
  1. How to A B test gear accurately

    What addon and process will give the clearest picture between gearset A and gearset B? I use Details! (basic) and I can see how many K damage I do per combat, but I want to know if I gem towards versatility on my 10 Mistweaver vs crit, what gets me better damage and survivability. Do I need to...
  2. Burnt out

    Yo! At the moment i have 19 different twinks, oldest since tbc. I have been playing retail non stop for ages and now burnout is creeping in bad. I want to do one more twink project, but cant make up my mind, so i need some help here. If not talking about level 11 or max level, what would you...
  3. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    Greetings everyone, I frequently receive inquiries regarding level 30 gameplay, spanning from technical and theorycrafting questions to complete class guides. In response, I have initiated the creation of a comprehensive resource, which I refer to as the "Super Document" for level 30. This...
  4. Nutsmite

    Azerite Gear (theorizing)

    Just to clarify, I know that currently there are no plans at all for twinks to have it aviable, I just want to make this threas in order to have some fun living in a bubble of possibilities. So, what do you think would happen if we were able to not only get azerite pieces but also unlock the...
  5. Meancritz

    Level 22 Dual Destiny Warrior?

    At level 22 you unlock rank 2 whirlwind which removes the rage cost and makes ww generate rage instead. I decided to test out how good a spin to win aoe warrior would be so I made and geared up this twink at lvl 22. So far he’s preforming very well and I think is far superior to my lvl 20 twink...
  6. DeLindsay

    Theorycrafting TBC Dungeon 4-set

    I'm looking at these from a Level 15's perspective but I'm curious of the 20 Communities' thoughts about the 4-set Bonus from these TBC Dungeon Sets: CLOTH: Mana-Etched Regalia (8 SP on Harmful Spells at 15, worst Bonus of the 4 Sets) LEATHER: Wastewalker Armor (15 Agi at 15) MAIL...
  7. Theory crafting hunter damage at 19

    Got a question for all you hunters. What percent of your overall damage in an average game comes from multishot? I know hunters get a lot of damage from their mana using abilities, I just want to know what the breakdown is like for an average game.
  8. Somfas

    General PRE SL Theorycrafting

    THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT BASED ON CURRENT NUMBERS. PLEASE USE CAUTION AND DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. I don't want someone to come nerdrage on the forums or in game or on my stream saying how I am totally stupid and ruined their toons by posting this. So please, don't make me punch myself in the...
  9. Wand Mechanics & Theorycrafting

    Hi everyone, I have a few questions about W A N D S in Classic WoW and was hoping to maybe get some answers or at least start a productive conversation about it. I have always loved wand spec, but there is still a lot about them I'm not perfectly clear on. The weird spell batching issues (and...
  10. KPI

    EU+US Theory Crafting BiS Feral Weapon.

    Was doing my dailies in Mechagon after obtaining After looking into it more the item itself does not have a scale by level filter on Wowhead, If this is obtainable on a level 19 Would it be BiS for a Feral Druid assuming they...
  11. Ado

    EU+US Frost-laced ammunition

    To preface this discussion, this was something that was brought up on Somfas' stream regarding an enchant called What this enchant does is that it sometimes deals a small amount of damage and slows the target by 20%, at max level. The...
  12. necroaqua

    How RPPM works

    Hey all, Theres a lot of conversations about procs when it comes to twinking. Which procs are great. Which procs suck. How often does something proc. What are the mechanics of it. So I want to go over the basic types of procs and how they work, with a focus on RPPM - as that is the most...