encouraging, and focused on Teamwork to share in our accomplishments! Raids are our most popular events consistently gathering a full raid 2-3x a week! our...
  14. Level 69 with TW gear

    Level 69 with TW gear pretty op scaling
  15. Namexgaming

    Reliving the 80-84 OG Twink days on Classic - Pagle/Faerlina

    Good afternoon all! I know majority of us have been reminiscing on the OG Cataclysm and MoP days of the 80-84 bracket and even those currently enjoying 30-39s on retail! (or what's left that blizz hasn't completely taken over the past 10 years) Granted blizzard continues to do what they can on...
  16. TheDruidMan

    Shadowgrasp/Ooze Trinket explained

    hope this helps
  17. Huntw

    WTS Uldaman BoE EU

    req lvl 30) Energy Cloak 8 armor, 8 int, 11 stam, 11 vers Mostly noice for proc use: 25% mana (but 1 hour CD) + E.Z to get off A.H. tbh
  18. Insane pvp crits ! Zforgul Warrior 69 Classic WOTLK

    Insane pvp crits ! Zforgul Warrior 69 Classic WOTLK

    Insane twink crits in lvl 69 bgs during Wotlk Classic. #wow #videogames #twink #pvp #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #oneshot #warriors
  19. Rogue Chronicles: Flag Captures and FATAL Kills - Classic WOTLK

    Rogue Chronicles: Flag Captures and FATAL Kills - Classic WOTLK

    NEARLY Warsong Gulch Shenanigans :)79 Sub Rogue Twink PvPSPEC - -...
  20. NEARLY | Fire Mage PvP (Classic WOTLK)

    NEARLY | Fire Mage PvP (Classic WOTLK)

    79 Fire Mage PvP EU - PyrewoodVillageSPEC - - Visage Liquif...